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Introduction to digital environments and artificial intelligenceLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: AM00DB73


5 op


The student will be able to...
- identify different types of user interfaces and their characteristics
- understand digital ecosystems and related platforms
- select and apply relevant digital tools in the design and implementation of assignments
- use good practices in the design of different user interfaces
- use artificial intelligence as a tool and apply it critically


20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025


06.01.2025 - 28.02.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Digital Experience Design (in Finnish)
  • Jenni Hautamäki
  • Antti Heinonen
Scheduling groups
  • Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
  • Lecture 1

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to...
- identify different types of user interfaces and their characteristics
- understand digital ecosystems and related platforms
- select and apply relevant digital tools in the design and implementation of assignments
- use good practices in the design of different user interfaces
- use artificial intelligence as a tool and apply it critically

Implementation and methods of teaching

Full-day contact sessions preferred, remote sessions if needed;
personal & group work assignments.

Timing and attendance

Timing 07.01.–28.02.2025. The course represents approximately 135 h of study. 80% attendance required.
Absence is compensated with extra assignments.

Learning material and recommended literature

Study and lecture material as well as a bibliography can be found on the course's Moodle implementation.

Exam retakes

No retake (there is no exam).

Learning environment

Contact sessions at Lahti campus (Mukkulankatu 19).
Moodle, Zoom.

Student time use and work load

5 ECTS academic credits = ca. 135 hours of study.


The course covers good practices in the design and implementation of different user interfaces, digital ecosystems and related platforms, as well as different types of user interfaces and their characteristics. The course will also introduce augmented reality and metaverse, the basics of artificial intelligence and the use of AI as a design tool. As a practical exercise, a design for a user interface solution that is part of a wider digital ecosystem. It will explore the characteristics of a single type of user interface, outline the digital ecosystem of a digital service, integrate AI capabilities into the solution and create a visual model of the chosen interface.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

This course is part of the compulsory basic studies for first-year bachelor's degree students of digital experience design.

Assessment criteria

Assessment scale: fail, 1–5. Learning tasks must be passed in order to receive a grade. The grade will be based on the grade for the assignment, which will be graded on a scale of 1–5. The final grade will also be based on the student's class activity.

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

In a practical exercise...
• The interface type and ecosystem definitions are missing.
• The user group or their needs are not considered in the work.
• Artificial intelligence is not considered in the work.
• The Figma plan is completely missing.
• The presentation is missing or very unclear and does not meet the requirements.

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

In a practical exercise...
• There are no or very general definitions of interface type or ecosystem.
• Lack of definition of the user group or attention to needs.
• AI is mentioned, but its use is not specified in the plan.
• The Figma plan is incomplete or too simple and does not support the objectives of the interface. Good practices are not sufficiently applied.
• The presentation covers the main points but is confusing or needs significant clarification. It is difficult to understand the design work. The presentation has shortcomings.

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

In a practical exercise...
• The interface type and the ecosystem are well described, but the links between them are unclear or need to be clarified.
• The user group and their needs are defined, but the solution does not fully address their problems or remains general.
• AI has been used in the design or user interface, but its role is limited or ethical aspects are superficially addressed.
• Figma's design is usable, but contains some unclear or incomplete elements. Usability could have been improved. Does not fully follow good design practices.
• The presentation and design is well executed, but there are minor shortcomings in either the visual appearance, language and/or content. The presentation and design are largely clear.

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

In a practical exercise...
• The type of interface and its specific characteristics are excellently described. The ecosystem is clearly outlined and realistic and the solution demonstrates an understanding of how it works.
• The user group is well defined and the work shows a deep understanding of their needs. The solution is an excellent response to the problems of the user group.
• Creative and appropriate use of AI in the design process and/or user interface. The ethical aspects have been taken into account in an excellent way.
• Figma's design is clear, visually functional and takes usability aspects into account. The design supports the selected user group and ecosystem well. The design follows good design practices.
• The presentation and design work is very clear, linguistically fluent, visually appealing and covers all required elements (cover page, definition of the interface type and outline of the digital ecosystem, definition of the user group, reflection on the use of AI, prototype). The design solution is logical, convincing and viable.