Complementary competence, Bachelor's
Complementary competence courses of Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management available 2025-2026 (Bachelor's)
Your Combo - Complementary competence courses of Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management available 2024-2025 (Bachelor's), Lahti and Lappeenranta
Your Combo - Complementary competence courses of Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management available 2023-2024 (Bachelor's), Lahti and Lappeenranta
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
1 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 90
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Ann-Mari Karvinen
LLABTO25-26EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2025-2026, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
LLPRHOMA23SBachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management 23S Lappeenranta
LLPRHOMA24SBachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management 24S Lappeenranta
LLPRHOMA25SBachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management 25S Lappeenranta
Student is able to:
• Pass test for the regulations concerning alcoholic beverages serving and retail sales in Finnish restaurants
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 14.10.2024
5 op
1 op
1 op
80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
20 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jonathan Bradshaw
- Sirpa Varajärvi
- Marja Viljanen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to
- read cases, solve cases and present solutions
- apply critical thinking skills to complex business problems
- develop skills to identify and evaluate key issues, generate and evaluate possible solutions to the problems, recommend solutions and communicate these in an effective manner
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact lectures
Case solving sessions
Individual assignments and group assignments
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
According to the course timetable.
Compulsory attendance during the lectures and case-solving sessions.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material from the Moodle learning platform &
material provided by the lecturer.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
There is no substitute work.
The Moodle learning platform
Classroom lectures and case-solving sessions.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
A student's estimated workload is 5 x 27 hours
consisting of:
- Contact lectures and case-solving sessions
- Individual reading tasks
- Different individual and group course assignments.
Estimated workload is the following:
- Contact lectures and workshops: 24 hrs
- Reading and preparation: 20-25 hrs
- Individual and group assignments: 40-45 hrs
- Case-solving preparations and case-solving sessions: 40-45 hrs
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- read cases, solve cases and present solutions
- apply critical thinking skills to complex business problems
- develop skills to identify and evaluate key issues, generate and evaluate possible solutions to the problems, recommend solutions and communicate these in an effective manner
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
The student has a good command of the course content.
The student can read cases, solve cases and present solutions.
The student can apply critical thinking skills, identify and evaluate key issues, generate and evaluate possible solutions to the problems, recommend solutions and communicate these in an effective manner
01.04.2025 - 30.04.2025
01.05.2025 - 31.07.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
0 - 100
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Sajal Kabiraj
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
01.05.2025 - 31.07.2025, 24X7 non-stop implementation.
1. There will be no online lectures. The lecture recordings are available on LAB Learn Moodle course page.
2. This is a 24X7 self-paced module. This means that you are welcome to start and finish the courses as per as your own convenience within the time frame.
The instructor would be happy to answer any queries throughout the course period. Participants are requested to email the instructor in case of any queries.
Variety of instructional tools would be an utilized. Lectures will be delivered using power point presentations and would be supplemented by case studies, videos and articles when necessary. You must keep a track of all the activities on the course.
Teaching and learning methods
Recorded class lectures, lecture notes, and case study are designed to achieve the course of objectives.
You should read the assigned course material, complete assignments on time, and do whatever it takes for you to grasp this material. Ask lots of questions.
You are responsible for all material covered in the course.
Please communicate any concerns or issues as soon by Email.
The web page is a primary communication vehicle. Lectures will be available on LAB Moodle. It will contain homework assignments, study guides, and important instructions.
The teaching and learning methods to support the strategy are woven to:
• Lectures (Recordings)
• Group work
• Presentations
• Examination
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
01.05.2025 - 31.07.2025, 24X7 non-stop implementation.
Since it is a 24X7 implementation, there are no contact hours.
3. There would be an introduction lecture at the beginning of the course on 02.05.2025, 17.00 - 18.00. You are welcome to attend the Introduction and orientation to the module: Friday 02 May 2025, 17.00-18.00 (Optional)
Join Zoom Meeting using the Meeting ID: 9688847767,
The recording of the meeting would be available on LAB Learn Moodle afterwards.
4. The instructor will organise regular coaching sessions for answering any queries related to the course or assignments. (Optional to attend) It is not compulsory to attend these coaching sessions. The coaching sessions will not be recorded.
Dates of Coaching Sessions:
Friday 16.05.2025, 17.00 - 18.00,
Friday 30.05.2025, 17.00 - 18.00,
Friday 13.06.2025, 17.00 - 18.00,
Friday 27.06.2025, 17.00 - 18.00,
Friday 11.07.2025, 17.00 - 18.00,
Friday 25.07.2025, 17.00 - 18.00.
Participants are requested to book any slot of 15 minutes on any of these dates convenient for them by emailing the instructor on:
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Readings will be handed out on LAB Learn Moodle.
Selected Texts/Journals:
Required Purchase:
Recommended Readings
1. China's Stockmarket: A Guide to its Progress, Players and Prospects
2. Carl E. Walter, Fraser J. T. Privatizing China: The Stock Markets and Role in Corporate Reform
3. Randall Peerenboom, China's Long March Toward Rule of Law
4. Yasheng Huang, FDI in China: An Asian Perspective
5. Kenneth Lieberthal, Governing China
6. Jung Chang, Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
7. Barry Naughton, Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978-1993
8. Nicholas R. China's Unfinished Economic Revolution
9. The China Dream: The Quest for the Last Great Untapped Market on Earth
10. Andrew J. Nathan, Bruce Gilley, China's New Rulers: The Secret Files
11. China's Motor: A Thousand Years of Petty Capitalism
12. Tim Crissold, Mr. China.
13. John Bryan Starr, Understanding China: A Guide to China's Economy, History, and Political Culture
14. James McGregor, One Billion Customers: Lessons from the Front Lines of Doing Business in China.
15. James Kynge, China Shakes the World: A Titan's Breakneck Rise and Troubled Future - and the Challenge for America
Background Reading
Students will be directed to specific academic journals during articles.
Recommended Periodicals and Newspapers
U.S. Department of State Countries –
CIA World FactBook
The Economist –
The Financial Times:
The New York Times -
Wall Street Journal –
Recommended Academic Journals
Harvard Business Review
Strategic Management Journal
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)
Participants would be allowed to retake the exam according to the LAB guidelines.
The course page is a primary communication vehicle. Lectures will be available on LAB Moodle. It will contain homework assignments, study guides, and important instructions.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Total work load is: 5 X 27 hours = 135 hours (1 ECTS = 27 hours)
The course of Business Environment in China further provides basic information of China, showing the students outline of China. The teacher will illustrate and exemplify the inner world of Chinese people and their perspectives, that the students will gain a deep understanding of China and Chinese people. These sessions will enable students to understand Chinese culture and how it affects social and business interactions. Some functional information will be given. For example, the students will learn how to prepare themselves for negotiations with the Chinese and understand the role of Guanxi and trust and how to be appreciated by traditional Chinese culture and hierarchy, and so on. This is a course of combining and theoretical practical knowledge. An important module for students in Finland that covers Chinese history of nearly 5,000 years, which focuses on dynasties. and is formed of three parts: Chinese culture, education, science and technology; folk customs; and tourism - the session aims to help better students live, work and study in China and mutual promotement communication. There will be a final exam (group assessment) consisting of a power point presentation and submission of report.
Business Environment in China
This course to aim:
1. Help the students get some basic information about China and Chinese culture.
2. Understand Chinese Political Economy and Economic Development of China.
3. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era
4. Understand Chinese Business Culture and Negotiations in China
5. Understand the role of Guanxi and networks of relationships in China at various levels
6. Lay a solid foundation for students to a further study of Chinese culture at a higher level.
7. Open a window through which the students can gain a deeper understanding of the true essence of Chinese culture and Chinese society.
8. Offer the students a better understanding of life in China and a different perspective of business in China.
9. Give the students some basic Chinese language skills, practical skills to succeed in China.
10. Discuss the impact of COVID-19 on foreign businesses in China and exports of Chinese companies.
This Business Environment in China section is divided into the following 6 parts:
1. Chinese Political Economy and Economic Development
The aim is to understand Chinese Political Economy and Economic Development of China. Two and half decades ago, Deng Xiaoping proclaimed that China would achieve its goal of modernization in three steps: The first step is to double China's GNP (gross national product) per capita in 1981-1990, the second step is to double China's GNP per capita again in 1991-2000, and the third step is to "approach the level of the developed countries" in the half of the first of the twenty-first century. At that time, most people, including many in China, believed that China would not succeed even in the first step as Deng planned.
Around the turn of the century, after China had succeeded in Deng's first and second steps ahead of schedule, Deng's successors developed his third step to a new three-step plan. The new first step is to double China's GDP per capita in 2001-2010, the new second step is to double China's GDP per capita in 2011-2020, and the new third step is to quadruple China's GDP per capita in 2021-2050.
2. Xi Thought
The goal of Chinese President Xi Jinping Thought is not to launch a cold war with the West, or to export China's political model. Rather, Xi wants to shore up the authority of the party-state – and his own brand of authoritarianism – within China, including by ensuring that China are not exposed to liberal-democratic ideas. Understanding this is vital to enable the world to engage effectively with an increasingly formidable China.
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era, commonly abbreviated as Xi Jinping Thought, is a set of policies and ideals from the Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping. It was first mentioned at the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which was incorporated into the Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party. At the First Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on 11 March 2018, the preamble of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China was amended to mention Xi Jinping Thought.
3. Chinese Business Culture and Negotiations
The Chinese place values and principles above money and expediency. The Chinese word for negotiation—tan pan—combines the characters meaning "to discuss" and "to judge." From a Chinese perspective, negotiation exists primarily as a mechanism for building trust so that two parties can work together for the benefit of both. The concept of negotiation hinges on creating a framework for long-term cooperation and problem-solving much more than on drafting a one-time agreement. Negotiation in China is viewed as an ongoing, dynamic process that considers practical matters and context. We will try to learn how strategic preparation and cultural awareness can sharpen the competitive edge for companies negotiating in China.
4. Guanxi
Guanxi means relationships. Relationships are extremely important in China. The importance of guanxi is relative and depends heavily on industry, geography or the nature of the business. Guanxi loosely translates as personal connections, relationships or social networks. It implies trust and mutual obligations between parties, and it operates on personal, familial, social, business and political levels. Having good, bad or no guanxi impacts one's influence and ability to get things done. Guanxi was more important in the past as businessmen/women could not rely as much on institutions. We will learn how Guanxi is an ingredient to business success, but varies by sector and even geography, consider guanxi on three levels: personal, corporate and governmental and try to understand and manage the downsides of guanxi.
5. Covid-19 and China
This section covers the general information and impact of COVID outbreaks on the ways and adaptability of conducting business in China across various sectors. It discusses the impact of COVID-19 on foreign businesses in China and exports of Chinese companies.
6. Learning Chinese language, Basics (Optional section, not used for grading and assessments)
(This section is optional and is offered through a self-learning mode with the help of podcasts.)
This section is for students who never learned Chinese before. The incorporate modules all four skills of language learning through a wide variety of activities, with an emphasis on spoken Chinese and vocabulary. Students will be able to read and write some Chinese characters and able to set out their ideas in simple Chinese. The section focuses on improving listening, speaking, reading and foundational grammar for complex sentence and short paragraph buildup.
This section is to:
A. Provide students with a solid foundation of basic grammatical structures of the war on target language to communicate effectively across the four key skills language (listing, speaking reading and writing) at an elementary level on a variety of general topics
b. Enable participants to give and understand information and to achieve a confident elementary level of communicative competences in everyday situations
c. Increase student's vocabulary.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) can be awarded for students who can demonstrate prior learning based on their experience or prior studies.
Business Environment in China is the first part course of the Doing Business with China Module. It is highly recommended that as a learner you complete all the three parts, so that you can develop a comprehensive understanding and gain a wealth of insight and practical advice on doing business in China and be prepared to successfully navigate the country's unique economic systems and communication and cultural styles. It is highly recommended that as a learner you complete all the three parts, so that you can develop a comprehensive understanding and gain a wealth of insight and practical advice on doing business with China and be prepared to successfully navigate the country's unique economic systems and communication and cultural styles. Thank you.
Part 1. Business Environment in China (5 credits)
Part 2: Market Entry in China (5 credits)
Part 3: China's Foreign Trade System (5 credits) Business Environment in China (5 credits)
This course explores doing business in the People's Republic of China. General themes of China's economic development will be examined, with emphasis on the opportunities and challenges faced by foreign investors and entrepreneurs in China. The course of Business Environment in China further provides basic information of China, showing the students the outline of China. The teacher will illustrate and exemplify the inner world of Chinese people and their perspectives, so that the students will gain a deep understanding of China and Chinese people. The course is designed to offer students some information about the essence of China and Chinese culture. Besides, some functional information will be given. For example, the students will learn how to prepare themselves for negotiations with the Chinese and understand the role of Guanxi and trust and how to appreciate traditional Chinese culture and hierarchy, and so on. This is a course combining theoretical and practical knowledge.
Assessment: Business Environment in China (5 credits)
ES1. Business Cultures assignment, Group assessment (100% weightage)
Rating scale
Hylätty (0)
Student does not submit the assignment (presentation slides and report)
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Satisfactory (1-2)
Evaluation criteria: 1-2
* student uses concepts and approaches systematically
* student can apply techniques and models that he/she has learnt
* student has gained some knowledge of the market and business climate in China and is able to identify and describe the latest developments in China.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Good (3-4)
Evaluation criteria: 3-4
* student uses concepts and approaches in an expert way
* student can select techniques and models that are suitable for the activity in question and justify his/her choices
* student can understand some of the cultural forces in China and is able to analyze the environment of international business in China from political, legal, cultural, and economic perspectives.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Excellent (5)
Evaluation criteria: 5
* student uses concepts and approaches expertly and extensively
* student can select, combine and develop techniques and models that are suitable for the activity in question
* student can act innovatively and understand how Guanxi is an ingredient to business success, but varies by sector and even geography, and consider guanxi on three levels: personal, corporate and governmental and try to understand and manage the downsides of guanxi.
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
10 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Petteri Markkanen
- Joanna Vihtonen
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
The student is able to:
- understand the possibilities of communication as a method of influencing
- make good use of communication in accordance with an organisation’s goals
- plan and produce tailored content for target groups
- use tools related to content creation
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 28.03.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Marianne Viinikainen
- Verkkoluento (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Verkkotentti (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento
- Verkkotentti
The student is able to
- classify cost and utilize cost accounting methods
- understand the benefits of different pricing methods and utilize cost data in pricing products and services
- provide cost and profitability analyses for management decision making
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
This is an online course. There will be 2-4 hour Zoom sessions on a weekly basis from week 3 to week 12. An online exam at the end (week 13). Zoom sessions include lectures, exercises and case assignments (individual and team work).
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course will run from January to March. Participation in the Zoom sessions is highly recommended - absence requires extra working on your own time. Zoom lectures are recorded.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material provided on the course Moodle site.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
The course is conducted only according to the presented model.
Real-life case assignments.
Exam retake possibility on week 16 and week 19.
Learning environment is Moodle. Classes are run in Zoom.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
This is a five-credit course, equivalent to 135 hours of student work.
The course contents is as follows:
- CVP and variance analysis,
- cost concepts and classification,
- traditional and ABC cost accounting methods,
- pricing.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Basic knowledge of accounting is recommended.
Evaluation is based on exam and assignments. The course is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5. You can get a total of 100 points from the course. In order to receive an approved grade for a course, you must a) receive 45% of the total points, ie a minimum of 45/100 points, and b) must pass the course exam satisfactorily. The grade for the course is calculated as follows: returned assignments 40% and exam 60%. The course exam and grade are calculated according to the following scoring:
grade 5: 100,0-90,0 points
grade 4: 89,9-78,0 points
grade 3: 77,9-65,0 points
grade 2: 64,9-55,0 points
grade 1: 54,9-45,0 points
Hylätty (0)
Rejected (fail) grade is given when the student has not achieved the learning objectives of the course. Student does not understand the essentials of Cost Accounting, is not able to show any learning outcomes in the exam and assignments.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Grade1. Student understands the essentials of Cost Accounting, is able to show some learning outcomes in the exam and assignments. Student is able to use some professional concepts consistently. Student needs support in completing the assignments.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Grade 3. Student has good knowledge about the basic concepts of Cost Accounting, is able to show good learning outcomes in the exam and assignments. Student uses professional concepts fluently and extensively. Student still requires a little support in doing the assignments.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Grade 5. Student has excellent knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of Cost Accounting, is able to show excellent learning outcomes in the exam and assignments. Student can independently acquire new knowledge and use professional concepts expertly. Student performs the tasks independently.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
23.09.2024 - 31.01.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Suomi
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jaani Väisänen
- Petteri Markkanen
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 18.05.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Emmi Maijanen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Itsenäinen 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Seminaari 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Opintokäynti/ekskursio 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
- Itsenäinen 1
- Seminaari 1
- Opintokäynti/ekskursio 1
The student is able to
- describe the customer experience framework
- search for reliable information about established procedures and tools, which can be used for customer experience management and development
- select appropriate procedures for the description and development of customer experience
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
The course has lectures, an excursion with observation, UX testing in the UX Lab, writing an individual learning essay, and final seminar.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Course starts on March and ends at the end of the April.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material given by the teacher.
Real-life business case and a visitor in the lectures.
Campus, UX Lab and excursion.
Customer experience pyramid: action, emotion, and meaning, both offline- and online environment.
Concepts, case examples, framework, and tools.
B2B perspective and taking care of customer relationships.
Customer experience linked to marketing communication and sales.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Customer relations and marketing -course.
The course is meant for 2nd and 3rd-year students, but also 1st-year students with working life experience or previous business studies can participate.
Reflection essay
Customer experience analysis reports for a business partner (group)
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
15.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jaani Väisänen
- Verkkoluento (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Tentti 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLABTOITTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK), Liiketoimintayksikkö, Tietojenkäsittely
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento
- Tentti 1
The student can:
- describe the steps of the data analytics process and understand the role of data analytics in modern business
- combine information sources of different content and different forms into usable data matrices
- use tools in gathering, describing, and visualizing various types of information
- produce and interpret key statistical measures and figures
- construct a simple predictive model using machine learning methods and evaluate its quality
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Kurssilla on verkkoluentoja ja itseopiskelumateriaalia. Opiskelijat tekevät kurssin aiheisiin liittyviä tehtäviä ja verkkokokeen.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
12.9.- 17.11.2024. Verkkoluennot to 12.9.2024, pe 20.9.2024, to 26.9.2024, to 3.10.2024, to 17.10.2024. Verkkokoe to 31.10.2024. Lopullinen tehtävän määräaika su 17.11.2024. Läsnäolo ei pakollista mutta suotavaa. Ei korvaavia tehtäviä tai henkilökohtaista ohjausta puuttuvien luentojen osalta.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Luento- ja itseopiskelumateriaali. Muut opettajan osoittamat materiaalit.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Kurssi suoritetaan vain esitetyn mallin mukaan
Kurssin harjoitustyö on mahdollista suorittaa esim. omalla työpaikalla tai omassa yrityksessä.
Tentti viimeisten luentojen jälkeen. Kaksi uusintatenttiä erikseen ilmoitettuina ajankohtina. Harjoitustyö on oltava suoritettuna.
Opiskelu tapahtuu verkossa. Kurssimateriaali, tiedotus, harjoitustöiden palautus ja tentti moodlessa. Luennot nauhoitetaan.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Kurssi on 5op = 135 tuntia.
Lähiopetus 20 tuntia
Itsenäinen opiskelu 30 tuntia
Harjoitustyö 58 tuntia
Tenttiin valmistautuminen 25 tuntia
Tentti 2 tuntia
Johdatus aiheeseen, työnkuvaukset, prosessinkulku, työkalut
Datan valmistelu ja hankinta, feature selection, datan puhdistus
Kuvaava data-analytiikka
Kuvailevat analytiikkamenetelmät, visualisointitekniikat, jakaumateorian perusteet, hypoteesien testaus
Mallintamisen perusteet, ennustaminen ja luokittelu, k-kertainen ristiinvalidointi, mallin hyvyyden estimointi
Harjoitustyö hyväksytty/hylätty
Hylätty (0)
Hylätty arvosana annetaan, kun opiskelija ei ole saavuttanut kurssin oppimistavoitteita. Opiskelija ei ymmärrä data-analytiikan peruskäsitteistöä eikä pysty näyttämään kokeessa ja tehtävissä aiheeseen liittyviä oppimistuloksia.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Opiskelija osaa muotoilla data-analytiikkaongelman konkreettiseksi suunnitelmaksi
Opiskelija osaa hakea dataa ja tehdä järkevän feature selection -toimen
Opiskelija osaa tuottaa data-analytiikkaongelmaan liittyviä visualisointeja
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Opiskelija osaa muotoilla data-analytiikkaongelman konkreettiseksi suunnitelmaksi ja toteuttaa sen
Opiskelija osaa hakea dataa ja suorittaa järkevän feature selection -toimen sekä suorittaa onnistuneen tiedon puhdistamisen ja yhdistämisen
Opiskelija osaa tuottaa data-analytiikkaongelmaan liittyviä visualisointeja ja höystää niitä yksinkertaisella testauksella
Opiskelija osaa tuottaa perusmallinnoksen datalle
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Opiskelija osaa muotoilla data-analytiikkaongelman konkreettiseksi suunnitelmaksi ja toteuttaa sen
Opiskelija osaa hakea dataa ja suorittaa järkevän feature selection -toimen sekä suorittaa onnistuneen tiedon puhdistamisen ja yhdistämisen
Opiskelija osaa tuottaa data-analytiikkaongelmaan liittyviä visualisointeja ja höystää niitä yksinkertaisella testauksella
Opiskelija osaa tuottaa mallinnoksen datalle sekä testata sitä ja arvioida sen hyvyyttä
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
30.09.2024 - 29.11.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 100
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Vesa Alatalo
- Jaana Tanhuanpää
- Itsenäinen opiskelu verkossa (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO23-24EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2023-2024, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLABTOITTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK), Liiketoimintayksikkö, Tietojenkäsittely
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Itsenäinen opiskelu verkossa
- Verkkoluento 1
The student is able to
- find solutions to business data management, data storages and data sharing in various platforms
- work in the process to model an Entity Relationship diagram
- use data management system services and understands their purpose of use
- master relational database concepts and design
- use basic Structural Query Language, SQL commands
- create a simple relational database based on specified requirements
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Join this course to learn more about data management, business intelligence, and relational database management. The course has 3 online lectures. Students complete most of the course independently on the Moodle learning platform.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course starts at the end of September and ends in November 2024. During this time, students participate in 3 online lectures. The rest of the time, the student studies independently according to his/her own schedule.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material is given on Moodle learning platform + course book. In addition, students are supposed to search for information individually from different sources.
Course book:
It's All Analytics: The Foundations of Al, Big Data and Data Science Landscape for Professionals in Healthcare, Business, and Government
Burk, Scott ; Miner, Gary D. 2020
Available from LAB Primo:
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Examples from real working life are given.
Moodle e-learning platform.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The 5 ECTS course requires about 130 hours of work.
Relational database management system concepts and relational database structure. Overview of NoSQL databases. Data warehousing alternative technologies.
Structural Query Language (SQL) fundamentals. SQL commands to create, read, update, and delete data (CRUD). Focus on querying data for your specified needs from a relational database. SQL SELECT statement in detail.
Basics of knowledge management.
Business intelligence, data analytics, and AI.
The course is graded on an approved/failed basis. A minimum of 50% of the maximum points needed for an approved task/exercise/test.
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
Minimum of 50% of maximum points needed for an approved task/exercise/test.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Reko Juntto
- Jaana Tanhuanpää
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
The student is able to
- find solutions to business data management, data storages and data sharing in various platforms
- work in the process to model an Entity Relationship diagram
- use data management system services and understands their purpose of use
- master relational database concepts and design
- use basic Structural Query Language, SQL commands
- create a simple relational database based on specified requirements
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Join this online course to learn more about data management, business intelligence, and relational database management. Students complete most of the course independently on the Moodle learning platform.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The online course starts ... and ends 2025. During this time, the student studies in Moodle eLearning platform independently according to his/her own schedule.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material is given on Moodle learning platform + course book. In addition, students are supposed to search for information individually from different sources.
Course book:
It's All Analytics: The Foundations of Al, Big Data and Data Science Landscape for Professionals in Healthcare, Business, and Government
Burk, Scott ; Miner, Gary D. 2020
Available from LAB Primo:
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Examples from real working life are given.
Moodle e-learning platform.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The 5 ECTS course requires about 130 hours of work.
Relational database management system concepts and relational database structure. Overview of NoSQL databases. Data warehousing alternative technologies.
Structural Query Language (SQL) fundamentals. SQL commands to create, read, update, and delete data (CRUD). Focus on querying data for your specified needs from a relational database. SQL SELECT statement in detail.
Basics of knowledge management.
Business intelligence, data analytics, and AI.
The course is graded on an approved/failed basis. A minimum of 50% of the maximum points needed for an approved task/exercise/test.
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
Minimum of 50% of maximum points needed for an approved task/exercise/test.
06.05.2024 - 06.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
4 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Ilkka Lehtola
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 50. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX24KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
Student knows Finland´s tourism regions and most important attractions on tourism. Student is familiar with the countries and regions of incoming tourists, profiles of the tourists and is capable of planning a customer-oriented round trip. Student is able to provide facts and statistics about Finland and knows how to describe special features of Finland's tourism and culture to foreigners.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Lectures, case studies (exercises and assignment)
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Course implementation during weeks 37 - 41. Course kick-off during week 37.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
To be published in the beginning of the course, available on moodle platform
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Lectures, case-studies: exercises and assignment, individual distant learning
The country brand of Finland with the basic facts of history, society and culture. Concept of travel customer journey from the idea, through travel experience to post purchase experience. Motivations and preferences of international tourist to visit Finland. Drawing power, destinations and attraction in Finland. Consumer behaviour of tourists on Finnish main markets, with customer segments and define potential travelers to Finland
Passed exercises and assignment
Hylätty (0)
Content and structure for the report has not been followed. Introduction does not show aims for the assignment, neither introduction of the area current facts, or travelers´ profile and if shown is not clearly integrated to target group description. Content of the program weakly planned , hardly realistic and not customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group is not clearly integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing the concept for the program as mostly insufficient. The student should find the largest starting areas in the given study material, as well as more precise segments coming to Finland (region, age, profession, etc.), as well as the most popular high season times. In addition, the student demonstrates in the assignment that he or she understands the significance of the location of the starting area for the choice of vehicle. In addition, the student shows that he / she is familiar with various travel options in terms of tour operator, route and price.The student is able to produce a reliable customer journey description of the whole trip - with aftercare.
If Calculations are done, they don´t show exact and detailed expenses neither contribute to total expenses on decided budget. Conclusions does not or hardly evaluates the content, learning outcomes and challenges. Sources were not reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Content and structure for the report has been followed and displayed partly and shows some deficiencies and irrational orders. Introduction shows hardly aims for the assignment, gives minor introduction of the area and introduces some current facts, partly travelers´ profile which is not clearly integrated to target group description. Content of the program is partly well planned , somehow realistic and customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group are not clearly integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing the concept for the program as insufficient. The customer map is sandy and the characteristics of the starting areas have not been properly familiar with. The selected route and schedule are poorly planned. The price level of the trip is too high / too low for the selected segment. The student has not considered the purchasing power of citizens in the field of origin in Finland. Calculations are done, but don´t show exact and detailed expenses neither contribute to total expenses on decided budget. Conclusions somehow/partly made and explains some of the evaluation of the content, learning outcomes and challenges. Few sources were reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Content and structure for the report has been followed and displayed mainly
Introduction show some aims for the assignment, gives basic introduction of the area and introduces current facts, shows travelers´ profile which is integrated to target group description. Content of the program shows mostly well planned , is mainly realistic and customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group are somehow integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing the concept for the program. The student should find the largest starting areas in the given study material, as well as more precise segments coming to Finland (region, age, profession, etc.), as well as the most popular high season times. In addition, the student demonstrates in the assignment that he or she understands the significance of the location of the starting area for the choice of vehicle. In addition, the student shows that he / she is familiar with various travel options in terms of tour operator, route and price.The student is able to produce a reliable customer journey description of the whole trip - with aftercare.Both calculations are done and shows mostly exact and detailed expenses and contributes to total expenses on decided budget
Conclusions are made and explains the evaluation of the content, learning outcomes and challenges. Most of the sources were reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Content and structure for the report has been followed carefully and displayed distinctly
Introduction show clearly aims for the assignment, gives detailed introduction of the area and introduces current facts, shows detailed travelers´ profile which is credibly integrated to target group description. Content of the program shows well planned , is realistic and customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group are integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing balanced concept for the program. The student has become thoroughly acquainted with one of the largest areas of origin, and he has found a customer segment there that is of interest to one of Finland's attractions. The student is able to present logical and reliable arguments as to why and how customers come to Finland. The student has understood that in tourism, distance is measured in hours not in kilometers. He has found a route by which tourists can get to Finland and back in a reasonable time in relation to the assignment. Student also understand the rate of the tour in in balance with the capital what the tourists have.Both calculations are realistic and shows exact and detailed expenses and contributes to total expenses on decided budget. Conclusions are carefully made and explains clearly evaluation of the content learning outcomes, and challenges. Sources were reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 21.02.2025
4 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Ilkka Lehtola
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 50. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLPRHOMA24SBachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management 24S Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
Student knows Finland´s tourism regions and most important attractions on tourism. Student is familiar with the countries and regions of incoming tourists, profiles of the tourists and is capable of planning a customer-oriented round trip. Student is able to provide facts and statistics about Finland and knows how to describe special features of Finland's tourism and culture to foreigners.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Lectures, case studies (exercises and assignment)
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Course kick-off during week 3 - Course implementation during weeks 3-8.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
To be published in the beginning of the course, available on moodle platform
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Lectures, case-studies: exercises and assignment, individual distant learning
The country brand of Finland with the basic facts of history, society and culture. Concept of travel customer journey from the idea, through travel experience to post purchase experience. Motivations and preferences of international tourist to visit Finland. Drawing power, destinations and attraction in Finland. Consumer behaviour of tourists on Finnish main markets, with customer segments and define potential travelers to Finland
Passed exercises and assignment
Hylätty (0)
Content and structure for the report has not been followed. Introduction does not show aims for the assignment, neither introduction of the area current facts, or travelers´ profile and if shown is not clearly integrated to target group description. Content of the program weakly planned , hardly realistic and not customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group is not clearly integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing the concept for the program as mostly insufficient. The student should find the largest starting areas in the given study material, as well as more precise segments coming to Finland (region, age, profession, etc.), as well as the most popular high season times. In addition, the student demonstrates in the assignment that he or she understands the significance of the location of the starting area for the choice of vehicle. In addition, the student shows that he / she is familiar with various travel options in terms of tour operator, route and price.The student is able to produce a reliable customer journey description of the whole trip - with aftercare.
If Calculations are done, they don´t show exact and detailed expenses neither contribute to total expenses on decided budget. Conclusions does not or hardly evaluates the content, learning outcomes and challenges. Sources were not reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Content and structure for the report has been followed and displayed partly and shows some deficiencies and irrational orders. Introduction shows hardly aims for the assignment, gives minor introduction of the area and introduces some current facts, partly travelers´ profile which is not clearly integrated to target group description. Content of the program is partly well planned , somehow realistic and customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group are not clearly integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing the concept for the program as insufficient. The customer map is sandy and the characteristics of the starting areas have not been properly familiar with. The selected route and schedule are poorly planned. The price level of the trip is too high / too low for the selected segment. The student has not considered the purchasing power of citizens in the field of origin in Finland. Calculations are done, but don´t show exact and detailed expenses neither contribute to total expenses on decided budget. Conclusions somehow/partly made and explains some of the evaluation of the content, learning outcomes and challenges. Few sources were reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Content and structure for the report has been followed and displayed mainly
Introduction show some aims for the assignment, gives basic introduction of the area and introduces current facts, shows travelers´ profile which is integrated to target group description. Content of the program shows mostly well planned , is mainly realistic and customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group are somehow integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing the concept for the program. The student should find the largest starting areas in the given study material, as well as more precise segments coming to Finland (region, age, profession, etc.), as well as the most popular high season times. In addition, the student demonstrates in the assignment that he or she understands the significance of the location of the starting area for the choice of vehicle. In addition, the student shows that he / she is familiar with various travel options in terms of tour operator, route and price.The student is able to produce a reliable customer journey description of the whole trip - with aftercare.Both calculations are done and shows mostly exact and detailed expenses and contributes to total expenses on decided budget
Conclusions are made and explains the evaluation of the content, learning outcomes and challenges. Most of the sources were reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Content and structure for the report has been followed carefully and displayed distinctly
Introduction show clearly aims for the assignment, gives detailed introduction of the area and introduces current facts, shows detailed travelers´ profile which is credibly integrated to target group description. Content of the program shows well planned , is realistic and customer oriented. Travelers´ profile and target group are integrated to route, destinations, activities and schedule showing balanced concept for the program. The student has become thoroughly acquainted with one of the largest areas of origin, and he has found a customer segment there that is of interest to one of Finland's attractions. The student is able to present logical and reliable arguments as to why and how customers come to Finland. The student has understood that in tourism, distance is measured in hours not in kilometers. He has found a route by which tourists can get to Finland and back in a reasonable time in relation to the assignment. Student also understand the rate of the tour in in balance with the capital what the tourists have.Both calculations are realistic and shows exact and detailed expenses and contributes to total expenses on decided budget. Conclusions are carefully made and explains clearly evaluation of the content learning outcomes, and challenges. Sources were reliable and rich for the quantity with academic or professional sources and current articles from respected/authorized publications.
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
10 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Markus Hämynen
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
The student is able to:
- define the basic concepts of digital marketing
- analyse companies’ digital operating environment and create a target group orientated digital marketing plan
- explain the impact of a digital marketing strategy on companies’ success
- apply social media as a strategic and tactical tool for various marketing purposes
- measure and analyse digital marketing
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
10.02.2025 - 25.05.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Kati Jaakkola
- Markus Hämynen
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
TLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tekniikka, Lahti
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
TLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietotekniikka, Lahti
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
MLTIEX25KSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, muotoilu, Lahti
LLABTOLOTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK), Liiketoimintayksikkö, Logistiikka
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
Student is able to
- describe online order-delivery process
- recognize e-commerce distribution channels and warehousing models
- recognize the benefits of last-mile thinking
- recognize and compare different consumer delivery options
- recognize best online business operators in the field and their competitive advantages
- name latest trends and technologies connected to e-commerce
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Discover E-commerce business models, learn about sustainable supply chain management, cutting-edge technology, and strategies to enhance customer experience. Gain practical insights into the challenges and solutions of last-mile delivery. Equip yourself with the knowledge to excel in the dynamic world of online retail logistics.
No exam. It is essential to submit assignments consistently and on time throughout the course. Regular submissions ensure that you stay on track with the course schedule and can effectively utilize feedback to support your learning process.
The deadlines for the course assignments will be published in Moodle at the beginning of the course.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Compulsory online orientation in Zoom 13.2.2025 from 17:00 until 19:00.
Throughout the course, it is important to follow the set deadlines. Timely completion of assignments ensures your progress, and missing these deadlines may unfortunately prevent you from continuing with the course. Staying on track is key to your success.
The deadlines for the course assignments will be published in Moodle at the beginning of the course.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Materials from lectures will be provided to Moodle.
All assignments are compulsory to pass the course.
Assignments are individual work.
Moodle, Zoom, time to study on your own.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
1 ECTS requires about 27 hours of student work (5 ECTS = 135h)
This course covers key themes in e-commerce logistics and operations. Topics include various e-commerce business models and an overview of supply chain management, with a focus on last-mile delivery and sustainability. Students will also explore technology in e-commerce logistics, examining current trends and innovations. Additionally, the course focuses on customer experience, data utilization, and the role of AI in forecasting and improving operational efficiency.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Interest in E-Commerce, Supply Chains, and Customer Experience.
Individual assignments will be graded either pass/fail or with points, the final grade will be from 0 to 5.
Hylätty (0)
Assignments are not submitted and/or course requirements are not met.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
After completing the course students will be able to explain E-commerce logistics processes and have basic knowledge in the field of E-commerce logistics.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
After completing the course students will be able to define E-commerce logistics processes. They will apply key concepts within a business context, utilize technology to handle operations and enhance customer experience through last-mile delivery.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
After completing the course students will be able to define and manage E-commerce logistics processes. They will apply key concepts within a business context, utilize technology to optimize operations and enhance customer experience through effective last-mile delivery.
15.11.2024 - 22.11.2024
02.09.2024 - 04.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 700
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Sampo Kokkonen
TLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
MLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
HLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
The student is able to
- understand the importance of marketing in a company's business
- identify customer-oriented business.
- determine the key concepts of marketing and customer-oriented business
- identify the phases of a marketing and sales process
- understand the importance of brand building and its role in business
- become aware of the segmentation process and its benefits
- understand the key concepts of digital marketing
- recognize customer needs and understand their significance for the success of a company
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
• The course is 100% online. The course may otherwise be completed entirely on your own schedule, but all learning assignments must be completed by the end of the course.
Course materials: video lectures, course book & course material to be distributed separately, online exams, individual assignments and essays.
Implementation on the MOOC platform:
Once you have enrolled for the course, please register on the MOOC platform and you can start completing the course according to your own schedule.
(Please note that simply registering on the MOOC platform is not enough, in order to receive course credit, you must be enrolled in the course via CampusOnline, LAB Open UAS or LAB Peppi).
NOTE! This course is intended for other students than LAB business students. (The course has the same content as Customer Relations and Marketing, which is a compulsory core course for LAB business students. Two courses with the same content cannot be included in a degree.)
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Timing according to the MOOC website. The course opens on September 2nd 2024 and is due for completion by Decamber 4th 2024.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
• Task-specific materials distributed separately in Moodle
• Video lectures
• Course book
The course on the basic concepts and fundamentals of marketing has been co-produced by several marketing teachers, using other marketing experts as specialists, so you are sure to get a comprehensive and varied introduction to the secrets of marketing basics.
The topics covered in this course include:
What is marketing, buying and consumption behaviour, competitors, partners and business environments, segmentation and targeting, brands and branding, marketing mix, online/digital marketing, customer service and sales.
To complete the course, all sections must be passed by the end of the course.
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
Pass: the learning is dealt with from a professionally challenging perspective. Insights are linked to personal experiences or theories learned. The student is able to summarise the topic. Key concepts are presented with sufficient clarity. The tasks are mainly logical and the relationships between them are described.
Fail: Not all parts of the course have been passed or not all tasks have been completed in accordance with the course timetable.
20.11.2024 - 13.04.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.04.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 700
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Sampo Kokkonen
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö / Ripa (Koko: 40. Avoin AMK: 40.)
TLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
MLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
HLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö / Ripa
The student is able to
- understand the importance of marketing in a company's business
- identify customer-oriented business.
- determine the key concepts of marketing and customer-oriented business
- identify the phases of a marketing and sales process
- understand the importance of brand building and its role in business
- become aware of the segmentation process and its benefits
- understand the key concepts of digital marketing
- recognize customer needs and understand their significance for the success of a company
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
• The course is 100% online. The course may otherwise be completed entirely on your own schedule, but all learning assignments must be completed by the end of the course.
Course materials: video lectures, course book & course material to be distributed separately, online exams, individual assignments and essays.
Implementation on the MOOC platform:
Once you have enrolled for the course, please register on the MOOC platform and you can start completing the course according to your own schedule.
(Please note that simply registering on the MOOC platform is not enough, in order to receive course credit, you must be enrolled in the course via CampusOnline, LAB Open UAS or LAB Peppi).
NOTE! This course is intended for other students than LAB business students. (The course has the same content as Customer Relations and Marketing, which is a compulsory core course for LAB business students. Two courses with the same content cannot be included in a degree.)
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Timing according to the MOOC website. The course opens on January 7th 2025 and is due for completion by April 23th 2025.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
• Task-specific materials distributed separately in Moodle
• Video lectures
• Course book
The course on the basic concepts and fundamentals of marketing has been co-produced by several marketing teachers, using other marketing experts as specialists, so you are sure to get a comprehensive and varied introduction to the secrets of marketing basics.
The topics covered in this course include:
What is marketing, buying and consumption behaviour, competitors, partners and business environments, segmentation and targeting, brands and branding, marketing mix, online/digital marketing, customer service and sales.
To complete the course, all sections must be passed by the end of the course.
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
Pass: the learning is dealt with from a professionally challenging perspective. Insights are linked to personal experiences or theories learned. The student is able to summarise the topic. Key concepts are presented with sufficient clarity. The tasks are mainly logical and the relationships between them are described.
Fail: Not all parts of the course have been passed or not all tasks have been completed in accordance with the course timetable.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Ullamari Tuominen
- Anni Rikkonen
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
Student is able to
- describe the principles of integrated enterprise resource planning system (ERP)
- use SAP S / 4 HANA - ERP system to manage company's order-delivery process and internal accounting as well as human resource management
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Students practice and use the SAP S/4 HANA ERP system’s Global Bike Inc learning environment independently online, with the support of available instructions and online guidance.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course is conducted online and independently. The course includes 7 online clinics at scheduled times (refer toTimEdit for detailes). A separate preliminary assignment is due in week 10. In week 11, there is a mandatory orientation online lecture, which will be recorded. Optional online clinics is available from week 12 to week 17.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
SAP S/4 HANA Global Bike Inc. materials in Moodle-platform.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
If you have prior experience with the SAP S/4HANA ERP system, you may also complete tasks independently with the supervisors’ approval.
In the course, students work using the SAP S/4HANA ERP system in the Global Bike Inc learning environment.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Training sessions 25%, independent work 75%.
The course covers the principles of an integrated SAP S/4HANA ERP system through detailed exercises and case studies in SD (Sales and Distribution), MM (Material Management), FI (Finance), CO (Controlling), and HCM (Human Capital Management).
SAP S/4HANA ERP Case studies, online exams and Learning Snacks -assignments.
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
Student understands the basic principles of ERP and is able to use SAP S/4 Hana.
18.11.2024 - 30.11.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
2 op
2 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 500
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Sanna Kokkonen
TLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
MLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
HLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
Student is able to
- understand entrepreneurship through personal development
- find and utilize different customer oriented business opportunities.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study and it is NOT intended for LAB business students.
This course implementation will be entirely online. You can HopOn at any time during the course and proceed at your own pace.
There is no exam for this course. Instead, it contains online assigments forming a two (2) credits set. The assignments will be done individually and returned to the Moodle platform. They are evaluated once a month. When you return an assignment by the end of the month, it will be reviewed by the 15th of the next month (excluding holidays).
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course is implemented entirely as an online course (HopOn). You can sign on at any time until 30 April 2025 and complete the course at any time between 1 September 2024 and 31 May 2025. The course does not require presence on campus.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
To be given on Moodle.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
According to the valid LAB Degree Rules
Moodle platform.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
1 credit = 27 hours
2 credits = 54 hours
Understanding entrepreneurship as a career option vs. employment.
Prerequisites and requirements for entrepreneurship.
Testing and analyzing one's own entrepreneurial qualities.
Prerequisites for starting a company: the path from innovation into a business idea.
Planning the practical steps for starting a company, such as
- conditions for profitability
- identifying risks and managing them
- considering revenue streams and the cost structure
- increasing awareness through marketing
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
The course is suitable for everyone, regardless of previous studies and experience.
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study and it is NOT intended for LAB business students.
The individual assignments and the whole course is evaluated by pass/fail.
Completing the course requires that all the assignments have been completed and approved.
Hylätty (0)
The assignments have not been completed according to the instructions and within the given time frame
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student
* understands the steps related to the process of establishing a company
* to some extent, is able to analyze company functions and their own entrepreneurial qualities
Evaluation criteria: level 5 (evaluation scale 1-5)
In Finnish
5: The student can analyze proposals for company processes with the best possible problem point and with a good vision to present suggestions for improvement in their own task solutions
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student
* has a good understanding of the steps related to the process of establishing a company
* knows how to correctly analyze company functions and their own entrepreneurial qualities
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student
* is able to analyze typical challenges related to the process of newly established companies
* is able to present suggestions for improving the challenges
01.04.2024 - 28.02.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
10 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Mika Tonder
- Outi Katajamäki
- Tuula Hämäläinen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Harjoitukset 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
- Harjoitukset 1
Opiskelija tunnistaa osaamisensa yrittäjyyskompetensseista, ja osaa käyttää yrittäjyystaitojaan. Opiskelija kerää kokemusta viestintä- ja organisointiosaamisista, joita tarvitaan tiimi- ja projektityöskentelyssä, ja tiedostaa kehittämistarpeet taidoissaan. Opiskelija voi testata liikeideaansa käytännössä.
Oppimistavoitteet (huomioiden opiskelijan tavoitteet, kiinnostuksen kohteet ja tarjolla olevat projektimahdollisuudet)
- Innovointi- ja projektiosaaminen (ideointi, tiimityö, liiketoimintamallit)
- Tiimi- ja projektityöskentelytaidot (viestintä, organisointi, suunnittelu, toteutus ja seuranta)
- Yritystoiminnan suunnittelu (verkostoituminen, idean testaaminen, toimintasuunnitelma)
- Yritystoiminnan käynnistäminen ja palautteen monitorointi (asiakaskohtaaminen, liikeidean arviointi)
- Tulevaisuuden toimintasuunnitelma ja sen arviointi (liikeidean kehittäminen, yhteistyöverkostot, jatkotoimien suunnittelu)
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Projektit, työpajat, ammattikirjallisuus, kirjallisuusesseet ja muu toteutettavien projektien osaamistarpeita tukeva materiaali.
Työpajat pidetään lähi/verkkotapaamisina tarkoituksenmukaisesti aihe ja työskentelytapa huomioiden.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Ammattikirjallisuus ja muu toteutettavien projektien osaamistarpeita vastaava materiaali.
Tavoitteena on tiimityö- ja työelämä- ja yrittäjyystaitojen kehittäminen sekä teoriatiedon sisäistäminen käytännön projekteissa.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Oman alan perusopinnot. Tässä saattaa olla alakohtaisia eroja.
Projektisuunnitelmien, -toteutuksen ja -raporttien 360-arviointi sisältäen itseis-, vertais- ja valmentajan arvioinnin sekä asiakaspalautteen. Arvioinnissa tarkastellaan syntyneitä oppeja sekä verkostoja, ja peilataan tuloksia asiakkaan odotuksiin sekä projektisuunnitelmassa esitettyihin tavoitteisiin.
Ammattikirjallisuusesseet arvioidaan yksilöllisesti, haastavuuden, oppien soveltamisen ja oman ammattitaidon kehittymisen kuvauksen perusteella.
Hylätty (0)
Projekti on jäänyt kesken. Tuloksia, projektiraporttia eikä asiakaspalautetta ole.
Essee on aihesisällöltään liian suppea, kuvaus menee ohi aiheen tai jää pelkäksi sisällön referoinniksi.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Projektisuunnitelmassa, -toteutuksessa ja raportoinnissa on selkeitä puutteita. Projekti on kuitenkin tuonut lisäarvoa jollain pääosa-alueella (opit, verkostot, tulokset). Teoriasta saatujen ideoiden hyödyntäminen ei ole selkeästi näkyvää. Projektista on aktiivisesti haettu asiakaspalautetta. Projektiin ja tuloksiin on aidosti sitouduttu ja tämä sitoutuminen on tehty näkyväksi, vaikka itse projektin tulokset jäivätkin heikoiksi.
Esseessä on kuvattu saatuja oivalluksia ja joitakin niistä on sovellettu yleisellä tasolla. Opitun merkitystä itselle on kuvattu, mutta sen merkitys tavoitellun ammattitaidon kokonaisuuteen jää epäselväksi. Essee sisältää aika ajoin tiedon toistamista ja luetun/kuullun referointia. Kehitysehdotusten perustelut ovat niukkoja.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Projektin esittelyssä ja raportoinnissa kuvataan hyvin suunnittelu, toteutus ja tulokset. Projekti on tuonut lisäarvoa kaikilla pääosa-alueilla (opit, verkostot, tulokset). Yhdellä osa-alueella kehittyminen on voinut olla vahvaa, mutta jollain toisella osa-alueella se jää vähäiseksi. Projektin suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa on hyödynnetty joitakin teorian synnyttämiä ideoita. Projektista on saatu asiakaspalaute.
Esseessä kuvatut ajatukset ovat olennaisia ja merkityksellisiä oman ammattitaidon kehittymisen kannalta. Oivallukset liitetään omiin kokemuksiin tai opittuihin teorioihin. Konkreettisten kehittämisideoiden vieminen käytäntöön on osittain kesken. Opittua käsitellään ammatillisesti riittävän haastavasta näkökulmasta.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Projektin esittelyssä ja raportoinnissa kuvataan hyvin suunnittelu, toteutus ja tulokset. Projekti on tuonut selkeää lisäarvoa arviointikriteerien kaikilla pääosa-alueilla (opit, verkostot, tulokset). Teoriaa on sovellettu monipuolisesti, tai yksittäinen teoriaviitekehys on ohjannut vahvasti suunnittelua ja toteutusta. Ainakin yhdellä osa-alueella kehittyminen on ollut erityisen merkittävää tiimi- tai yksilötasolla. Projektista on saatu laadukas asiakaspalaute, se on analysoitu ja asiakas on yllätetty positiivisesti (ns. wow-efekti).
Esseessä kuvataan ansiokkaasti oman ammattitaidon syventymistä. Näkökulma on ajankohtainen, ja ammatillisesti haastava. Opiskelija yhdistelee uusia ideoita kokemuksiinsa ja aiemmin oppimaansa. Hän peilaa nyt opitun merkitystä osaamistavoitteidensa kokonaisuuteen. Esseessä kuvataan myös konkreettisesti, kuinka näitä ideoita voidaan hyödyntää projekteissa.
Opiskelija tekee alan ja työelämän kannalta perusteltuja yhteenvetoja ja johtopäätöksiä. Uusien oivalluksien lisäksi opiskelija kykenee arvioimaan esseen kohdetta kriittisesti. Essee on ehyt ja looginen kokonaisuus.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
09.09.2024 - 06.12.2024
5 op
1 op
3 op
80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
0 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Anna Pajari
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to:
- critically analyze and evaluate corporate responsibility and sustainable development in companies and organizations
- implement ethical, social and environmental aspects into the company strategic decision-making and into practice
- resolve complex social and environmental business matters
- professionally communicate CSR issues to stakeholders and the public
15.11.2024 - 15.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 11.04.2025
5 op
1 op
3 op
80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
20 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Anna Pajari
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
TLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tekniikka, Lahti
TLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietotekniikka, Lahti
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
MLTIEX25KSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, muotoilu, Lahti
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to:
- critically analyze and evaluate corporate responsibility and sustainable development in companies and organizations
- implement ethical, social and environmental aspects into the company strategic decision-making and into practice
- resolve complex social and environmental business matters
- professionally communicate CSR issues to stakeholders and the public
20.11.2024 - 15.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 90
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Johanna Heinonen-Kemppi
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIMATLI23SMatkailu- ja tapahtumaliiketoiminnan koulutus 23S Lahti
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö
The student is able to
- design, orchestrate and manage customer’s experiences
- create meanings and meaningful contents and solutions in tourism and leisure
- apply design and user-centrism in development of tourism, hospitality and leisure services and business
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Opetusmuodot: verkko-opetus, kirjallisuus ja soveltavat harjoitukset englanniksi
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Verkkotunnit pidetään aikataulun mukaan.
Kaikki oppitunnit ovat saatavilla Zoomissa verkossa ja tallennettuina kurssin Moodle-alustalle.
Kurssi noudattaa kaksoistimanttia eli palvelumuotoilua, menetelmää, jossa painotetaan aktiivista tiimityötä. Siksi luennoilla läsnäolo on suositeltavaa. Poissaolo korvataan tehtävillä.
Opinnot alkavat 22.1.2025 klo 14-17 JOHDANNOLLA
Seuraavat istunnot
29.1.2025 klo 14-17
5.2.2025 klo 14-17
26.2.2025 klo 14-17
5.3.2025 klo 14-17
12.3.2025 klo 14-17
19.3.2025 klo 14-17
26.3.2025 klo 14-17
2.4.2025 klo 14-17
9.4.2025 klo 14-17
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Opintomateriaali saatavilla Moodlessa 6.1.2025 alkaen
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opintojakson voi suorittaa itsenäisesti tekemällä annetut tehtävät ja lisäämällä niihin teoriaosuudet akateemisen raportointitavan mukaisesti
Sovellutehtäviä yrityksielle
Opintotehtävät suoritetaan Moodlessa
Soveltavat tehtävät
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Verkkoluennot noin 10 x 3 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja kirjallisuus 48 h
Tehtävät 60 h
Experience Design -kurssi (5 op) tarjoaa opiskelijoille syvällisen näkemyksen elämyksien ja asiakaskokemuksen luomiseen ja hallintaan keskittyen erityisesti matkailualaan. Verkkokurssin avulla opiskelijat perehtyvät kokemuksellisen markkinoinnin, palvelusuunnittelun ja asiakasarvon luomisen ydinkonsepteihin. Opiskelijat toteuttavat käytännän projektin palvelumuotoilun keinoin syventäen ymmärrystä elämyksen luomisesta käytännössä.
Kurssi siältää luentoja, itseopiskelutehtäviä ja yhteistä ryhmätyötä. Lisäksi kumppanuudet yritysten kanssa tarjoavat käytännön näkemyksiä ja todellisia näkökulmia. Kurssin aikana opiskelijoita rohkaistaan kehittämään kykyään suunnitella, hallita ja organisoida mielekkäitä asiakaskokemuksia sekä luoda arvokasta matkailu- ja vapaa-ajan aloihin räätälöityä sisältöä. Loppujen lopuksi opiskelijalla on ymmärrys käyttäjälähtöisten menetelmien integroimisesta matkailun palvelu- ja yrityskehitykseen.
Arvosana 1-5, muodostuu opintotehtävien ja ryhmätyön keskiarvosta
Hylätty (0)
Opiskelija ei ole saavuttanut oppimistavoitteita.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Opiskelija osaa
- käyttää yksittäisiä ammattikäsitteitä ja osoittaa perehtyneisyytensä alan tietoperustaan
- kuvata toimintaan liittyviä lähtökohtia, tarpeita ja perusteita
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Opiskelija osaa
- käyttää keskeisiä ammattikäsitteitä johdonmukaisesti
- selvittää ja perustella toimintaan liittyviä lähtökohtia, tarpeita ja perusteita.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Opiskelija osaa
- käyttää ammattikäsitteitä asiantuntevasti
- vertailla perustellen toimintaan liittyviä eri ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Markus Hämynen
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
The student can
• identify their own competence and develop their expertise in a self-directed manner.
• utilize team learning methods.
• apply customer service, negotiation and sales skills in customer encounters.
• manage customer projects as part of a team
• identify development opportunities as part of the work community
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
09.09.2024 - 08.12.2024
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Riitta Mähönen
- Luennot (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot
The student is able to
- find sources of finance for a company
- manage working capital and company´s capital structure
- hedge against financial risks
- draw up financial forecasts
- apply investment appraisal methods when making decisions
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Teaching on Lappeenranta campus, exercises and assignments + Moodle exam(s).
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Participation to lectures is recommended. We'll do exercises during the lectures.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material In Moodle + other material/articles needed in assignments.
Possible visitor(s)
Materials in Moodle and lectures on campus.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
One ECTS equals 27 hours of study
The student is able to
- find sources of finance for a company
- manage working capital and company´s capital structure
- hedge against financial risks
- draw up financial forecasts
- apply investment appraisal methods when making decision
- In the beginning small throwback to Financial Accountig course
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Financial accounting and other "basic courses" helps to understand finance, which is a combination of many things, like economics, accounting, mathematics, law etc.
Assignments and exams together as follows:
Assignment 1: Learning Journal 50 %
Assignment 2: Case + presentation + peer assessment 20 %
Moodle exams 1 + 2: 15 % each
Hylätty (0)
Student does not meet the lowest basic knowledge requirements in corporate finance, is not familiar with the fundamental concepts and definitions.
20.11.2024 - 30.11.2025
07.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Mika Tonder
- Itsenäinen 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO25-26EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2025-2026, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
TLABTO25-26Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2025-2026, Teknologiayksikkö
HLABTO25-26Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2025-2026, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
MLABTO25-26Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2025-2026, Muotoiluinstituutti
- Itsenäinen 1
The student is able to
- turn a business idea into a startup and growth company.
- utilize teamwork, networks and business services.
- actively operate in the startup ecosystem of his/her geographical and business area.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Yksilovalmennus sekä online että offline ympäristöissä. Opiskelijan oman liike idean kehittäminen tapauskohtaisen toimintasuunnitelman mukaan
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Opintojakson voi aloittaa ja suorittaa joustavasti lukuvuoden aikana.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Yksilölliset ja opiskelijakohtaiset materiaalit
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Ei valinnaista suoritustapaa
Oman liikeidean kehittäminen
Ei uusintamahdollisuutta
Moodle alusta, Teams-ympäristö, tapaamiset kampuksella
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Opiskelijan käyttämä aika noin 135 h. Koostuu yksilöllisistä tehtävistä
Opiskelijan oman liike idean kehittäminen yrittäjyysvalmennuksen keinoin.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Ei edellytä aiempia opintoja
Arviointiasteikko Hyväksytty/Hylätty
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
Hyväksytty: Opiskelijalle laaditun yksilöllisen työsuunnitelman toteuttaminen, valmennustapaamisiin osallistuminen
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
5 op
5 op
2 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Johanna Heinonen-Kemppi
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö
The student is able to
- illustrate well-being in a holistic way
- demonstrate the synergy between well-being and tourism and hospitality business
- measure and evaluate the impact of health and well-being
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Tämä on 100 % virtuaalikurssi, jonka tavoitteena on luoda kokonaisvaltainen kuva hyvinvointimatkailusta.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Kurssialusta avataan 1.1.2025 ja voit tutustua kurssin materiaaleihin ja tehtäviin.
Kurssin johdantoluento pidetään perjantaina 10.1.2025 klo 14-16 Zoomissa, jonka jälkeen kurssitehtävät voi suorittaa itsenäisesti omassa tahdissaan.
Vapaaehtoisia ohjaussessiota on tarjolla seuraavasti
7.2.2025 klo 15.00 - 16.00
14.3.2025 klo 15 - 16.00
4.4.2025 klo 15.00 - 16.00
2.5.2025 klo 15-16.
30.5.2025 klo 15-16
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Smith M and Puczko L (2009) Health and Wellness Tourism. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Lisää kirjallisuutta ja muuta oppimateriaalia on esitelty Moodlessa.
Tosielämän yrityscasen analysointi
Verkkokokeet voi uusia kolme (3) kertaa.
Yksilötehtävät voidaan lähettää opettajan tarkistettaviksi ja kommentoitaviksi kurssin aikana, ja sitten korjata niitä kolme kertaa.
Kurssin päättymisen jälkeen tehtävät tarkistetaan kerran uudelleenarviointia varten kuuden kuukauden sisällä kurssin päättymisestä.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Yksi opintopiste tarkoittaa keskimäärin 22 tuntia opiskelijatyötä. Tämä tarkoittaa, että opiskelija työskentelee kurssin aikana yhteensä 110 tuntia 10 viikon aikana. Tämä tarkoittaa n. 10 tuntia viikossa keskimäärin.
Kaikki tehtävät ja materiaalit ovat saatavilla kurssin alusta alkaen ja opiskelija voi edetä omaan tahtiinsa.
Tutustu hyvinvointimatkailuun kokonaisvaltaisesta näkökulmasta tällä virtuaalikurssilla! Kurssi syventyy hyvinvoinnin keskeiseen merkitykseen arjessa, sen hyödyntämiseen matkailu- ja majoitusalalla sekä hyvinvoinnin vaikutusten mittaamiseen. Opiskelijat perehtyvät myös digitalisaation rooliin hyvinvointimatkailussa ja analysoivat käytännön esimerkkejä alan yrityksistä.
Joustavat verkkotapaamiset ja itsenäiset tehtävät tarjoavat mahdollisuuden syventää osaamista omassa tahdissa. Kurssi antaa valmiudet ymmärtää hyvinvointia kokonaisvaltaisesti ja arvioida sen käytäntöjä matkailualalla.
Opintojakso koostuu kolmesta osasta
OSA 1: PERUSTEET - Verkkoluennot ja niitä testaavat verkkokokeet 30 % arvosanasta
OSA 2: BLOGI - Hyvinvointimatkailun erityiskonseptin opiskelu 30 % arvosanasta
OSA 3: TEORIA ja TODELLISUUS - Miten teoriaa käytetään käytännössä - tapaustutkimus 40 % arvosanasta
Hylätty (0)
Jos opintojakson kokonaispistemäärä jää alle 50 kaikista kolmesta tehtävästä
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student passes all the parts with basic knowledge.
Student provides basic information without any deeper analysis or own contribution.
There are flaws in academic writing.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student passes all the parts in an average manner or has versitale results.
Student knows uses provided information nicely and shows skills in applying theory. S/he can provide some own analysis.
Academic writing skills are used.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student passes all the parts in an excellent manner.
Student knows how to find reliable and relevant information and apply it to the project work. S/he shows skills for own analysis and conclusions.
Academic writing skills are almost perfect.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 11.05.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Heli Korpinen
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
The student is able to:
- understand the HR professionals job fields and strategic importance of human resource management in an organization
- set relevant questions related to Human Resource Management and find answers to them
- apply the basic processes of human resource management
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Online course including online lectures, assignments (group + individual) and an exam.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Arthur, Diane. Fundamentals of Human Resources Management: EBook Edition. Saranac Lake: AMACOM, 2004.
Other relevant material made available through Moodle.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Lectures will be recorded and assignments can be done individually or in a group.
Online lectures in Zoom/Teams. Moodle- and other online workspaces also used.
Introduction to human resource management
Performance management
Well-being at work
International human resource management
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Management and Leadership course or other basic Management course (5ECTS) needs to be done before HRM-course.
Assignments + exam
Hylätty (0)
Failing to reach the level of 1 according to the evaluation criteria.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student has basic knowledge of human resource management.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student has good knowledge about human resource management and understands how it affects an organization's development.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student has excellent knowledge and understanding of strategic meaning of human resource management and its different dimensions. Student is able to utilize this knowledge in business development.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 100
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Anna-Stiina Myllymäki
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
Student is able to
- use inhouse logistics professional terminology
- recognize affects of inhouse logistics in company's competitiveness and profitability
- recognize inhouse logistics operating principles and processes
- name and compare different inhouse logistics contributing factors and trends
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Entirely online course without lectures. Details will be informed to enrolled students via email before the course starts.
Possible excursions are confirmed and informed when the course starts. These are held at real companies. More detailed information will be given to enrolled students during the course.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Timing: see course Moodle page
Possible company excursion, timing will be informed when the course starts.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
See Moodle
Excursions, visiting lecturers
According to degree regulations, agree with teacher
Moodle, Zoom, companies that are confirmed qhen the course starts
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
1 ECTS is ~ 27 hours students work, so in total 135 hours
At this course, you will get familiar with inhouse logistics. What does it mean and what are the future trends? Materials will cover for example process management, inventory management systems, automatisation, digitalization, safety and sustainability. If possible, we will visit some company that offers inhouse logistics solutions. This will be confirmed and informed during the course for enrolled students.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Supply network, Basics of Logistics or other similar information
Assignments, exams, learning diary
- will be informed in more detail during first lecture
Hylätty (0)
Goals not reached
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student is able to
- understand the basic principles of inhouse logistics
- identify the meaning of material flow inside the organization
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student is able to
- understand and define the basic principles of inhouse logistics
- identify and evaluate the meaning of material flow inside the organization
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student is able to
- understand and define the basic principles of inhouse logistics
- identify and evaluate the meaning of material flow inside the organization
- analyse the financial meaning of inhouse logistics to the organization
- design and evaluate logistics safety and sustainability
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Anu Kurvinen
- Sari Jokimies
- Luennot (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Seminaari (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot
- Seminaari
Student is able to
-recognize the stages of innovation process
- observe and recognize development needs of organizations or processes
- apply multiple innovation process methods and innovation tools in real business cases
- experience step-by-step innovation process and experiment innovation methods as well as working in development team in practise
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Lectures, individual/groupwork, presentations, innovation session, literature dialogue session.
Study course will be implemented in cooperation with case companies.
Study course is linked with AL00CI80-3003 Service Design 5 op, and student must enroll to the both study courses.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Compulsory attendance in the introduction lecture (week 3) on the campus. Attending Innovation session (week 11) and literature dialogue session (week 15 & 16) are compulsory part of the study course.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Lectures, articles, reports and other material provided by the lecturer.
In cooperation with companies.
Moodle, lectures, simulations.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
5 cr = 135h student work.
Key factors that are important in creativity and innovation.
Creating value through innovative practices.
Creative problem solving process, clarification, analysis -methods, ideation -methods, developing -methods, implementing.
Applying multiple innovation process methods in practice in cooperation with companies.
Organization culture, team work, working environments.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
LAB degree students: AL00CE26 Anticipating Future Trends and Innovation Management 5 op or other similar studies.
Group and individual assignments.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student has limited understanding of the tasks and requirements of innovation methods and processes. The student is hardly ready to participate an innovation process.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student has some understanding of the tasks and requirements of innovation methods and processes. The student has shown some initiative to independently acquire information on innovation methods and processes.
The student can partly recognize the stages of innovation process.
The student can apply some innovation process methods and innovation tools in real business cases.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student can recognize the stages of innovation process in an excellent way.
The student can observe and recognize development needs of organizations or processes in an excellent way.
The student can excellently apply multiple innovation process methods and innovation tools in real business cases.
The student can lead experiment of innovation methods as well as working in development team in practise.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
11.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
5 op
2.5 op
50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
1 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka-Mikael Rokio
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to
- analyse different aspects of free trade and protectionism
- explain the different tools of protectionism
- recognise the different levels of economic integration
- describe the basic mechanism of foreign exchange market
- explain the problems of developing countries in the world market
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
You are most welcome to join International Economics course on autumn term 2024. The course is very many-sided by teaching methods - contact sessions, individual studying, group work, individual assignments, presentation etc.
The group also will be very multicultural - domestic degree students, foreign degree students and foreign exchange students ... so participating the course is a great opportunity to make new friends and expand social network !
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course will take place on autumn term 2024 - starting in the mid September and ending in the mid December .
More detailed schedule will be confirmed on first contact session ( week 37 ).
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
All the material is going to be loaded to moodle ( files folders ) in the beginning of the course.
Campus contact sessions ( 10 - 12 sessions in all ).
Individual assignments
Lecture exam
Individual studying
Book Exam
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Weekly campus sessions ( contact 2 x 45 minutes ) + participation to the group work and presentation.
Individual assignments ( 5 - 6 ).
Individual studying with defined literature ( downloaded to moodle ).
Approximate workload for a student is 120 hours
The themas in the course handle for example free trade and protectionism, economic integration and economic policy, foreign exchange market. Also certain aspects of EU, EMU and international institutions are studied
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Prerequisite - basic knowledge concerning micro- and macroeconomics.
Contact sessions are arranged at the Lahti campus and the students must be present - so remote studying is not possible !!!
The evaluation / grade is based on assignments, group work, presentation and two exams.
Hylätty (0)
The student doesn' t pass the exams or doesn' t follow the deadlines concerning written assignments or doesn' t participate to the group works.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with basic concepts of international trade, foreign exchange market and international economic fluctuations.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with different aspects of free international trade and on the other hand protectionism.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with different international agreements and institutions and understands the benefits and disbenefits of globalization.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 14.05.2025
5 op
2.5 op
50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
20 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka-Mikael Rokio
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to
- analyse different aspects of free trade and protectionism
- explain the different tools of protectionism
- recognise the different levels of economic integration
- describe the basic mechanism of foreign exchange market
- explain the problems of developing countries in the world market
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact sessions, assignments, presentations, lecture exam, individual studying, book exam.
The course will begin on week 3 with orientation lecture ( more detailed info and schedule will be delivered to the participants via Moodle ) and lasts until week 21.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course will take place on spring term 2025 - periods III - V. More detailed schedule will be confirmed on first contact session ( week 3 ).
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
All the material is going to be loaded to moodle ( files folder ) in the beginning of the course.
Contact sessions ( 10 - 12 sessions in all )
Lecture exam
Individual studying
Book Exam
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Weekly sessions ( contact 2 x 45 minutes ).
Individual studying with defined literature ( downloaded to moodle ).
Free Trade vs. Protectionism
Economic Integration
Economic Policy
Foreign Exchange Market
EU and EMU
International Institutions
Developing countries - different aspects
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Prerequisite - basic knowledge concerning micro- and macroeconomics.
Contact sessions are arranged at the Lahti campus and the students must be present - so remote studying is not possible !!!
Group work
Lecture exam
Book exam
Hylätty (0)
The student doesn' t pass the exams or doesn' t follow the deadlines concerning written assignments or doesn' t participate to the group works.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with basic concepts of international trade, foreign exchange market and international economic fluctuations.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with different aspects of free international trade and on the other hand protectionism.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with different international agreements and institutions and understands the benefits and disbenefits of globalization.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 15.04.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Tarja Isola
- Opintokäynti/ekskursio (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Opintokäynti/ekskursio
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Welcome to the intensive week in Riga, Latvia! The intensive week will take place on 7.-11.4.2025. The students will travel to Riga on Sunday 6.4. and return to Finland on Friday 11.4. During this course, the students will write two reports as a group work. The first one will be written in Finland during January-March (called a country report) between selected students and the second one in Riga during the intensive week in multicultural teams. This year's theme is "The Power of Play: Cultivating Resilience for Business Challenges". More details about the course are available for the selected students. The selection process will take place in December 2024.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
16.09.2024 - 06.12.2024
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka Korre
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to:
- explain the relevant trends and issues to be considered in developing a future international business opportunity.
- develop a strategic approach to developing the future international business opportunity. Concepts such as working in projects, co
creation, collaborative networks, design thinking, circular economies, blue ocean and creating new market spaces will be explored.
- recommended solutions that could be implemented in actualising the chosen strategy to create the international business opportunity.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Few companies these days could claim to be purely domestic. While the firm may confine its activities to the domestic market, the market itself is unlikely to be somewhat restricted and may be served by firms headquartered in or operating from a number of other foreign countries or regions. Knowledge of international issues is therefore of vital importance to all firms whether they are actively involved in marketing in foreign markets or have foreign competitors at home. The increased risk and complexity marketers face in international markets is due to the increased level of uncertainty from operating in diverse and less understood environments. The discussion of international marketing topics in this course is guided by a depth understanding of culture and how this informs the international marketing decision- making process. Building a strong foundation knowledge of culture informs at a macro level which countries a firm selects to enter; which market entry strategy they adopt and how the marketing mix must adapt depending on the cultural values on the country the firm chooses to enter.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Campus lessons are mandatory
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Materials provided by the lecturer
Active participation in:
- The lectures
- Class exercises
- Presentations
- Group work
20.11.2024 - 19.01.2025
20.01.2025 - 18.05.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka Korre
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to:
- explain the relevant trends and issues to be considered in developing a future international business opportunity.
- develop a strategic approach to developing the future international business opportunity. Concepts such as working in projects, co
creation, collaborative networks, design thinking, circular economies, blue ocean and creating new market spaces will be explored.
- recommended solutions that could be implemented in actualising the chosen strategy to create the international business opportunity.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Few companies these days could claim to be purely domestic. While the firm may confine its activities to the domestic market, the market itself is unlikely to be somewhat restricted and may be served by firms headquartered in or operating from a number of other foreign countries or regions. Knowledge of international issues is therefore of vital importance to all firms whether they are actively involved in marketing in foreign markets or have foreign competitors at home. The increased risk and complexity marketers face in international markets is due to the increased level of uncertainty from operating in diverse and less understood environments. The discussion of international marketing topics in this course is guided by a depth understanding of culture and how this informs the international marketing decision- making process. Building a strong foundation knowledge of culture informs at a macro level which countries a firm selects to enter; which market entry strategy they adopt and how the marketing mix must adapt depending on the cultural values on the country the firm chooses to enter.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Campus lessons are mandatory
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Materials provided by the lecturer
Active participation in:
- The lectures
- Class exercises
- Presentations
- Group work
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
16.09.2024 - 01.12.2024
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Minna Ikävalko
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Seminaari 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Tentti 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
- Seminaari 1
- Tentti 1
The student is able to
- acquire an understanding of how to evaluate a firm's readiness to internationalise and create international competitiveness
- acquire an understanding of market selection process and entry mode options
- develop skills to use decision-oriented framework when evaluating and choosing between different strategic options
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact lectures, seminars and written exam at Lappeenranta Campus
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
According to the course timetable 16.9. - 1.12.2024 (Autumn holiday on week 43, no lectures)
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material and literature will be announced in the first lecture.
Moodle learning platform
Classroom lectures and seminars
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Course is 5cr = 135h student work
Written exam
Independent studying
The decision to go international
- Process
- Internationalisation theories
Deciding which markets to enter
- The political, legal and economic environment
- The sociocultural environment
- The international market selection process
Market entry strategies
- Criteria in choice of entry mode
- Different market entry modes
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Course 'AL00CE34 Global business environment and opportunities' or similar knowledge.
Assessment scale 0-5
Written exam
Attendance in lectures/seminars
Hylätty (0)
Failing to reach the level of 1 according to the evaluation criteria.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Sufficient (1)
Student is able to recognize the steps in internationalization process of the company. Student recognizes by name different internationalization theories. Student is able to collect some data concerning international business and global environment.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Good (3)
Student is able to explain the internationalization process and different internationalization theories. Student is able to collect and present relevant data concerning international business, and use the data in empirical cases.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Excellent (5)
Student is able to analyse and interpret internationalization process of a company. Student is able to analyse the internationalization theories and use theory in empirical cases broadly. Student is able to collect and present appropriate and extensive amount of data of international business and global environment.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
12.09.2024 - 24.11.2024
5 op
2 op
2 op
60 % Lähiopetus, 40 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
0 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Tiina Pernanen
- Marja Viljanen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to
- acquire an understanding of how to evaluate a firm's readiness to internationalise and create international competitiveness
- acquire an understanding of market selection process and entry mode options
- develop skills to use decision-oriented framework when evaluating and choosing between different strategic options
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact and online lectures
Case studies
Individual reading tasks
Individual and group assignments
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Lecture Attendance Policy:
Requirement: To complete the course successfully, you must attend at least 80% of the lectures. Compulsory attendance in the introduction and final presentation lecture.
Consequence: If you fall below the 80% attendance requirement, you will be unenrolled from the course.
Punctuality: Arrive on time for lectures. Check TimeEdit for your lecture schedule and follow it. Attendance registration will be done on Moodle at the beginning of each class by using the Moodle Attendance tool. Late entry to the classroom will be treated as equivalent to absence.
Assignment Deadline Policy: Late submissions will not be accepted
Activeness during the course contact sessions will affect the final grade positively
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Lecture notes from Moodle
Course related articles and cases provided by the lecturer
Course book: Hollensen, Svend: Essentials of Global Marketing.
Following parts:
- The decision to internationalize
- Deciding which markets to enter
- Market entry strategies
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
There is no substitute work.
The course includes a project with a local company.
Moodle learning platform
Classroom case studies and lectures
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
A student's estimated workload is 5 x 27 hours, consisting of contact lectures, individual reading tasks, different individual and group course assignments.
Estimated workload is the following:
-Contact lessons: 30 hrs
-Reading, preparation 20-25 hrs
-Individual and group assignments: 40-45 hrs
-Final group assignment: 40-45 hrs
The decision to internationalize
- Initiation of internationalization
- Internationalization theories
- Development of the international competitiveness
Deciding which markets to enter
- The political and economic environment
- The sociocultural environment
- The international market selection process
Market entry strategies
- Some approaches to the choice of entry mode
- Export, intermediate and hierarchical entry modes
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Basic marketing course:
Customer Relations and Marketing
Asiakassuhteet ja markkinointi
Defined in the first contact meeting:
- lectures and small group assignments
- case studies
- group work
Grading 1-5
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Sufficient (1)
- Student has achieved the objectives of the course sufficiently.
- The student demonstrates his / her theoretical knowledge of the subject area unclear.
- The student is able to apply some of the theories into practice.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Good (3)
- Student has achieved the objectives of the course in a consistent manner.
- The student demonstrates his / her theoretical knowledge of the subject area relatively clear.
- The student is able to apply theories into practice in a good way.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Excellent (5)
- Student has achieved the objectives of the course in an excellent manner.
- The student demonstrates his/her theoretical knowledge of the subject area in detail.
- The student is able to apply theories into practice in an excellent way.
18.11.2024 - 30.11.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
3 op
3 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 500
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Sanna Kokkonen
TLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
MLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
HLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
Students knows:
- the characteristics of contemporary leadership and the importance of the organization of the work community.
- the diverse field of responsibilities of leaders and their own role in it.
- basics of labor law
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study and it is NOT intended for LAB business students.
This course implementation will be entirely online. You can HopOn at any time during the course and proceed at your own pace.
There is no exam for this course. Instead, it contains online assignment packages forming a three (3) credits set. The assignments will be done individually and returned to the Moodle platform. They are evaluated once a month. When you return an assignment by the end of the month, it will be reviewed by the 15th of the next month (excluding holidays).
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course is implemented entirely as an online course (HopOn). You can sign on at any time during the year and complete the course at any time between 2 September and 31 December 2024. The course does not require presence on campus.
A HopOn course is an online course that you can complete at your own pace within the given time limits.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
To be given on Moodle.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Moodle platform.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
1 credit = 27 hours
3 credits = 82 hours
- leadership, management and supervision compentences
- development of related knowledge and skills
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
The course is suitable for everyone, regardless of previous studies and experience.
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study.
The assignments and the whole course is evaluated by passed/fail.
Completing the course requires that all the assignments have been completed and approved.
If you wish to receive a grade in 2024, all the assignments must be submitted no later than 13 December 2024. The Moodle platform will be open until 31st December but submissions after the 13rd will be evaluated in January 2025.
Hylätty (0)
The assignments have not been completed according to the instructions and within the given time frame.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student knows how to use individual professional concepts and demonstrates familiarity with the field's knowledge base.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student knows how to use key professional concepts consistently and is able to find solution options related to the activity.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student knows how to use professional concepts as an expert and compare different solution options related to the activity.
20.11.2024 - 13.06.2025
02.01.2025 - 31.08.2025
3 op
3 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 1000
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Sanna Kokkonen
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö / Ripa (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
TLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
MLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
HLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö / Ripa
Students knows:
- the characteristics of contemporary leadership and the importance of the organization of the work community.
- the diverse field of responsibilities of leaders and their own role in it.
- basics of labor law
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study and it is NOT intended for students in LAB Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management.
This is a nonstop implementation, entirely online. You can start it any time during the enrollment period and proceed at your own pace.
There is no exam for this course. Instead, it contains online assigments forming a two (3) credits set. The assignments will be done individually and submitted to the Moodle platform. They are evaluated once a month. When you submit an assignment by the end of the month, it will be evaluated by the 15th of the next month (excluding holidays).
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course is implemented entirely as an nonstop online course. You can enroll at any time until 13 June 2025 and complete the course at any time between 2 January 2025 and 31 August 2025. The course does not require presence on campus. Please note that submissions between 13 June and 31 July will be evaluated in August.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
To be given on Moodle.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
According to the valid LAB Degree Rules
Moodle platform.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
1 credit = 27 hours
3 credits = 81 hours
- leadership, management and supervision compentences
- basics of labour law
- development of related knowledge and skills
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
The course is suitable for everyone, regardless of previous studies and experience.
LAB business students have a corresponding, compulsory course included in their core competence studies.This course is for other fields of study.
The assignments and the whole course is evaluated by passed/fail.
Completing the course requires that all the assignments have been completed and approved.
Hylätty (0)
The assignments have not been completed according to the instructions and within the given time frame.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student knows how to use individual professional concepts and demonstrates familiarity with the field's knowledge base.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student knows how to use key professional concepts consistently and is able to find solution options related to the activity.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student knows how to use professional concepts as an expert and compare different solution options related to the activity.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
14.01.2025 - 18.04.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Sari Jokimies
- Heli Korpinen
- Luennot (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot
Student is able to
- get practice in leading a team
- find and solve problems related to leadership in a team.
- evaluate how leadership affects the performance and well-being of an individual and a team.
- build well-working diverse team
- analyze the challenges of future trends to leadership
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Problem based learning in groups, lectures, practices and individual working. Attendance in the PBL tutorials mandatory.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Attendance is mandatory.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
No exam, students write a portfolio report
Moodle, lectures, simulations
Self-knowledge, Self-awareness, and Self-leadership
Motivation and job satisfaction, Communication, Dealing with conflict,
Well being of a work community
Building and Leading Groups and Teams
Leadership challenges in digital era, sustainable leadership
Diversity management
Portfolio report and working in simulation meetings
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
1: The student has limited understanding of the tasks and requirements of leading duties. The student is hardly ready to lead individuals and teams in organization. There are many mistakes/shortcomings and/or significant part of the text has clearly been quoted and no list of references can be found.
The student's speaking skills are adequate to deliver the message in an understandable manner. Interaction is occasional. Speech is difficult to follow. Speech lacks structuring, logic and cohesion almost totally. Language (speech, pronunciation and intonation) is quite hesitant, pauses are rather long and pronunciation mistakes sometimes disturb the message. Delivery is too quiet/monotonous. The student uses only a few basic sentence structures and makes plentiful mistakes.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
3: The student has some understanding of the tasks and requirements of leading duties. The student has shown some talent and iniative to independently acquire information needed in demanding tasks in leading individuals and teams in organisations.
The student can speak well and interacts with the speaking partner/audience. The student knows how to use ways of nonverbal communication. Delivery is loud enough. Speech is easy to follow but lacks cohesion in places. Language (speech, pronunciation and intonation) is fluent and clear but short pauses, hesitations and pronunciation mistakes may occur.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
5: The student has good understanding of the tasks and requirements of leading duties. The student has clearly shown the independence and iniative needed in leading individuals and teams in most organisation. Most of the assignments have been written according to the writing instructions given in LAB UAS thesis report guidelines.
The student can speak extremely well and appropriately for the situation. Interaction is very skillful, nonverbal communication supports the speech effectively. Delivery is loud enough. Speech is target-oriented, very consistent, to the point and logical. Transitions are very smooth. Language (speech, pronunciation and intonation) is fluent, clear and accurate, and speech tempo is normal.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Johanna Saarteinen
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
Student is able to
- demonstrate the principles of Lean thinking
- describe principles of process thinking
- recognize the importance of Lean thinking in relation to process operations
- describe the principles of optimization and connect them ti business and environmental thinking
- recognize the obstacles of smooth processes flow and possible waste and it's importance to labor productivity
- utilize Lean methodologies and problem-solving tools as part of process improvement
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
The course is delivered in three distance learning lectures (Zoom) and independently done exercises in the Moodle learning environment.
During the course, students will participate in the lectures, do the exercises and assignments given in the in the Moodle learning environment and return the independently completed final assignment in the end of the course.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Implementation of the course:
Orientation assignment (Moodle). Assignment available in Moodle from xx.xx.
Remote lectures (Zoom): The dates will be confirmed later.
The final assignment of the course is available in Moodle from the second lecture on.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Modig, N. & Åhlström, P. 2013. This is Lean. Rhealogica Publishing
Morgan J. & Brenig-Jones, M. 2015. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Sayer, N. J. & Williams, B. 2012. Lean for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Additional material distributed by the teacher during the lecture and/or via Moodle learning environment.
Lean and processes course will introduce you to the basics of Lean Thinking. You’ll get familiar with the main concepts and principles of Lean philosophy.
Students will learn the basics of process thinking and recognize the importance of Lean methods and tools in relation to process operations.
On the course students will get the basic knowledge of the principles of the process optimization and connect them to business and environmental thinking.
After the course students are able to recognize the obstacles of smooth process flow and identify waste and how to increase labor productivity by reducing waste. As a student you will get concrete practice by utilizing Lean methodologies and problem-solving tools as a part of process improvement. Additionally students get an overview of Lean applications in different business areas.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Previous knowledge of Lean thinking is not required
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
27.01.2025 - 04.05.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
20 - 60
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Vesa Alatalo
- Kati Jaakkola
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
TLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tekniikka, Lahti
TLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietotekniikka, Lahti
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLABTOLOTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK), Liiketoimintayksikkö, Logistiikka
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
Student is able to
- describes the processes and specialties of the EU's internal and external trade
- apply the documents required for export and import
- identify the effects of globalization and digitalization in international trade
- define the specific features of responsible transportation and transport and specific legislation related
- identify and describe the special features of durable and cost-effective packaging.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Are you ready to dive into the dynamic world of international trade? Our Import and Export Process Management course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed in global business. You’ll explore key topics such as logistics services, forwarding, and the various modes of transportation essential for international trade. We’ll guide you through the intricacies of export and import processes, including the customs clearance journey, while also providing you with hands-on experience through practical case studies. You will also gain a basic understanding of the responsibilities and risks involved in foreign trade, ensuring you are prepared for the challenges of international markets.
Compulsory attendance in the first introduction lecture, and highly recommended on scheduled lectures according to TimeEdit.
The course will be held on campus during the day.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course starts with the orientation lecture on week 5.
Compulsory attendance in the first introduction lecture, and highly recommended on scheduled lectures according to TimeEdit.
The course will be held on campus during the day.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Workshop materials, articles, reports, and other material provided by the lecturers.
The course materials are available on Moodle.
Visit of a company guest at the lecture
The Moodle platform.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The 5 ects means about 135 hours for the student. (1 ect is abt 27 h)
Course topics
- logistics services and forwarding
- modes of transportation in global trade
- export and import processes, customs clearance process
- practical export/import case
- responsibilities and risks in international trade (basics)
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Recommended previous knowledge:
Basics of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
The course is evaluated with a group work report and an individual assignment(s) report.
Hylätty (0)
Assignments are not submitted.
Not attending to group work.
Not attending compulsory lectures.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
A student can explain what are the parties in export and import processes and has basic knowledge in the field of international trade.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
A student can apply concepts of export and import processes and have a basic understanding of responsibilities and risks in international trade.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
A student can apply well concepts of export and import processes and have a good understanding of responsibilities and risks in international trade.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 25.04.2025
3 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 60
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka Moilanen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPRHOTRA22SHotelli- ja ravintola-alan liikkeenjohdon koulutus 22S Lappeenranta
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLPRHOTRA23SHotelli- ja ravintola-alan liikkeenjohdon koulutus 23S Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
Aim for the course is to find the harmony between food and wine. Taste as a sense. Important Wine regions, typical grapes and their characters, wine making process.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact lectures, professional visits/visitors, practical work in the kitchen and restaurant, working in GastroBar Saimaa, exam and assignments.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Lectures are scheduled in timetable. Attendance 80% of the contact lessons. All assignments must be completed by deadline. Working in GastroBar Saimaa is compulsary to everyone.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Teaching aids to be informed in the beginning of the course.
Working in GastroBar Saimaa.
Moodle exam. Date for Moodle exam ja re-exam dates will be informed in the beginning of the course.
Campus, GastroBar Saimaa and e-learning.
Wine tasting and assessment with and without food. We are going to test different taste components with different kind of wines.
What do you need to know when you are planning wine for food and vice versa?
Hylätty (0)
Continuous evaluation on scale 0-5
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Identifies and understands the main principles of the sense of tastes and the harmony of Food and Wine
Identifies the needs of customers
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Students are able to create menus and knows basic ideas of food and wine pairing
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Active participation to lectures, profitability in Menu planning, in exam showes their knolige and motivation of Marriage of Food and Wine. Takes responsibilities in planning of customer service situations in GastroBar Saimaa.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 25.04.2025
3 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 60
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka Moilanen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPRHOMA23SBachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management 23S Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
LLPRHOMA22SBachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management 22S Lappeenranta
- Luennot 1
Aim for the course is to find the harmony between food and wine. Taste as a sense. Important Wine regions, typical grapes and their characters, wine making process.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact lectures, professional visits/visitors, practical work in the kitchen and restaurant, working in GastroBar Saimaa, exam and assignments.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Lectures are scheduled in timetable. Attendance 80% of the contact lessons. All assignments must be completed by deadline. Working in GastroBar Saimaa is compulsary to everyone.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Teaching aids to be informed in the beginning of the course.
Working in GastroBar Saimaa.
Moodle exam. Date for Moodle exam ja re-exam dates will be informed in the beginning of the course.
Campus, GastroBar Saimaa and e-learning.
Wine tasting and assessment with and without food. We are going to test different taste components with different kind of wines.
What do you need to know when you are planning wine for food and vice versa?
Hylätty (0)
Continuous evaluation on scale 0-5
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Identifies and understands the main principles of the sense of tastes and the harmony of Food and Wine
Identifies the needs of customers
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Students are able to create menus and knows basic ideas of food and wine pairing
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Active participation to lectures, profitability in Menu planning, in exam showes their knolige and motivation of Marriage of Food and Wine. Takes responsibilities in planning of customer service situations in GastroBar Saimaa.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 100
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Antti Salopuro
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
The student is able to
- evaluate online business models as part of a company's business strategy
- recognise the resource needs of online business
- plan and describe a customer-oriented service process utilising a web store
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Virtual miniprojects, articles written, research, group works and presentations. All assignments include self and peer assessment. Some contact lessons are compulsory (roughly every second week). During the virtual assignments there are no lessons. The actual timing of these lessons will be informed during the course.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Material (or pointers to it) will mainly be provided by the teacher via Moodle.
The current and future trends of web business. Legislation and regulation of web business. Conversion rate optimization. Online business models and how they meet the requirements of company's business strategy.
Evaluation of artifacts produced in groups and/or by individual work. Peer review in most assignments.
Hylätty (0)
The student has no understanding of established online business models. Student is not able to explain the relevant concepts of online business.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student understands established online business models. The student has a rough idea of the relevant concepts of online business
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student understands established online business models. The student is able to explain the relevant concepts of online business
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student understands established online business models. The student is able to apply the relevant concepts of online business in practice
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 15.11.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 100
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jan-Erik Sandelin
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
The student is able to
- choose the most suitable online store solution and components for a company's operating environment
- recognise the services used in online store solutions and their interfaces
- name the factors affecting the cost effectiveness of an online store
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
There are no physical lectures on campus, this course is video based, so this course will not be visible in your timetable either. When the course starts you will get information about the Moodle page via email.
Online Store Solutions (eShops, eCommerce, WebShops) are presented with lectures, students work on practical implementations (POC-like) and demonstrations. Nontechnical matters are summarized in essays. This course does include the technical aspects too, including add-on creation, though mostly the technological aspects involve solution setup and maintenance. Technical aspects are covered in a "walkthrough" fashion. Tasks are done individually.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Assignments are given weekly. There are no fixed lecture times, but especially for students who have little or no technical experience at systems level it comes highly recommended to arrange time early in the week to start on the assignments as soon as they are published. How much time the assignments take depends on the acquired technical skill level of the student and also very much on how much a POC is polished. The course has a fast pace initially as it is bound to a project course called "Setting Up and Developing an Online Store". To get a full view on the subject it is also recommended to enroll on the course "Online Business" simultaneously with this one.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
There are no physical lectures on campus, this course is video based, so this course will not be visible in your timetable either. When the course starts you will get information about the Moodle page via email.
All material is given in Moodle. Material is often provided in video format.
There are no exams.
The students need a laptop or they need to visit the LAB campus to work on the exercises! The material provided is targeted for the LAB campus lab machines (Windows): all recordings are done on a LAB Windows workstation. However, limited case specific (Online Store Solutions related) support is provided for all of the "major three platforms": Windows, MacOS and Linux. The student machine has to fill the requirements for a BIT student, though, as the software products used do have minimum requirements of their own.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Workload depends on the student's technical skills. Those already familiar with command line (text) interfaces and web publishing stacks will not find the tasks too much of a challenge. Those who have not yet acquired such skills should expect to spend the "hour quota" of a 5 credit units course practically fully on this course.
There are no physical lectures on campus, this course is video based, so this course will not be visible in your timetable either. When the course starts you will get information about the Moodle page via email.
Exploration of existing and current online store solutions, solution suites and extensions. How, why and via what kinds of interfaces do online store solutions interact with the solutions surrounding them. How to procure a cost effective, customer service oriented online store solution. Online store solutions development (also at a technical level).
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
There are no physical lectures on campus, this course is video based, so this course will not be visible in your timetable either. When the course starts you will get information about the Moodle page via email.
Students who find the time to get familiar with the command line interface (CMD/Terminal/Bash) in advance will save some time especially in the initial exercises. A larger project based on the skills learned can be done in the scope of a project course called "Setting Up and Developing an Online Store". To get a full view on the subject it is also recommended to take the course Online Business simultaneously with this one.
Produced artifacts and demonstrations will be evaluated.
Hylätty (0)
The student gains no view of the current "state of field" in the online store solution market segment. The student cannot understand how online store solutions affect the surrounding business and is therefore unable to understand what kinds of services and interfaces the solutions should provide. The student is unable to estimate the cost effectiveness of an online store solution and it's management.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student learns about some online store solutions and learns how to utilize them. The student understands how the online store solution affects the business environment and has some idea of how it interfaces with surrounding solutions. The student has a basic idea of how the cost effectiveness of an online store solution can be estimated.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student learns about several online solutions with different characteristics, learns how to utilize them and understands when to utilize them. The student has a good view of how the online store solution should provide services to surrounding solutions. The student can estimate the cost effectiveness of an online store solution.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student can name and compare several online solutions with different characteristics, the student understands how they are placed in the market for online store solutions and knows when and how to utilize them. The student understands and can take into account the interactions and services the online store solution should be capable of and knows which interfaces to use to provide them. The student can measure and evaluate the cost effectiveness of an online store solution.
20.11.2024 - 30.10.2025
08.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
0 - 200
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Marianne Viinikainen
- Liisa Uosukainen
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö / Ripa (Koko: 40. Avoin AMK: 40.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTOITTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK), Liiketoimintayksikkö, Tietojenkäsittely
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö / Ripa
The student is able to
- understand RPA and AI concepts, and its value proposition
- is able to identify potential automation examples and draw up a plan for an implementation
- use RPA and AI tools
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
The AIna robot acts as your guide and introduces you to the different areas of front and back office process development.
The aim of the course is to increase digital competence, especially from the point of view of process efficiency. You will find answers e.g. to the following questions: What is process-oriented thinking? What is digital data? What is process mining used for? What are the different forms of artificial intelligence? How to automate repetitive tasks on a computer? After completing the course, you will be able to recognize the possibilities of office automation in your own operations and you will find areas of development where automation can achieve the best benefit.
About the course in brief:
- Scope 5 credits
- Learning takes place in small parts (micro learning)
- You can study flexibly regardless of time and place
- You can learn basic information on mobile, for practical exercises you need a computer
- You will receive a diploma and a badge for completing the course
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course is 100% online. The course is a HopOn course. The course is open from 8 January 2025 to 31 December 2025.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
All course learning material is available in the course's MOOC learning environment.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
The course can only be completed as described.
The course has been developed together with working life. In the course, you will learn modern methods and use the latest tools of working life.
Tools and systems used in the course: Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel and Notepad, ARIS Process Mining, UiPath Studio, Task Capture and Task Mining, ChatGPT, DALL-E-2, Microsoft Power Platform: Power Automate, Task Mining, Process Mining, AI Builder, Power BI.
Note! UiPath Studio, UiPath Task Capture, UiPath Task Mining Recorder, Microsoft Power BI desktop and Microsoft Process Mining desktop app can be installed only on Windows environment. You must therefore have a Windows machine to complete the course. If you are a LAB student and have a Mac computer, you can use the UiPath programs on a LAB Win10 2D virtual workstation (LAB account required). Please take this into account before starting the course.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The scope of the course is 5 ECTS credits. In terms of workload, the course corresponds to 135 hours, or about 3.5 weeks of full-time work.
In this practical 'hands-on' course, you will learn to model and develop office and information work processes. In the course, basic information is learned using micro-learning methods (also possible on mobile), for practical exercises you need a computer.
Learning is divided into five sections, which are displayed on their own tabs:
1. Process development: You will learn to model, analyze and optimize the work phases of information work.
2. Data and process mining: You will learn the basics of digital data and the data economy. In addition, you will learn how to measure and analyze log data using process mining methods.
3. Artificial intelligence (AI): You will learn what artificial intelligence means and what it can be used for. You will learn to make your own artificial intelligence applications.
4. Robotic process automation (RPA): You will learn how to automate the repetitive tasks of office work.
5. Hyperautomation: You will learn how RPA and AI can be combined.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
No previous studies are required.
The course will be graded as failed or approved.
Arviointikriteerit: arviointiasteikko hyväksytty/hylätty
In order to get a passing grade, you must:
- Complete all the course tasks with an approved grade. The pass threshold for assessed assignments is 50 %.
- Complete the section exams with a pass grade.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 27.04.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lappeenrannan kampus
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Emmi Maijanen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Harjoitukset 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Seminaari 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
- Harjoitukset 1
- Seminaari 1
Students learn the principles of Service Design and productization. Students learn to use different kinds of service design tools within real life business case development project. In addition students learn how work effectively in multi-professional groups.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
This study course and the study course named "Innovation methods and processes in practice (Course Code: AL00CI81-3002) belong together with joint assignments. If you attend this course, you also must attend the Innovation methods and processes in practice -course.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Participating in the introduction and seminar is compulsory. The course includes compulsory project work done in groups.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Material is given by the teacher at the beginning of the course.
A real business case.
Lectures and seminars are organized on the Lappeenranta campus but doing the project work require students to visit the case company and possibly other locations too.
During the course, students will do a project following the service design process and methods. We will follow the "double diamond" process:
1) Discover (understanding the service environment and users)
2) Define (goal setting)
3) Develop (ideation, concept creation, user testing)
4) Deliver (business plan, launch, implementation)
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Pre-requirements: Customer relations and Marketing
Hylätty (0)
A student does not meet the criteria for level 1.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student knows what is service design.
The student understands the need for customer-centered thinking and knows what customer profiles are.
The student recognizes tools and methods for service design.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student understands the basic concepts of service design and the role of service design in business.
The student knows how to create simple customer profiles and understands the benefits of customer-centered design.
The student can apply some of the service design tools and methods in their own work.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student understands the benefit of service design for business and can evaluate the use of basic concepts in different situations.
The student knows how to create customer profiles and use those while designing services.
The student can deliberately apply tools and methods of service design and is capable to evaluate the effect of those on the final result.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
14.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 100
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jan-Erik Sandelin
- Antti Salopuro
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
The student is able to
- set up an online store suitable for a company's business
- add services to an online store to support business
- apply methods affecting an online store's cost effectiveness
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
This is a project course which is done individually or in small groups. Presence in a kickoff session, interim check and seminars is mandatory.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Week 42 - Week 50.
A project course with the target of setting up a cost effective online store with business supporting services.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
The course Online store solutions must be completed prior to attending or needs to be taken during the same semester as this course.
The project artifacts are evaluated according to each case, but the general evaluation areas are:
- existence and quality of a student produced online store
- store suitability for a company's business
- service suitability to business
- cost effectiveness of the store
Hylätty (0)
The student is unable to fulfill the requirements for the project properly.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The requirements for the project are partially fulfilled.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The requirements for the project are implemented but there are some issues in the implementation.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The requirements for the project are impeccably implemented.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 80
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka Sirkiä
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
The student is able to
- form the basis of the strategy - the values, mission and vision of the organization and understand the strategic objectives.
- apply and evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) for strategy implementation.
- use balanced scorecard (BSC) approach to measure and improve performance.
- participate in the development of the organization's strategy process.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Online lectures and individual work or teamwork according to time-table.
Students will also prepare assignments and presentations.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
The learning materials for the course can be found on the Moodle. The following also serve as good materials:
Strategic Management: Global Cultural Perspectives for Profit and Non-profit Organizations, Marios I. Katsioloudes, 2006 Elsevier. Part 1, Part 2 and chapter 7 in Part 3, pages from the beginning to page 222
And other relevant material made available through the Moodle.
Online lectures and assignments according to time-table.
Moodle-workspace also used for instructions and assignments.
- Introduction to strategy
- Principles of strategic management
- Strategic planning and analysis
- Strategy process
- The balanced scorecard (BSC)
The company's various stakeholders, owners and investors emphasize the importance of ESG.
The course takes into account that management's requirements towards companies' responsible business operations are increasing. ESG factors (Environmental, Social and Governance) refer to issues related to companies' environmental and social responsibility and governance.
More detailed information can be found in the course Moodle.
Hylätty (0)
Failing to reach the level of 1 according to the evaluation criteria.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student has basic knowledge of strategic management.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student has good knowledge about strategic management and understands its role in leading and developing an organization.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student has excellent knowledge and understanding of the meaning of strategic management and its different dimensions. Student is able to utilize this knowledge in business development and analysis.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
11.09.2024 - 20.11.2024
5 op
2 op
60 % Lähiopetus, 40 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
20 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Anna Pajari
- Tiina Pernanen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX24S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
TLTIEX24S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tekniikka, Lahti
TLTIEX24S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, tietotekniikka, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
Student is able to
- observe corporate responsibility from the marketing perspective
- describe how sustainability can be use as means of business competition
- apply customer expectations into company's business actions
- provide development proposals to company's sustainability and marketing
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact lectures
Case studies
Guest lecturers
Individual reading tasks
Group assignments
Peer reviewing
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
According to the course timetable Time Edit
Compulsory attendance in the contact lectures.
Compulsory attendance in the final presentation lecture.
Activeness during the course contact sessions will affect the final grade positively.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Lectures and lecture notes on Moodle
Course related articles and cases provided by the lecturer
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
No alternative completion methods.
Working life cases and guest lecturers.
Moodle learning platform
Zoom online lectures
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
A student's estimated workload is 5 x 27 hours, consisting of contact lectures, individual reading tasks, different individual and group course assignments.
The student
- understands sustainability as a competitive business tool
- reflects CSR from marketing point of view
- takes the customer requirements and expectations into consideration in company's strategic planning
- provides ideas related to CSR and sustainability marketing
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Basics of marketing. For second and third year students.
- small group assignments and/or case studies
- major group assignment
- individual Moodle-test
- individual peer-review
- active participation in online lectures and discussion areas
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Sufficient (1)
- Student has achieved the objectives of the course sufficiently.
- The student demonstrates his / her theoretical knowledge of the subject area unclear.
- The student is able to apply some of the theories into practice.
- Participation in team assignments.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Good (3)
- Student has achieved the objectives of the course in a consistent manner.
- The student demonstrates his / her theoretical knowledge of the subject area relatively clear.
- The student is able to apply theories into practice in a good way.
- Active contribution to the team assignments.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Excellent (5)
- Student has achieved the objectives of the course in an excellent manner.
- The student demonstrates his/her theoretical knowledge of the subject area in detail.
- The student is able to apply theories into practice in an excellent way.
- Active contribution to the team assignments.
02.09.2024 - 30.12.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
1 op
Teknologia (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Täydentävä osaaminen, AMK
- Anne-Marie Tuomala
TLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
TLTISCT24SBachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Construction Technology 24S Lahti
MLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
HLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
LLABTO24-25Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Liiketoimintayksikkö
TLTIIIT24SBachelor's Degree Programme in Industrial Information Technology 24S Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
Opiskelija osaa
- tunnistaa LABn Lahden kampuksen mahdollisuudet ja toiminnot paremmin
- havainnoida kestävän kehityksen käytännön sovelluksia toimintaympäristössään
- mieltää itsensä paremmin osaksi LAB-yhteisöä ja sen erilaisia toimintoja
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Itseohjautuvasti suoritettava rastikierros, jota tukee Moodlessa oleva materiaali ja tehtävät.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Hop on - hop off -periaatteella suoritettava, ei aikarajoitusta.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Kaikki materiaali kurssialustalla.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Ei käytössä.
Ei tenttiä.
Lahden kampus ja Moodlessa olevat tehtävät.
Kampus pähkinänkuoressa
Niemen alueen tulevaisuus
LAB Kiertotalouden projektit
Kampusten laboratoriot
Projektit vastuullista muodista
Kestävä liikuuminen
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Ei edellytetä.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
14.01.2025 - 21.02.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Reko Juntto
- Jukka Sirkiä
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
Student is able to
- gain competence on how strategic business decisions affect the success of the company operating in global markets
- operate in a highly competitive business and understands cause-effect learning through decisions
- work in a virtual and international team as a company management team
-analyze external data: customers, markets, competitors, business environment trends
-analyze internal data: production, warehouse, R&D, marketing, logistics, finance
-form the strategy and implement it through operative decisions
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Introduction lectures, virtually played business simulation rounds (decision-making rounds in student teams), investor deck / pitching session, report presentations, final seminar via Zoom sessions.
All the participating students have to be present (online and via Zoom) at the first lecture to register to the simulation. Those who miss the first session have no chance to register later and they are dropped out.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
All the participating students must be present at the first lecture to register to the simulation. Those who miss the first session have no chance to register later and they are dropped out. The final seminar of the course is also mandatory to attend or has to be done in addition to the substitute writing assignment.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Based on the used business simulation (Cesim) software system, to be delivered in the beginning of the course. The course materials can be found in the Moodle.
Introduction lectures, virtually played business simulation rounds, investor deck / pitching session, report presentations, final seminar via Zoom sessions.
All the participating students have to be present at the first lecture to register to the simulation. Those who miss the first session have no chance to register later and they are dropped out.
The students can utilize their studies on various business areas in running an international company via a strategy & business management simulation (Cesim Global Challenge). The target of the course is that the students gain comprehensive understanding on how strategic business decisions in areas like marketing, pricing, investments etc. affect the success of the company operating in global markets.
Introduction to the course via practice rounds and result analysis. Virtually played decision-making rounds in student teams. Final seminar with results and analysis. The course materials can be found on Moodle, and the course lectures and coaching are done via Zoom.
The company's various stakeholders, owners and investors emphasize the importance of ESG.
The course takes into account that management's requirements towards companies' responsible business operations are increasing. ESG factors (Environmental, Social and Governance) refer to issues related to companies' environmental and social responsibility and governance.
Team assignments and active participation in the decision-making process in every round, presence required in the introductory lectures in the beginning of the course as well as in the pitching session, final round's lectures and in the final seminar. The assessment of grades is based on course assignments and success in the business simulation, as well as the analysis made through the final report
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Presence in all compulsory sessions. All the documents of the required learning activities submitted within the given deadlines. The final report and presentation describes all the required dimensions only superficially or one of the dimensions is missing. The success in game is bad, and the reasons for failure are not analyzed.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Presence in all compulsory sessions. All the documents of the required learning activities submitted within the given deadlines. The final report and presentation describes all the required dimensions analytically. The success in game is average, and the reasons for the company performance are described.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Presence in all compulsory sessions. All the documents of the required learning activities submitted within the given deadlines. The final report and presentation describes all the required dimensions in detail logically and analytically. The success in game is very good, and the reasons for success are analyzed and described informatively.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
04.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Reko Juntto
- Jukka Sirkiä
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX24KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLPREX24SHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 24S, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento 1
Student is able to
- gain competence on how strategic business decisions affect the success of the company operating in global markets
- operate in a highly competitive business and understands cause-effect learning through decisions
- work in a virtual and international team as a company management team
-analyze external data: customers, markets, competitors, business environment trends
-analyze internal data: production, warehouse, R&D, marketing, logistics, finance
-form the strategy and implement it through operative decisions
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Introduction lectures, virtually played business simulation rounds (decision-making rounds in student teams), investor deck / pitching session, report presentations, final seminar via Zoom sessions.
All the participating students have to be present (online and via Zoom) at the first lecture to register to the simulation. Those who miss the first session have no chance to register later and they are dropped out.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
All the participating students must be present at the first lecture to register to the simulation. Those who miss the first session have no chance to register later and they are dropped out. The final seminar of the course is also mandatory to attend or has to be done in addition to the substitute writing assignment.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Based on the used business simulation (Cesim) software system, to be delivered in the beginning of the course. The course materials can be found in the Moodle.
Introduction lectures, virtually played business simulation rounds, investor deck / pitching session, report presentations, final seminar via Zoom sessions.
All the participating students have to be present at the first lecture to register to the simulation. Those who miss the first session have no chance to register later and they are dropped out.
The students can utilize their studies on various business areas in running an international company via a strategy & business management simulation (Cesim Global Challenge). The target of the course is that the students gain comprehensive understanding on how strategic business decisions in areas like marketing, pricing, investments etc. affect the success of the company operating in global markets.
Introduction to the course via practice rounds and result analysis. Virtually played decision-making rounds in student teams. Final seminar with results and analysis. The course materials can be found on Moodle, and the course lectures and coaching are done via Zoom.
The company's various stakeholders, owners and investors emphasize the importance of ESG.
The course takes into account that management's requirements towards companies' responsible business operations are increasing. ESG factors (Environmental, Social and Governance) refer to issues related to companies' environmental and social responsibility and governance.
Team assignments and active participation in the decision-making process in every round, presence required in the introductory lectures in the beginning of the course as well as in the pitching session, final round's lectures and in the final seminar. The assessment of grades is based on course assignments and success in the business simulation, as well as the analysis made through the final report
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Presence in all compulsory sessions. All the documents of the required learning activities submitted within the given deadlines. The final report and presentation describes all the required dimensions only superficially or one of the dimensions is missing. The success in game is bad, and the reasons for failure are not analyzed.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Presence in all compulsory sessions. All the documents of the required learning activities submitted within the given deadlines. The final report and presentation describes all the required dimensions analytically. The success in game is average, and the reasons for the company performance are described.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Presence in all compulsory sessions. All the documents of the required learning activities submitted within the given deadlines. The final report and presentation describes all the required dimensions in detail logically and analytically. The success in game is very good, and the reasons for success are analyzed and described informatively.
20.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 11.05.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Riitta Mähönen
- Verkkoluento (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLPREX25KIBSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25K3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
LLPREX25KHSaapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, hotelli- ja ravintola-ala, Lappeenranta
LLTIEX25K1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25K, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Verkkoluento
The student is able to
- describe the risk and return characteristics of different asset classes such as equities, fixed income, real estate, and commodities.
- understand the basic concepts of portfolio management including strategic and tactical asset allocation as well as the effect of diversification on risk and return.
- draft an investment policy statement based on risk tolerance, long-term return objective and liquidity requirements.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Luennot verkossa.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Osallistuminen luennoille on suositeltavaa.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Materiaali lisätään Moodleen.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
10 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Mika Tonder
- Outi Katajamäki
LLABTO24-25Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Liiketoimintayksikkö
Opiskelija tunnistaa osaamisensa yrittäjyyskompetensseista, ja osaa käyttää yrittäjyystaitojaan. Opiskelija kerää kokemusta viestintä- ja organisointiosaamisista, joita tarvitaan tiimi- ja projektityöskentelyssä, ja tiedostaa kehittämistarpeet taidoissaan. Opiskelija voi testata liikeideaansa käytännössä.
Oppimistavoitteet (huomioiden opiskelijan tavoitteet, kiinnostuksen kohteet ja tarjolla olevat projektimahdollisuudet)
- Innovointi- ja projektiosaaminen (ideointi, tiimityö, liiketoimintamallit)
- Tiimi- ja projektityöskentelytaidot (viestintä, organisointi, suunnittelu, toteutus ja seuranta)
- Yritystoiminnan suunnittelu (verkostoituminen, idean testaaminen, toimintasuunnitelma)
- Yritystoiminnan käynnistäminen ja palautteen monitorointi (asiakaskohtaaminen, liikeidean arviointi)
- Tulevaisuuden toimintasuunnitelma ja sen arviointi (liikeidean kehittäminen, yhteistyöverkostot, jatkotoimien suunnittelu)
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Projektit, työpajat, ammattikirjallisuus, kirjallisuusesseet ja muu toteutettavien projektien osaamistarpeita tukeva materiaali.
Työpajat pidetään lähi/verkkotapaamisina tarkoituksenmukaisesti aihe ja työskentelytapa huomioiden.
Tavoitteena on tiimityö- ja työelämä- ja yrittäjyystaitojen kehittäminen sekä teoriatiedon sisäistäminen käytännön projekteissa.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Jatkuvasti mahdollisuus suorittaa projektien ja liikeideakehittelyn kautta.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Kirjadialogikirjallisuus ja luentomateriaalit. Ammattikirjallisuus ja muu toteutettavien projektien osaamistarpeita vastaava materiaali.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Sisältö ja suoritukset räätälöidään tapauskohtaisesti.
Työelämäyhteistyö projekteissa.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
27 h = 1 opintopiste, opintopisteitä kerätään 5-10 op.
Oman alan perusopinnot. Tässä saattaa olla alakohtaisia eroja.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
11.09.2025 - 18.12.2025
5 op
2.5 op
50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
1 - 40
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka-Mikael Rokio
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO25-26EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2025-2026, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
LLTIEX25S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX25S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
- Luennot 1
The student is able to
- analyse different aspects of free trade and protectionism
- explain the different tools of protectionism
- recognise the different levels of economic integration
- describe the basic mechanism of foreign exchange market
- explain the problems of developing countries in the world market
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
You are most welcome to join International Economics course on autumn term 2025. The course is very many-sided by teaching methods - contact sessions, individual studying, group work, individual assignments, presentation etc.
The group also will be very multicultural - domestic degree students, foreign degree students and foreign exchange students ... so participating the course is a great opportunity to make new friends and expand social network !
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course will take place on autumn term 2025 - starting in the mid September and ending in the mid December .
More detailed schedule will be confirmed on first contact session ( week 37 ).
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
All the material is going to be loaded to moodle ( files folders ) in the beginning of the course.
Campus contact sessions ( 10 - 12 sessions in all ).
Individual assignments
Lecture exam
Individual studying
Book Exam
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Weekly campus sessions ( contact 2 x 45 minutes ) + participation to the group work and presentation.
Individual assignments ( 5 - 6 ).
Individual studying with defined literature ( downloaded to moodle ).
Approximate workload for a student is 120 hours
The themas in the course handle for example free trade and protectionism, economic integration and economic policy, foreign exchange market. Also certain aspects of EU, EMU and international institutions are studied
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Prerequisite - basic knowledge concerning micro- and macroeconomics.
Contact sessions are arranged at the Lahti campus and the students must be present - so remote studying is not possible !!!
The evaluation / grade is based on assignments, group work, presentation and two exams.
Hylätty (0)
The student doesn' t pass the exams or doesn' t follow the deadlines concerning written assignments or doesn' t participate to the group works.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with basic concepts of international trade, foreign exchange market and international economic fluctuations.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with different aspects of free international trade and on the other hand protectionism.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is familiar with different international agreements and institutions and understands the benefits and disbenefits of globalization.
02.07.2025 - 07.09.2025
15.09.2025 - 07.12.2025
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's
- Jukka Korre
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLABTO25-26EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2025-2026, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
LLTIEX25S1Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
LLTIEX25S2Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
LLTIEX25S3Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
- Luennot 1
The student is able to:
- explain the relevant trends and issues to be considered in developing a future international business opportunity.
- develop a strategic approach to developing the future international business opportunity. Concepts such as working in projects, co
creation, collaborative networks, design thinking, circular economies, blue ocean and creating new market spaces will be explored.
- recommended solutions that could be implemented in actualising the chosen strategy to create the international business opportunity.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Few companies these days could claim to be purely domestic. While the firm may confine its activities to the domestic market, the market itself is unlikely to be somewhat restricted and may be served by firms headquartered in or operating from a number of other foreign countries or regions. Knowledge of international issues is therefore of vital importance to all firms whether they are actively involved in marketing in foreign markets or have foreign competitors at home. The increased risk and complexity marketers face in international markets is due to the increased level of uncertainty from operating in diverse and less understood environments. The discussion of international marketing topics in this course is guided by a depth understanding of culture and how this informs the international marketing decision- making process. Building a strong foundation knowledge of culture informs at a macro level which countries a firm selects to enter; which market entry strategy they adopt and how the marketing mix must adapt depending on the cultural values on the country the firm chooses to enter.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Campus lessons are mandatory
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Materials provided by the lecturer
Active participation in:
- The lectures
- Class exercises
- Presentations
- Group work