Ceramics (5 cr)
Code: MI00BT95-3013
General information
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)
Lahti Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
9 - 14
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design (in Finnish)
- Complementary competence, Bachelor's (in Finnish)
- Kimmo Kukkonen
Scheduling groups
- Opetus (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Teaching
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- utilize appropriate casting techniques and structures for the material
- describe templates, molds and casting techniques for ceramics
- manufacture simple templates and molds, cast and glaze clay objects.
Implementation and methods of teaching
- Face-to-face guidance, lectures and exercises.
Timing and attendance
The course is primarily intended for sik22s students
Active attendance at the course 80%. The first time, theory teaching, in which case attendance is mandatory.
Learning environment
workshop environments
Assessment criteria
Practical exercises, active participation in teaching, processes management and quality of the end result.
If the assignments are returned later than the agreed schedule, the grade will be lowered by one.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
Too many absences (more than 20% of lessons).
Learning assignments were not returned
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student has attended the required courses.
The exercises have been completed satisfactorily.
The designed product works satisfactorily and is familiar in form.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student has attended the required classes.
The exercises have been carried out well.
The performance of the exercises as well as course activity indicate a good level of skill competence.
The product has novelty value and is suitable for the purpose of use.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student has attended the required classes.
The exercises have been completed with distinction.
The performance of the exercises and course activity indicate a commendable level of skill and knowledge.
The student has shown professional initiative in his/her work.
The output is functional, innovative and has novelty value.