Fundamentals of Packaging (5 cr)
Code: AM00CW73-3001
General information
20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 01.03.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)
Lahti Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Visual Design (in Finnish), (2023)
- Oona Casalegno
- Mika Huovinen
Scheduling groups
- Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- describe the most important functions of the package
- understand the role of the packaging designer in the field
- design a packaging concept including form and visual design
- compare and choose materials for a model
- use the workshops in a safe manner
Implementation and methods of teaching
Instead of a lecture type of teaching, this course is more about interaction, learning by doing, making mistakes and succeeding, alone and together. As a member of a group, the student learns to design a packaging entity. The course includes also software teaching and a project related to that.
The student will learn the basics of the packaging process through practical exercises. The teaching is based on contact hours and guidance of the small groups. The student is required to have an open mind and skills for working in a multidisciplinary group as well as a hands-on attitude. Active participation and working outside contact hours is required.
Timing and attendance
Active attendance during contact hours and commitment to group/pair work. (absences should be informed beforehand for the teacher and the group
Learning material and recommended literature
Jackson, P. 2012. Structural Packaging: Design your own Boxes and 3D Forms (Paper engineering for designers and students)
Student time use and work load
Besides the contact days, the student is required to work independently and in a group outside the contact hours. The groups/pairs will agree on the roles and the details on the group work outside the contact hours. Taking part in the kick off and presentations is mandatory.
During the course, the student learns the main functions of packaging and ow to design a packaging concept.
Assessment criteria
The evaluation is based on group work and individual work. The student's own and peer evaluations are used to help the evaluation.
Note: If the assignment is returned late, the maximum grade for that part is 3, even if the work is excellent.
Group 50%:
-outcomes including pitchings
Individual 50%:
-share of teamwork and teamwork skills
-development of personal knowledge and skills
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
- Repeated absences from lessons and teaching situations
- Poor knowledge of the professional knowledge and skills relevant to the course
- Absence of key course assignments
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
- Ability to work according to instructions
- Can generate ideas for the implementation of the assignment
- Can identify and describe the main methods of the course in a guided manner
- Participates in a guided learning discussion
- Can search for professional information in his/her field
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
- Is able to apply a wide range of options to his/her working process
- Can implement assignments in a guided and independent manner on the basis of their ideas and develop them on the basis of feedback
- Can independently identify and compare the methods used
- Can assess and justify competence and set objectives for development in terms of content and/or technology
- Able to follow and describe the professional debate in his/her field
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
- Can apply and develop a variety of options in their working process
- Can use what they have learned in a planned and creative way when carrying out assignments and apply feedback received
- Can apply the methods used and analyse their relationship to the task
- Able to assess, develop and extend content and/or technical competences
- Able to participate in professional debates in his/her field