Summer School / Co-designing Better Urban Living and Wellbeing (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: LA00BU32-3005
Toteutuksen perustiedot
01.02.2025 - 15.04.2025
26.05.2025 - 06.06.2025
5 op
Teknologia (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
5 - 30
- Täydentävä osaaminen, YAMK
- Kesäopinnot
- Täydentävä osaaminen, AMK
- Eeva Aarrevaara
- Alexandra Maksheeva
- Anna Pajari
- Katariina Mäenpää
- Paul Carroll
- Noora Nylander
- Kimmo Liimatainen
- Erika Tapaninen
- Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
TLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
MLABYTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen YAMK 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
HLABYTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen YAMK 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
MLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Muotoiluinstituutti
HLABTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
LLABTO24-25Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2024-2025, Liiketoimintayksikkö
LLABYTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen YAMK 2024-2025, Liiketoimintayksikkö
TLABYTO24HTäydentävä osaaminen YAMK 2024-2025, Teknologiayksikkö
LLABTO24-25EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2024-2025, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
- Luennot 1
• use professional concepts consistently and to be capable to discuss and communicate professional issues in interdisciplinary and international group
• take account the nature and urban environment as a resource of health and wellbeing
• analyze the initial situation and the needs of a client or a business partner
• present alternative solutions and adapt the professional skills to the service design of the work life partner
• choose suitable methods and explain the reasons for these solutions
• Present the results in a written article by collaborating with international student team
Team work
• act with situational awareness
• plan and arrange the activities with the ethical principles of one’s own professional field
• organize interdisciplinary and international team work according to team’s professional goals
Suitable for Bachelor and Master degree students interested in working in international and multidisciplinary teams, which co-design in urban living and wellbeing settings.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Interdisciplinary team work student brings the know-how from own study field and implements it in the case study in international student team using out of the box thinking.
Student learns how to look and do ideation process of design of new service or product from the new perspective.
In the end the teams prepare a presentation of the project results.
This is a perfect way to experience the strength and effectiveness of international, interdisciplinary, and from the first Bachelor year to the last Master year students' teams.
The group of international teachers coach and teach the teams.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Before the intensive period a written preliminary assignment. Compulsory online session will be held in May and informed separately to the enrolled students.
International intensive program May 26 – June 6, 2025 on site in Lahti.
Both weeks from Monday till Friday full day program. Presence required every day.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Introduced in Moodle and in intensive period.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Not available.
International and interdisciplinary student teams work with real work life cases or projects introduced by different clients.
Contact lectures and team work is arranged in the campus. Site visits are included to the programme. Learning materials and courseworks are available in Moodle.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The course requires full time participation during the intensive course.
- Main theme in 2025: Planetary health
- Interdisciplinary and international team work
- Urban living Environment - resource for health and wellbeing
- Urban development
- Ecosystem services
- Co-Design
- Developmental project work
- Participatory methods
- Nature empowerment
Lectures, workshops, site visits
Project work supervised by teachers and clients
Time together in the Finnish nature
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
The prerequisite for participating in the course is that the mandatory preliminary assignment has been submitted and the preliminary information event has been attended. A maximum of 20 LUt students can be admitted to the course.
100% attendance requirement
Active participation in lectures, workshops and project assignment.
Hylätty (0)
Requirements not fulfilled.