Circular Building Modules with Engineered Wood Products (3 cr)
Code: AT00CY88-3004
General information
07.10.2024 - 28.02.2025
07.10.2024 - 28.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Technology (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Open studies, technology (in Finnish)
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's (in Finnish)
- Ilkka Tarvainen
TLTIAVOVWU24SOpen UAS, Virtual Wood University, autumn 2024, Lahti
Implementation and methods of teaching
This module consists of seminar-style learning, readings, lectures, tutoring sessions, independent study, group discussion, group work and web based learning methods like Podcasts, Video-communication based lectures (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.), Learning Management Systems (like Moodle), Cloud storage, etc.).
Timing and attendance
Learning material and recommended literature
- LVL Handbook (Finland)
- CLT Handbooks (Sweden, Canada)
- _Analysis_of_Barriers_and_Drivers_for_a_Circular_Building_Sector
- 2021 CGR Report The Circularity Gap Report
- Wood and the circular economy: challenges to its recirculation – prof. Mark Hughes slides
- Rethinking Timber Buildings – Arup
- The new green deal – European Commission
Exam retakes
To be agreed with the teacher
Learning environment
LAB Mooc
Student time use and work load
2 x 27 hours = about 54 hours
- Students learn how to reduce the consumption of virgin, non-renewable resources,
- Students acquire new knowledge how reclaimed building components from engineered wood can be used again, repaired remanufactured or recycled.
- Students will develop their skills for analysis of building systems based on circularity aspect
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
Basic knowledge in business administration is helpful, but not necessary.
Assessment criteria
1st task forms 30% of final course grade
2nd task forms 50% of final course grade
3rd task forms 20% of final course grade
To pass the course with positive grade all three tasks must be completed
Assessment scale