Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
Master of Business Administration, Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 25S, online studies
Master of Business Administration, Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 24S, online studies
Master of Business Administration, Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 23S, online studies
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 60
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
- Jaani Väisänen
- Henri Karppinen
- Verkkoluento (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
LLTIYBICC24SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 24SV Lahti
- Verkkoluento
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö
The student is able
- to gain an in-depth understanding of financial management, budgeting and investments.
- to consider and evaluate macro economical situations and their impact.
- to apply scenario thinking / identify possibilities of alternative futures / for pre-active / proactive business development, decision making and resilience.
- to identify new possibilities for profitability and disruptive business models.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
The course is delivered entirely online, consisting of scheduled online sessions complemented by on-demand content in Moodle.
Teaching methods include lectures, individual and group assignments that focus on the application of business analytics in innovative decision-making processes.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course is segmented into main building blocks:
• Course Moodle opens 15.3.2025
• Knowledge management process - 11.03.2025 (online session)
• Open Innovation - 01.04.2025 (online session)
• Business analytics - 23.04.2025 (online session)
• Scenario thinking - On-demand content (available in early May 2025)
Attendance at the live online sessions is required, while the on-demand content can be accessed by students at their convenience.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Course materials will be provided through Moodle, where students can also find a list of recommended readings tailored to each section of the course content.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
There are no alternative completion methods available for this course.
Real-life case studies and analytics scenarios will be incorporated into the course, providing insights into the application of business analytics in various industries.
The learning environment consists of:
• Online sessions via Zoom/Teams.
• Moodle for on-demand content, assignments and online forums for group discussions.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The extent of the course is 5 ECTS, indicating a total workload of approximately 133 hours. This workload is divided across individual study, group work, and participation in online sessions.
The course content will cover:
• Principles, benefits, and practical applications of knowledge management and business intelligence
• Exploration of open innovation and its integration with business analytics
• In-depth look at business analytics, including data warehousing and analysis processes.
• Scenario thinking and its application in conjunction with knowledge management.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
A foundational knowledge of business principles is beneficial.
Individual learning assignments.
Group learning assignments.
Participation and activeness during the online lectures,
Hylätty (0)
The student does not fulfill the basic requirements of the course. There is a clear lack of understanding of the core principles of business analytics, difficulty in applying theoretical knowledge in practical contexts, or a failure to submit essential assessments.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student has a minimal understanding of the concepts of knowledge management and business analytics. Basic concepts are recognized, but applying these ideas and performing critical analysis proves difficult. The student's work includes notable mistakes or omits important content, showing a struggle to produce coherent outcomes.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student shows a good understanding of the course material and can apply key principles of business analytics in common situations. Although the analysis and strategic development are structured appropriately, they may lack some complexity, creativity, or detail. The understanding of the integration of analytics with innovation processes is evident, but it might not be particularly inventive.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student excels in understanding and applying the concepts of business analytics and knowledge management. The student can analyze complex situations in depth, create cutting-edge strategies, and formulate comprehensive plans for data-driven innovation. The student's ability to strategize and optimize data use is evident, and the student’s work represents a thoughtful, strategic approach to combining analytics with innovative decision-making for industry leadership.
20.11.2024 - 23.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 60
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
- Henri Karppinen
- Sami Lanu
- Verkkoluento (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
LLTIYBICC24SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 24SV Lahti
- Verkkoluento
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö
The student is
- able to create added-value-driven business strategies
- able to facilitate customer’s experience as a brand enhancing competitive advantage.
- able to create hybrid product-service concepts in building personalized customer experiences and design value adding business models and processes.
- able to leverage future trends and insight on target groups as a source for new business development.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
The course is delivered entirely online and comprises both scheduled online sessions and on-demand content in Moodle. The teaching methods include lectures, interactive discussions, and practical assignments designed to enhance understanding of business and brand design.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course is structured into main content blocks, with online sessions on the following dates:
• Business Model Essentials: 21.01.2025
• Brand Strategy Foundations: 18.02.2025
• Brand Experience and Design: 25.03.2025
On-demand content:
• Course Introduction: available 15.1.2025 in Moodle including Introduction task.
• Integrating Brand and Business Design: April 2025
Attendance at scheduled online sessions is expected, while on-demand materials can be accessed at the student's convenience.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Learning materials will be provided through the online learning platform, Moodle. Recommended literature and resources specific to each module will be communicated to enrolled students.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
No alternative completion methods are provided for this course
The course includes case studies and examples from current business practice, highlighting the application of theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios.
The learning environment consists of:
• Online sessions via Teams.
• Moodle for on-demand content, assignments and online forums for group discussions.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The course is worth 5 ECTS, indicating a total workload of approximately 133 hours. This workload is divided across individual study, group work, and participation in online sessions.
The course covers the following key areas:
1. Business Model Essentials: Core components of Business Models, Business Model Innovation, Value Creation & Capturing and Value Canvas.
2. Brand Strategy Foundations: Brand strategy principles, crafting brand vision, and the role of brand strategy.
3. Brand Experience and Design: Elements of brand experience, the relationship between brand strategy and design, and methods for optimizing
brand experience.
4. Integrating Brand and Business Design: Aligning brand and business models, the impact on success, and strategies for holistic growth and
market leadership.
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Students should have a basic understanding of business concepts. Prior coursework in strategy or marketing is helpful but not required.
Individual learning assignments.
Group learning assignments.
Participation and activeness during the online lectures.
Hylätty (0)
The student has not met the basic learning outcomes of the course. There is a lack of understanding of the fundamental concepts of business design, an inability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, or the student has not submitted critical pieces of assessment.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student demonstrates a minimal understanding of business design principles. The student can identify basic concepts but struggles with application and critical analysis. There may be significant errors or omissions in the student’s work, and there is limited evidence of the ability to construct coherent outcomes.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student comprehends the course content and can apply key concepts of business design to typical scenarios with some competence. The student can perform analyses and develop strategies that are correctly structured but may lack depth, creativity, or detail. There is an understanding of brand experience and business model integration, but the insights may be conventional rather than innovative.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student excels in understanding and applying business design concepts. The student can critically analyze complex situations, develop innovative strategies, and create comprehensive business design plans. The student demonstrates the ability to lead in the creation and optimization of brand experiences, and the work reflects a strategic, thoughtful approach to integrating brand and business goals for market leadership.
02.12.2024 - 30.04.2026
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2026
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Suomi
- Englanti
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
- Henri Karppinen
LLTIYCES25SVMaster’s Degree Programme in Circular Economy Solutions 25SV Lahti
LLTIYBICC25SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 25SV Lahti
LLTIYBICC24SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 24SV Lahti
Opiskelija osaa
- kokemuksellisen oppimisen prosessin (opintojakso perustuu käytännön työelämässä toteutettaviin projekteihin).
- toimia erilaisissa rooleissa innovaatiovetoisissa tutkimus- ja kehitysprojekteissa, erilaisissa liiketoiminnallisissa ja ei-kaupallisissa konteksteissa eri markkina-alueilla.
- suunnitella, organisoida ja hallita resursseja projektin tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.
- arvioida projektin onnistumiskriteerit ja arvioida projektiin liittyviä sisäisiä ja ulkoisia riskejä.
- kehittää osaamistaan liiketoiminnallisten ja ei-kaupallisten innovaatiovaatimusten ja haasteiden ratkaisemisessa ja ymmärtämisessä erilaisissa markkinakonteksteissa.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Työelämäprojektin toteuttaminen.
Virtuaaliset tapaamiset oppimisen tukena.
Toteutuksen ohjeistus on kokonaisuudessaan Moodlessa.
Pakollinen palautetilaisuus projektin lopussa.
Huomio! Opintojakson Moodle-sivusto aukeaa 13.1.2025.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Rullaava aloitus, henkilökohtaistettu aikataulu.
Voit toteuttaa opintojakson haluamallasi aikataululla 13.1.2025-31.7.2026 välisenä aikana.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Opetussisällöt Moodlessa.
Soveltuva kirjallisuus ja tietolähteet.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Ei valinnaisia toteutustapoja.
Opintojakso toteutetaan työelämäprojektina.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Vaihe 1, oman osaamisen arvionti, tavoitteiden asettaminen (20%, 27 hours)
Vaihe 2, projektin suunnittelu (10%, 13 hours)
Vaihe 3, projektin toteutus (50%, 66 hours)
Vaihe 5, analyysi ja reflektointi (20%, 27 hours)
5 ECTS on noin 133 tuntia työtä.
INNOHUB-opintojaksolla opit soveltamaan muilla opintokursseilla opittuja tietoja käytännön työelämäprojekteissa. Jos olet vaihtamassa alaasi, etsit uutta työtä tai haluat saada lisämerkinnän ansioluetteloosi, tämä opintojakso on juuri oikea sinulle.
Opiskelijat etsivät työelämäprojektejaan itse. Lukuvuoden aikana osallistumismahdollisuuksia voi tarjota myös LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, mm. tutkimus-, kehitys- ja innovaatiohankkeissa. Voit myös suorittaa työelämäprojektisi omalle työnantajallesi. Tarvittaessa tuemme sinua sopivan projektin löytämisessä. Voit myös toteuttaa projektisi missä tahansa maassa.
Opintojakso sopii kaikkiin YAMK-ohjelmiin, kaikkien alojen opiskelijoille. Opintojakso voidaan suorittaa suomeksi tai englanniksi koulutusohjelman kielen mukaan.
Kuinka edetä? Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ja saat käyttöösi INNOHUB-sisältöpaketin Moodlessa (tammikuun 2025 alusta).
Voit ilmoittautua opintojaksolle läpi lukuvuoden ja voit aloittaa oman projektityösi milloin tahansa. Opintojakson voi suorittaa yksin, pareittain tai ryhmässä. Sovi toteutusmuodosta aina etukäteen.
Työvaiheiden 1-4 toteutuksen arvionti.
Kirjalliset raportit, videodokumentaatio.
Hylätty (0)
Työvaiheiden 1-4 taso ei saavuta hyväksyttävää tasoa.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Työvaiheiden 1-4 taso on vaatimaton,
Opiskelijan toteuttama itsearvio ja tavoitteiden asettaminen ei tarjoa vaatimattoman pohjan toteutukselle ja toteutuksen arvionnille.
Opiskelijan tuottamassa raportoinnissa on puutteita.
Opintojaksolla oppimista on vaikea arvioida tuotosten perusteella.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Vaiheiden 1-4 toteutus on hyvällä tasolla.
Opiskelijan itsearviointi ja tavoitteiden asettaminen luovat hyvän ja relevantin pohjan projektin toteuttamiselle ja tulosten reflektoinnille.
Projektivaiheiden dokumentointi on hyvää ja oppimistulokset on helppo osoittaa.
Opiskelija on ollut aktiivinen koko kurssin ajan.
Projektin tilaaja/toimeksiantaja (työelämässä) antaa lausunnon projektityöstä ja sen tuloksista.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Vaiheiden 1-4 toteutus on erinomaisella tasolla.
Opiskelijan itsearviointi ja tavoitteiden asettaminen tarjoavat innovatiivisen ja kunnianhimoisen pohjan projektin toteuttamiselle ja tulosten reflektoinnille. Projektin vaiheiden dokumentointi on erinomaista ja oppimistulokset on helppo osoittaa, mukaan lukien vaiheet, joissa opiskelija on selkeästi ylittänyt itsensä ja toimeksiantajan odotukset.
Opiskelija on ollut aktiivinen koko kurssin ajan ja osoittanut kykynsä johtaa omaa toteutustaan.
Projektin tilaaja/asiakas (työpaikalla) antaa selvityksen projektityöstä.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
29.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 60
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
- Henri Karppinen
- Vesa Alatalo
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIYBICC24SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 24SV Lahti
- Verkkoluento 1
The student is able to
- explain the relevant concepts of innovation and innovation process
- drive the innovative processes and creatively overcome the impediments of innovation, in or
between, organizations and the emerging business opportunity. Concepts like idea generation,
creativity, innovation culture and resilience will be explored
- foster an innovation and creative culture, and rethink the value proposition for the customer.
- generate and evaluate new business models and foster business resilience
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
The course is a virtual online course with three scheduled virtual contact lessons. The course requires independent work as individuals and as working in a group.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The course starts with a pre-task assignment that is given on Thursday, August 29th.
Virtual Lectures in Zoom:
3.9.2024, 14.00-18.00
14.10.2024, 14.00-18.00
29.10.2024, 14.00-18.00
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Relevant literature and required materials are informed in Moodle.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
- Virtual Lectures
- Independent work
- Group/pair work and meetings
- Moodle materials and assignments
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Independent work, 40% (ECTS)
Group work, 40% (2 ECTS)
Virtual Contact lessons 20% (1 ECTS)
The virtual course focuses on how innovations in organizations and innovation capability can be developed. The assignments help the student to understand the nature and the importance of innovation in different types of organizations, factors associated with the development of a culture of innovation and the innovation process from idea generation, to the management of implementation.
The main themes of the course are:
- idea creation & innovation scouting
- innovations & innovativeness in practice
- developing innovation capabilities and processes
- leadership view - innovations as competitive force
Throughout the course, diverse information sources will be utilized, artificial intelligence is tested innovation context. The main objective is to encourage, improve and strengthen the students' ability to work in and lead innovation related activities.
Individual learning assignments.
Group learning assignments.
Video presentations, video documentation.
Hylätty (0)
Does not complete the requirements for a grade of one.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is able to demonstrate how the relevant innovation management knowledge base can be utilized in different business contexts and is able to participate discussion on the development of innovation management: what is required to design, implement and evaluate development processes related to innovations.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is able to critically evaluate the theoretical knowledge related to innovation management and innovativeness.
The student is able to solve problems that require innovative activities, to scout, identify and analyze the background of innovations, innovation capabilities and the core activities of innovation management.
The student is able to test and validate the basic assumptions related to innovations and take responsibility for the development of the innovation.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student is able to combine internal and external views and knowledge sources related to innovation.
The student is able to scout and identify innovations in any market.
The student is able to evaluate the results and impact of development activities.
The student is able to define and evaluate the gap between current innovation activities and requirements.
The student is able to lead innovation activities and evaluate development needs.
The student understands the requirements of fostering innovativeness and innovation capabilities in any organisation.
The student is able to analyze, assess and change processes related to innovation activities.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
16.09.2024 - 10.12.2024
5 op
5 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
10 - 60
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
- Ville Sarpo
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIYBICC24SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 24SV Lahti
- Luennot 1
The student is able to
- plan a workplace-oriented research-based development project.
- use different methods of workplace development.
- use research data in workplace development.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Online teaching. The teaching will consist of lecturing and interaction with the students. Students will also have the opportunity to present their work to others.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
The schedule of the online sessions:
- September 16th 2024 at 13.00-16.00
- October 15th 2024 at 13.00-16.00
- November 13th 2024 at 13.00-16.00
- December 10th 2024 at 13.00-16.00
Attendance is very highly recommended. Absences might lead to being dropped off from the course.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
The following book will be used during the lectures:
Saunders, M. N. K., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. 2019 Research methods for business students. 8th edition. New York, Pearson.
It is not obligatory for the students to obtain the book. Additional material (articles, reports, etc.) will be made available through Moodle.
The course will use Moodle for distributing information and students will return assignments there as well.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
5 ECTS equals to 135 hours of work. Total number of lecture hours is 21 hours. Students are expected to do roughly 114 hours of individual work.
The following topics will be discussed during the lectures:
- Research objectives and questions
- Research design
- Research methodology
- Data collection
- Analysis
- Writing
Students complete a total of 3 assignments, each is worth 1/3 of the grade. All assignments must be passed in order to pass the course.
Hylätty (0)
Failing to reach the level of 1 according to the evaluation criteria.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student is able to understand the basics related to developing a research topic and processes related to it
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student is able to develop a study that uses qualitative and/or quantitative research methods.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
Student can justify her/his choices regarding the selection of research methods with rigor. Student is able to justify the need for doing the research by citing previous research.
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
10 op
10 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
- Englanti
20 - 50
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
- Tuuli Mirola
- Riitta Forsten-Astikainen
- Henri Karppinen
- Minna Ikävalko
LLTIYBICC24SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 24SV Lahti
The student is able to
- describe the objectives and core contents of their thesis.
- plan and describe the stages of the thesis process.
- take into account the possible research permit and copyright issues.
07.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
5 op
5 op
3 op
Hyvinvointi (LAB)
- Englanti
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
- Johanna Heinonen-Kemppi
- Verkkoluento 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
LLTIYBICC25SVMaster's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity 25SV Lahti
LLTIYMOJO25SVModerni johtajuus (ylempi AMK), liiketalouden ala 25SV Lahti
HLTIYMOJO25SVModerni johtajuus (ylempi AMK), sosiaali- ja terveysala 25SV Lahti
- Verkkoluento 1
The student is able to
-Analyze the relationship between corporate governance, ethics, and responsible management.
-Assess the role of leadership and corporate culture in shaping ethical behavior and responsible management practices.
-Explain the role of a code of conduct in fostering ethical behavior within organizations.
-Propose innovative approaches to promoting responsible management and ethical leadership in a rapidly changing business environment.
-Formulate strategies for enhancing corporate governance and promoting responsible practices within a specific industry or organization.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
The course employs a collaborative, project-based learning methodology that emphasizes real-world application and co-creation of knowledge among students. This method integrates theoretical understanding with practical application by having students work in groups to create a comprehensive plan addressing key aspects of ethical leadership and responsible management for a real company.
The course is structured around interactive activities, discussions, and group assignments, fostering a highly engaging and participatory learning environment adn uses partially flipped classroom method
Thus attending lectures is recommended
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Monday 1.9.2025 Opening Moodle (at the latest)
Tuesday 9.9.2025 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Tuesday 30.9.2025 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Sunday 12.10.2025 at 23.59 DEADLINE for artcile assignment (INDIVIDUAL)
Tuesday 28.10.2025 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Sunday 23.11.2025 at 23.59 DEADLiNE for group assignment and video
Tuesday 25.11.2025 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Sunday 21.12.2025 DEADLINE for revised assignments
Late, and unagreed submissions affect the final grade
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Course can be completed with the traditional exam by reading all the given artciles in Moodle
Course concentrates on analysing a real company and creating them strategy guidelines
If the course is done with lectures and group assignment, the assignmnet can be improved
If the cours is done by ecam, the re-examination can be taken twice.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
1 cr = 26 hours of student work
Student work includes participation to the classes and participation to the groupwork on own time.
Tuesday 9.9.2025 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Introduction to the course, participants and Corporate Governance, Ethics, and Responsible Management
Tuesday 30.9.2025 4 p.m. - 68p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Leadership and Corporate Culture
Sunday 12.10.2025 at 23.59
DEADLINE for artcile assignment (INDIVIDUAL)
Monday 4.11.2024 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Code of Conduct and Ethical Behavior
Tuesday 28.10.2025 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Innovative Approaches to Responsible Management and Strategies for Enhancing Corporate Governance
Sunday 23.11.2025 at 23.59 DEADLiNE for group assignment and video
Tuesday 25.11.2025 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. CONTACT MEETING in Zoom
Industry-Specific Responsible Practices, i.e. presentations with videos
Sunday 21.12.2025 DEADLINE for revised assignments
Late, submission that have ot been agreed by the teacher affect the final grade
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Article 50 % of the grade (individual task)
Group work 30 % of the grade
Presentation video of the group work 20 % of the grade
Hylätty (0)
The student fails to demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of sustainability and responsibility in digital tourism and event management.
There is little to no application of sustainable practices or responsible management principles in the coursework or projects.
Assignments are incomplete, and participation in course activities is minimal.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student shows a basic understanding of sustainability and responsibility concepts in digital tourism and event management.
Some application of sustainable and responsible practices is evident, but lacks depth and consistency.
Coursework and projects meet minimum requirements, though there may be some gaps in understanding or implementation.
Participation in course activities is adequate.
Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student demonstrates a solid understanding of sustainability and responsibility in digital tourism and event management.
Sustainable practices and responsible management principles are applied consistently and effectively in coursework and projects.
Assignments are complete and demonstrate a good level of critical thinking and analysis.
Active participation in course activities, showing engagement and contribution to discussions
Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)
The student exhibits a thorough and comprehensive understanding of sustainability and responsibility in digital tourism and event management.
Advanced application of sustainable practices and responsible management principles is evident, with innovative and effective solutions presented in coursework and projects.
Assignments are of high quality, demonstrating excellent critical thinking, analysis, and creativity.
Outstanding participation in course activities, with significant contributions to discussions and group work, showing leadership and initiative.