Studies for incoming exchange students, Autumn Semester 2020, Lahti: Social Services
Autumn Semester 2020
LAB Lahti Campus offers courses for exchange students in all study fields. Courses are listed in the following categories:
1) Language and communication studies for all exchange students
2) Professional studies in specific study fields
Valitse opintojen ajoitus-, rakenne- tai jäsentelynäkymä
Näytä opintojen ajoitukset lukuvuosittain, lukukausittain tai periodeittain
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) | 2020-2021 |
2020 |
1. / 2020 | 2. / 2020 | 3. / 2020 |
LABEX20SLTI-1001 |
Optional courses for all exchange students
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 | |||||
KE00BX35 | English Pronunciation | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 |
KE00AY82 | Finnish Culture | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.7 |
K200BX72 | Finnish for Beginners | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 1.7 |
LA00BQ29 | Intercultural Awareness | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 1.7 |
LA00BQ30 | Multicultural Teamwork and Leadership | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 1.7 |
KE00BX34 | Professional Reading | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.7 |
LA00BS49 | Orientation for Exchange Students | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 |
KE00AY80 | Survival Finnish 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.7 |
KF00BX56 | Työelämän ranskaa | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
LABEX20SLTI-1017 |
Faculty of Health Care and Social Services
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
10 | |||||
LABEX20SLTI-1038 |
Social Services
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
10 | |||||
ST00BF48 | Leadership and Entrepreneurship | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 1.7 |
ST00BF49 | Practical Training: Leadership and Entrepreneurship | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 1.7 |
Yhteensä | 30 | 36 | 36 | 12.17 | 12.17 | 12.17 |
Lukukausi- ja lukuvuosikohtaiset opintopistekertymät vaihtelevat valinnaisten ja vapaasti valittavien opintojen ajoituksesta johtuen.
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) |
LABEX20SLTI-1001 |
Optional courses for all exchange students
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 |
KE00BX35 | English Pronunciation | 1 |
KE00AY82 | Finnish Culture | 2 |
K200BX72 | Finnish for Beginners | 5 |
LA00BQ29 | Intercultural Awareness | 5 |
LA00BQ30 | Multicultural Teamwork and Leadership | 5 |
KE00BX34 | Professional Reading | 2 |
LA00BS49 | Orientation for Exchange Students | 0 |
KE00AY80 | Survival Finnish 1 | 2 |
KF00BX56 | Työelämän ranskaa | 3 |
LABEX20SLTI-1002 |
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
140 |
LABEX20SLTI-1003 |
MODULE 1: International Supply Chain Management
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
LI00BI33 | Current and Future Trends of Supply Chain | 5 |
LI00BI35 | Distribution Management and Development | 10 |
LABEX20SLTI-1004 |
MODULE 2: International Business Operations
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
LI00BI91 | Internationalisation Process | 5 |
LI00BI92 | International Economics | 5 |
LI00BI93 | International Marketing | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1005 |
MODULE 3: Digital Marketing
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
LI00BI15 | Digital Marketing | 15 |
LABEX20SLTI-1010 |
Individual Business Courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
45 |
LI00BI12 | Management Accounting | 5 |
LI00BI13 | Corporate Finance | 5 |
LI00BI37 | SAP ERP Systems | 5 |
LI00BJ52 | Profitable enterprise | 5 |
LI00BJ59 | Ethics, Environment and Business | 5 |
LI00BI88 | Doing Business with the Russians: Opportunities & Challenges | 5 |
LI00BJ71 | Presentation and Public Speaking Skills | 5 |
LI00BJ88 | Responsible Tourism and Hospitality Business | 5 |
LI00BI90 | Fundamentals of Professional Selling | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1031 |
Business Information Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
50 |
LA00BF27 | Anticipating future trends | 5 |
LI00BR28 | Applications Project | 5 |
LI00BR27 | Data Storages | 5 |
LI00BR26 | Object Oriented Programming | 5 |
LI00BI61 | Online Business | 5 |
LI00BI62 | Online Store Solutions | 5 |
LI00BI68 | Project Communication and Reporting | 5 |
LI00BI69 | Real-Life IT Project and Practices | 10 |
LI00BI63 | Setting up and Developing an Online Store | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1011 |
Faculty of Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
109 |
LABEX20SLTI-1012 |
Information and Communication Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
45 |
TE00BH57 | 3D Modelling 2 | 5 |
TE00BH49 | Advanced Network Technologies | 5 |
TE00BH55 | Animation | 5 |
TE00BH48 | Data Centers and Network Management | 5 |
TE00BH50 | Data Transfer in IoT | 5 |
TE00BH75 | Game Design | 4 |
TE00BH76 | Game Programming Advanced Course | 4 |
TE00BH42 | Software Architectures | 4 |
TE00BH41 | Software Engineering | 4 |
TE00BH43 | Software Testing and Maintenance | 4 |
LABEX20SLTI-1014 |
Wood Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
TE00BF55 | Research and Development Project | 5 |
TE00BF54 | Wood-based Panels Technology | 10 |
LABEX20SLTI-1033 |
Master level courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 |
TE00BB93 | GIS as a tool | 5 |
LA00BO75 | History and preservation of urban areas | 5 |
LA00BQ20 | Kestävän muutoksen hallinta | 5 |
TE00BC06 | Paikkatieto työvälineenä | 5 |
LA00BO72 | Managing Urban Change | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1034 |
Energy and Environmental Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
24 |
TE00BV47 | Circular economy for water | 4 |
TE00BB93 | GIS as a tool | 5 |
LA00BO75 | History and preservation of urban areas | 5 |
TE00BA65 | Waste Management and Recycling | 5 |
LA00BO72 | Managing Urban Change | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1017 |
Faculty of Health Care and Social Services
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
80 |
LABEX20SLTI-1036 |
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
50 |
ST00BK39 | Acute Care | 5 |
LA00BF27 | Anticipating future trends | 5 |
ST00BK33 | Basic Nursing Competency | 5 |
ST00BK11 | Customership and Guidance in New Environments | 5 |
ST00BN20 | Customership in Changing Operational Environments | 5 |
ST00BK56 | Family Nursing | 5 |
ST00BF48 | Leadership and Entrepreneurship | 5 |
ST00BK34 | Medicine | 5 |
ST00BK54 | Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Care | 5 |
ST00BK60 | Promoting health and wellbeing | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1037 |
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
ST00BF48 | Leadership and Entrepreneurship | 5 |
ST00BJ14 | Physiotherapy of Central nervous system Disorders and Mental Health | 10 |
ST00BJ13 | Use of technology and Supporting of Functioning in Physiotherapy | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1038 |
Social Services
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
10 |
ST00BF48 | Leadership and Entrepreneurship | 5 |
ST00BF49 | Practical Training: Leadership and Entrepreneurship | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1018 |
Institute of Design and Fine Arts
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
195 |
MI00BT94 | Pajaympäristön ajokortti | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1019 |
Industrial Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
MI00BM00 | Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu | 5 |
MI00BL20 | Sustainable Design | 5 |
MI00BL07 | Tuotekehitysprosessit | 5 |
MI00BL22 | Markkinointiviestintä ja brändäys | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1021 |
Packaging and Brand Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
MI00BL20 | Sustainable Design | 5 |
MI00BL22 | Markkinointiviestintä ja brändäys | 5 |
MI00BL85 | Brändiviestinnän projekti | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1022 |
Vehicle Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
30 |
MI00BL20 | Sustainable Design | 5 |
MI00BM00 | Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu | 5 |
MI00BL07 | Tuotekehitysprosessit | 5 |
MI00BL22 | Markkinointiviestintä ja brändäys | 5 |
MI00BM01 | Ajoneuvomuotoilun CAD-mallinnustekniikat | 5 |
MI00BS12 | Esitystekninen piirtäminen | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1024 |
Wearable Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
MI00BL20 | Sustainable Design | 5 |
MI00BL33 | Functional Product Development and Materials | 5 |
MI00BL22 | Markkinointiviestintä ja brändäys | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1025 |
Interior Architechture and Furniture Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 |
MI00BK96 | Käyttäjäkokemus ja käyttäjäkeskeinen muotoilu | 5 |
MI00BL20 | Sustainable Design | 5 |
MI00BL07 | Tuotekehitysprosessit | 5 |
MI00BM16 | Asiantuntijaprojekti | 5 |
MI00BL87 | Tulevaisuuden teknologiat ja älykkäät materiaalit | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1026 |
Graphic Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
MI00BL12 | Datan visualisointi ja informaatiografiikka | 5 |
MI00BL07 | Tuotekehitysprosessit | 5 |
MI00BK97 | Type Design | 5 |
MI00BL15 | Visuaalisen identiteetin suunnittelu | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1028 |
Media Content Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
MI00BK88 | Motion graphics and animation | 5 |
MI00BU88 | Game Design and Development | 15 |
LABEX20SLTI-1029 |
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 |
MI00BL10 | Metodit ja dokumentaarisuus valokuvassa | 5 |
MI00BL21 | Metodologinen dokumentaarinen projekti | 5 |
MI00BL17 | Syventävä metodologinen dokumentaarinen projekti | 5 |
MI00BL01 | Studiotyöskentely | 5 |
MI00BS03 | Arkkitehtuurikuvaus | 5 |
LABEX20SLTI-1035 |
Experience and Service Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
MI00BL22 | Markkinointiviestintä ja brändäys | 5 |
MI00BM86 | Muotoiluprojekti 1 | 5 |
MI00BM87 | Tulevaisuuden teknologia muotoiluratkaisujen mahdollistajana | 5 |
MI00BN65 | Muotoiluprojekti 2 | 5 |