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Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Innovative Design Thinking (2021)

Master of Culture and Arts

Degree title:
Master of Culture and Arts
Master of Culture and Arts

60 ects

Master of Culture and Arts, Innovative Design Thinking 21S, Lahti

15.05.2023 - 01.09.2023


01.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Innovative Design Thinking (2021)
  • Milla Mäkinen
  • Mirja Kälviäinen
Scheduling groups
  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Design Thinking and Customer Experience
Small groups
  • Luennot 1

Learning outcomes

- has knowledge about human driven design methods and is capable of applying them into service design tasks
- can choose suitable design and analysis methods and apply them for diverse cases of service development
- is capable of managing strategic service design and service design processes

Implementation and methods of teaching

Orientation task 1: introduction to the literature on human-centredness and service design (40 h)
Orientation 2: Introduction to service design tools and applications (10 h)

1. Classroom session on 15.9., the underlying framework of service design (service orientation, design thinking, human-centredness and user research). In-depth exploration of how service experiences are created for people and how they can be designed (7 hrs)

2. Classroom session on 16.9., the methods of service design will be discussed and tested together in the development case at hand (7 h).

Interim assignments: user research on a common development case (45 h)

3. Classroom session on 29.9. to go through service design methods and test them together on the development case at hand (7 h)

4 Classroom session on 30.9. work on a joint development case (7 h) and present the outputs of the joint group work to the client

Final assignment: learning diary, to be returned to the teacher by 8.10. (10 h)

Timing and attendance

Orientation exercises 1 and 2
1. Classroom session 15.9. at 9-16
2. Classroom session 16.9. at 9-16
Intermediate tasks
3. Classroom session 29.9. at 9-16
4. Classroom session 30.9. at 9-16
Final assignment

Learning material and recommended literature

The actual learning material for the course on the Moodle e-learning platform. Additional material in the Service Design and User Information Methods sections of the Moodle e-learning platform.

Basic literature (available as e-books in Lab Primo):
Koivisto, M., Säynäjäkangas, J. & Forsberg, S. (2019). Palvelumuotoilun bisneskirja. Alma Talent.
Miettinen, S. (toim.) (2021). Muotoilun avaimet : älykkääseen teollisuuteen ja liiketoiminnan ketterään kehittämiseen. Teknologiainfo Teknova.
Tuulaniemi, J. (2011). Palvelumuotoilu. Talentum.

Working life cooperation

ESSI - accessible and smart housing solutions (

Learning environment

Lahti Campus and Moodle

Student time use and work load

5 credits 133 h

Clasroom teaching 28 h
Tasks 105 h


The course covers the basics and basic methods of human-centred service design in a working life-oriented way, through a real project, experiential learning and an emphasis on human-centredness.

Assessment criteria

Intermediate tasks + participation 60 %
Learning diary 40 %

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

Have not reached level 1

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student will be able to
- develop a knowledge base that demonstrates familiarity with service design and human-centredness
- integrate and apply knowledge within a service design framework
- produce a written and/or visual presentation of their findings according to a model
- identify needs for service change or development based on their knowledge base

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student will be able to
- develop a current and expert knowledge base that demonstrates familiarity with service design and human-centredness
- integrate knowledge carefully and apply it creatively within a service design framework
- produce a written and/or visual presentation of their findings
- contribute to service change or development needs based on their knowledge base

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student will be able to
- develop a critical, up-to-date and expert knowledge base that demonstrates familiarity with service design and human-centredness
- critically integrate and creatively apply knowledge within a service design framework, using appropriate methodologies
- produce a convincing and comprehensive written and/or visual presentation of their findings
- contribute to and critically evaluate service change or development needs on the basis of their knowledge base


20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Innovative Design Thinking (2021)
  • Mirja Kälviäinen
Scheduling groups
  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Design Thinking and Customer Experience
Small groups
  • Lecture 1

Learning outcomes

- can apply design thinking process and methods in diverse development tasks
- can choose and justify suitable approaches and research and development methods to support development projects
- can apply the differences of diverse research approaches, related methods and their goals to support different development challenges

Implementation and methods of teaching

The studies include, as a preliminary task, familiarization with the LAB thesis guidelines, materials and literature related to development research, and preparing questions related to these. On the first day of contact lessons, with the help of group discussions and questions, we will go through the dilemmas in relation to research approaches in development research, data acquisition, various empirical data acquisition methods and analysis methods, and examine the process of design thinking and the relationship to various methods. In the second contact session, each student presents his or her process draft and it is commented on. The own development process is written as a methodology essay, where appropriate methods are described using sources and following the Harvard reference system. Based on the feedback received from the essay, the students refine the visual framework of the thesis, the information acquisition related to the chosen methods, and the disposition of the thesis so that they can present it to the supervisor as a completed plan at the beginning of the fall semester.

Timing and attendance

133 hours of student work
Pre-assignment familiarization with the thesis instructions, development research with the help of materials and literature and preparing questions related to them 40 h
22.3. Deconstructing questions: Research approaches, data acquisition and analysis methods 8h
Intermediate task to plan own research and development process using process cards and method materials 40h
25.-26.4. presentation and discussion of the modeling of the process and methods of one's own research and development work, following the process presentations of other students' work 8h
Essay on process and methods: specifying the visual frame of reference and the process, preparing the outline and deepening the familiarization and application of the material related to the research approach and methods. Return of the process and method essay by 29.5.
37 h
Specifying the design of the development study based on the essay feedback. Possible initiation of empirical work. The progress of the work will be presented in autumn 2022 during the seminar time assigned to everyone.

Learning material and recommended literature

LAB YAMK Thesis instructions
In Moodle, the lecture and other material of the course.
Moodle Design research materials.
Clear basic book: Ojasalo – Moilanen – Ritalahti 2015. Development work methods. A new kind of know-how in business. (also older editions in libraries.)
Anttila 2006. RESEARCH ACTIVITY and expression, work, doing. Akatiimi. (Research methodology work for performing and creative culture theses and R&D activities.) Kananen, J. 2015. A practical guide to writing development research. How to write a development study step by step. Publications of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences 212.
Vilkka, H. 2015. Research and develop. 4th revised edition. PS-kustannus.
A lot of general research literature, but it partly leads to too academic research in relation to the nature of the research development work of YAMK theses.

Working life cooperation

Working on the own work life-oriented research and development work, i.e. thesis.

Student time use and work load

133 hours of student work
Pre-assignment familiarization with the thesis instructions, development research with the help of materials and literature and preparing questions related to them 40 h
22.3. Deconstructing questions: Research approaches, data acquisition and analysis methods 8h
Intermediate task to plan own research and development process using process cards and method materials 40h
25.-26.4. presentation and discussion of the modeling of the process and methods of one's own research and development work, following the process presentations of other students' work 8h
Essay on process and methods: specifying the visual frame of reference and the process, preparing the outline and deepening the familiarization and application of the material related to the research approach and methods. Return of the process and method essay by 29.5.
37 h
Specifying the design of the development study based on the essay feedback. Possible initiation of empirical work. The progress of the work will be presented in autumn 2022 during the seminar time assigned to everyone.


The course introduces research approaches and design thinking in relation to these. In the course, you will also familiarize yourself with various methods of acquiring and analyzing empirical data and plan methods related to your own research and development work.

Assessment criteria

The evaluation is based on the modeling of the methodological process of the own development work, the selection of methods and their presentation using justified sources. The concrete object of the evaluation is the method essay related to the own thesis and the presentations and structuring of the thesis plan, as well as the visual modeling in the presentations of the process of the development work. Joint, reflective discussions and following the presentations of other students' work and discussions about it support this development of one's own work process, even though they are not directly the subject of evaluation.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

search for information sources and justify the selection, use and usefulness of information sources
demonstrates familiarity with the knowledge base related to the field of work or study
plan, implement and evaluate professional and organizational development processes

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

critically evaluate the theoretical sources of information in their field of expertise
to look for useful connections between sectors for development and innovation activities
search for and analyze the basic assumptions behind the development challenge

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

use domestic and international sources of information critically and innovatively in their special areas of expertise
plan and lead development and innovation activities


20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3.5 op

RDI portion

3.5 op

Mode of delivery

30 % Contact teaching, 70 % Distance learning


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Innovative Design Thinking (2021)
  • Mirja Kälviäinen
Scheduling groups
  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Design Thinking and Customer Experience
Small groups
  • Lecture 1

Learning outcomes

- can develop strategies for activities by applying design thinking
- can develop new business, value creation and action models by applying systemic thinking, future foresight, mapping, ideation and user methods
- can design, manage and facilitate co-design activities as a means to solve strategic level challenges

Implementation and methods of teaching

The course begins with getting to know the preliminary material and preparing to discuss and do group work based on the material. On the first day of face-to-face teaching, strategic design will be introduced as a lecture, tasks and discussion. The preliminary material is used as a basis in the groups on the second contact day, when we get to know systemic thinking and co-design methods and issues of strategic foresight, innovation planning and facilitation. On the third contact day, the exercise of planning co-design and implementing it is carried out as a foresight sprint, and on the fourth, the methods and facilitation experiences of this exercise and the results of the foresight sprint are analyzed. The last study task is carried out after the contact sessions as an individual application of forecasting, systemic thinking, business thinking and ideation methods to one's own development task.

Timing and attendance

Since the study course involves practical co-design work and its facilitation, participation in contact days is essential.
Schedule: 133 h of student work
A preliminary assignment to get to know the given material and related tasks 20 h
Friday 2.2. Fundamentals of strategic design Markus Kreschmer 8 h (the guest's part is not recorded)
Sat 3.2. Methods of strategic co-design 8 h
Intermediate task familiarization with co-design materials 11 h
Fri 16.2. Strategic co-design sprint 8 h
Sat 17.2. Presentation of sprint methods, reflection and analysis of results 8 h
An independent, final assignment of 70 hours applicable to one's own development task will be returned no later than 20.3.

Learning material and recommended literature

Articles and other material distributed in the e-learning environment for the preliminary assignment: Change of design in a strategic direction, social development situation, nature of design thinking, principles of current value creation, multidisciplinary development, the design of co-design.
Additional reading:
Idris Mootee. 2013. Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation. Wiley.
Design research Moodle materials: Co-design and Strategic design.

Working life cooperation

A foresight sprint is executed during the course connected to ASKO (the evolving methods of CX) project.

Student time use and work load

Since the study course involves practical co-design work and its facilitation, participation in contact days is essential.
Schedule: 133 h of student work
A preliminary assignment to get to know the given material and related tasks 20 h
Friday 2.2. Fundamentals of strategic design Markus Kreschmer 8 h (the guest's part is not recorded)
Sat 3.2. Methods of strategic co-design 8 h
Intermediate task familiarization with co-design materials 11 h
Fri 16.2. Strategic co-design sprint 8 h
Sat 17.2. Presentation of sprint methods, reflection and analysis of results 8 h
An independent, final assignment of 70 hours applicable to one's own development task will be returned no later than 20.3.


The course discusses and practices the operations of strategic design and design thinking (Design Thinking) as part of the innovation process related to business or the proactive development of organizations. This includes understanding and applying future methods to joint planning, the operating mechanisms of a front-end innovation process typical of design thinking, systemic thinking and creating customer value in new business models.

Assessment criteria

The evaluation focuses on the exercise of planning and implementing co-design in a group and the application of the development perspectives and their methods that have been reviewed and practiced in the course to an independent task aimed at one's own development task. The foresight sprint in the group makes up 40% of the grade and the independent final task 60% of the grade.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

can critically extract development methods from the discussion of their professional area
knows how to act strategically in his area of ​​expertise
knows how to manage himself and act like an entrepreneur

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

can pick up and critically evaluate methods related to strategic design
knows how to build networks and partnerships
can assess the economic effects of operations
knows how to take responsibility for the community's goal-oriented competence development in a strategy-oriented manner

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

knows how to critically and innovatively use domestic and international methods related to strategic design
can evaluate and develop operations
knows how to use strategic thinking to develop solutions for renewing operations


06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


30.08.2024 - 06.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Innovative Design Thinking (2021)
  • Milla Mäkinen
Scheduling groups
  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
  • Lecture

Learning outcomes

- has knowledge about human driven design methods and is capable of applying them into service design tasks
- can choose suitable design and analysis methods and apply them for diverse cases of service development
- is capable of managing strategic service design and service design processes

Implementation and methods of teaching

Orienting assignment

1st face-to-face session on 30 August: going throuhg the framework behind service design (design thinking, human-centredness and user research). We will delve deeper into how service experiences are created for people and how they can be designed (7 h)

Interim assignment: exploring general literature/articles on human-centredness and service design, drafting questions on service design and conducting a small user study for a common development case (44 h)

2nd face-to-face session on 13 September: going through service design methods and testing them together by applying them to the development case at hand (7 h)

3rd face-to-face session on 14 September: going through service design methods and testing them on the development case at hand (7 h)

Interim assignment: in-depth research on a common development case (44 h)

4th face-to-face session on 27 September: working on the common development case (7 h)

5th face-to-face session on 28 September: working on the joint development case (7 h)

In addition, a learning diary will be kept during the course and returned to the teacher by 6th October. (10 h)

Timing and attendance

Orienting assignment
1. Classroom session 30.8. at 9-16
Interim assignment
2. Classroom session 13.9. at 9-16
3. Classroom session 14.9. at 9-16
Interim assignment
4. Classroom session 27.9. at 9-16
5. Classroom session 28.9. at 9-16

Learning material and recommended literature

The actual learning material for the course on the Moodle e-learning platform. Additional material in the Service Design and User Information Methods sections of the Moodle e-learning platform.

Basic literature (available as e-books in Lab Primo):
Koivisto, M., Säynäjäkangas, J. & Forsberg, S. (2019). Palvelumuotoilun bisneskirja. Alma Talent.
Miettinen, S. (toim.) (2021). Muotoilun avaimet : älykkääseen teollisuuteen ja liiketoiminnan ketterään kehittämiseen. Teknologiainfo Teknova.
Tuulaniemi, J. (2011). Palvelumuotoilu. Talentum.

Student time use and work load

5 credits 133 hrs

Classroom teaching 35h

Orientation and interim assignments 88h

Learning diary 10h


The course covers the basics and basic methods of human-centred service design in a working life-oriented way, through a real project, experiential learning and an emphasis on human-centredness.

Assessment criteria

Tasks + participation 50 %
Learning diary 50 %

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

The student has not reached level 1.

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student will be able to
- develop a knowledge base that demonstrates familiarity with service design and human-centredness
- integrate and apply knowledge within a service design framework
- produce a written and/or visual presentation of their findings according to a model
- identify needs for service change or development based on their knowledge base

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student will be able to
- develop a current and expert knowledge base that demonstrates familiarity with service design and human-centredness
- integrate knowledge carefully and apply it creatively within a service design framework
- produce a written and/or visual presentation of their findings
- contribute to service change or development needs based on their knowledge base

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student will be able to
- develop a critical, up-to-date and expert knowledge base that demonstrates familiarity with service design and human-centredness
- critically integrate and creatively apply knowledge within a service design framework, using appropriate methodologies
- produce a convincing and comprehensive written and/or visual presentation of their findings
- contribute to and critically evaluate service change or development needs on the basis of their knowledge base