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International Economics (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: AL00CJ44-3007

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025


11.09.2025 - 18.12.2025


5 op


2.5 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Liiketoiminta (LAB)


Lahden kampus


  • Englanti


1 - 40


  • Complementary competence, Bachelor's


  • Jukka-Mikael Rokio


  • Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)


  • LLABTO25-26E
    Complementary competence (Bachelor's) 2025-2026, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
  • LLTIEX25S1
    Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, liiketalous, Lahti
  • LLTIEX25S2
    Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, tietojenkäsittely, Lahti
  • LLTIEX25S3
    Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat 25S, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti


  • Luennot 1


The student is able to
- analyse different aspects of free trade and protectionism
- explain the different tools of protectionism
- recognise the different levels of economic integration
- describe the basic mechanism of foreign exchange market
- explain the problems of developing countries in the world market

Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät

You are most welcome to join International Economics course on autumn term 2025. The course is very many-sided by teaching methods - contact sessions, individual studying, group work, individual assignments, presentation etc.

The group also will be very multicultural - domestic degree students, foreign degree students and foreign exchange students ... so participating the course is a great opportunity to make new friends and expand social network !

Ajoitus ja läsnäolo

The course will take place on autumn term 2025 - starting in the mid September and ending in the mid December .

More detailed schedule will be confirmed on first contact session ( week 37 ).

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

All the material is going to be loaded to moodle ( files folders ) in the beginning of the course.


Campus contact sessions ( 10 - 12 sessions in all ).
Individual assignments
Lecture exam
Individual studying
Book Exam

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Weekly campus sessions ( contact 2 x 45 minutes ) + participation to the group work and presentation.

Individual assignments ( 5 - 6 ).

Individual studying with defined literature ( downloaded to moodle ).

Approximate workload for a student is 120 hours


The themas in the course handle for example free trade and protectionism, economic integration and economic policy, foreign exchange market. Also certain aspects of EU, EMU and international institutions are studied

Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen

Prerequisite - basic knowledge concerning micro- and macroeconomics.

Contact sessions are arranged at the Lahti campus and the students must be present - so remote studying is not possible !!!


The evaluation / grade is based on assignments, group work, presentation and two exams.



Hylätty (0)

The student doesn' t pass the exams or doesn' t follow the deadlines concerning written assignments or doesn' t participate to the group works.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

The student is familiar with basic concepts of international trade, foreign exchange market and international economic fluctuations.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

The student is familiar with different aspects of free international trade and on the other hand protectionism.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

The student is familiar with different international agreements and institutions and understands the benefits and disbenefits of globalization.