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Ruotsin kieli 2Laajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: KR00CZ11


5 op


  • englanti
  • ruotsi


You can communicate and give information in familiar, everyday situations, form different sentences and give simple instructions, describe your immediate surroundings, and use different materials and tools in language learning. You learn to write short texts on familiar topics, recognise features of everyday language, understand clear speech, and to read short texts about familiar situations and predictable topics. You will be able to derive meanings based on the context and follow an interaction situation. Essentially, you can understand content and react logically. You can also communicate proactively in familiar interaction situations, know about phenomena related to the Finnish lifestyle (e.g. celebration traditions, various weekends, and music life), tell about things that are important to you (e.g. hobbies, preferences), act in everyday situations (buying/shopping for food, going to a restaurant, using public transportation, visiting the health centre). You will increase your vocabulary, develop your language skills (Life Long Learning) and your cultural competence also on your own.