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Code: AT00DF56-3001

General information


09.12.2024 - 31.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Faculty of Technology (LAB)



Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Complementary competence, Bachelor's (in Finnish)


  • Heli Viik

Scheduling groups

  • Verkkoluento 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)


  • LLABTO24-25

Small groups

  • Online lecture 1

Learning outcomes

The student
- to identify the different forms of communication related to climate change
- to understand and critically analyze factors that are characteristic to climate communication, giving its appropriate relevance despite the challenges of the topic
- to learn about issues that affect the messengers and recipients of climate change messages
- get the keys to effective climate communication

Implementation and methods of teaching is an online course consisting of independent study and participation in discussion forums, following a separate schedule. To complete the course, students must also submit individual assignments and final project. A detailed course description and an introduction to the materials will be provided during the first session.

Timing and attendance

This course takes place during the Spring semester, from March 3 to April 30, 2025.
The course will begin with an introductory session covering the course content and practicalities (this session will be recorded). Following this, discussion forums will be held 5 times, each lasting 2 hours.
Active participation in the discussion forums is needed - a minimum of two out of the five discussion forum sessions must be attended.

Learning material and recommended literature

Available in Moodle.

Learning environment

Online learning platform Moodle, ZOOM (and Teams).

Student time use and work load

The time and load of the course is 2 x 27 hours of which most is independent work.


Learning goals:
- to identify the different forms of communication related to climate change
- to understand and critically analyze factors that are characteristic to climate communication, giving its appropriate relevance despite the challenges of the topic
- to learn about issues that affect the messengers and recipients of climate change messages
- the keys to effective climate communication

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Basic knowledge about climate change / Interest in the topic.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved


- Required assignments/report are delivered during the course implementation and are adequate .
- Required participation in the discussion forums is met. A minimum of two out of the five discussion forum sessions must be attended to pass the course.

- Required assignments/report are not delivered or they are inadequate, or they are not submitted during the course implementation.
- Required participation in the discussion forums is not met. A minimum of two out of the five discussion forum sessions must be attended to pass the course.