Finnish 2 (3 cr)
Code: K200CE70-3122
General information
20.11.2024 - 24.02.2025
03.03.2025 - 20.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Language studies LUT
- Meri Kuisma
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- communicate in most common everyday situations
- understand slowly and clearly spoken Finnish when the topic and the vocabulary are familiar
- understand and write a simple message or text
- use the basic vocabulary and some grammatical structures of Finnish.
Proficiency level: A1
Implementation and methods of teaching
Lessons and independent studying.
Timing and attendance
Active participation is required.
Learning material and recommended literature
Materials given by the teacher. Most of the material is also in Moodle.
Exam retakes
Written and oral exam. The exam dates will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Learning environment
Lessons on campus and exercises in Moodle.
Student time use and work load
Approximately 81 hours (meetings, independent studying and group work ).
The course content will be the following:
- pronunciation
- genitive and partitive cases
- telling about one’s everyday life
- food and drink
- shopping, restaurant and café
- time expressions
- verb types 1–5 and present tense.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
Finnish 1 course or equivalent skills.
Assessment criteria
A written and oral exams to evaluate, how well the student can
- write in Finnish
- understand Finnish texts
- understand Finnish talk and
- speak in Finnish.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student has not reached the learning objectives.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
- recognizes and can use some phrases studied in the course
- recognizes and uses some time expressions
- tells about her/his everyday life by few sentences
- can recognize and use few words studied in the course
- can write few sentences in Finnish on a given topic
- pronounces Finnish quite understandably
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
- understands and can use many phrases
- understands and uses basic time expressions
- tells many things about her/his everyday life
- understands and uses the basic vocabulary studied in the course
- can write a short text in Finnish on a given topic
- pronounces Finnish understandably.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
- understands and can use all or almost all phrases studied in the course
- understands and can use all or almost all time expressions studied in the course
- tells about her/his everyday life in quite versatile way
- understands and uses vocabulary studied in the course quite extensively
- writes texts in Finnish on given topics with only few errors
- pronounces Finnish quite well.