Basics of Anatomy and Physiology (5 cr)
Code: AH00CK56-3006
General information
07.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
08.09.2025 - 21.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
- Sini Hämäläinen
- Marjut Louhelainen
Scheduling groups
- Anatomian ja fysiologian luennot osa 1 1 (Size: 50. Open UAS: 0.)
- Anatomian ja fysiologian luennot osa 2 (Size: 50. Open UAS: 0.)
- Clinical examination and first aid lectures (Size: 50. Open UAS: 0.)
- Anatomian ja fysiologian osa 1 tentti (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Anatomian ja fysiologian osa 2 tentti (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Ensiaputentti (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Ensiapuharjoitukset 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Ensiapuharjoitukset 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Ensiapuharjoitukset 3 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
HLPRPARA25SBachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 25S Lappeenranta
Small groups
- Anatomy and physiology lectures part 1 1
- Anatomy and physiology lectures part 2
- Clinical examination and first aid lectures
- Anatomy and physiology exam part 1
- Anatomy and physiology part 2 exam
- First aid and clinical examination exam
- First aid and clinical examination practice 1
- First aid and clinical examination practice 2 2
- First aid and clinical examination practice 3
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- identify and explain the structure, function and regulation of the organ systems of the human body
- examine a patient using basic nursing skills
- give first aid
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course consists of key lectures and learning assignments, group assignments, practical training of clinical skills and final exams.
Timing and attendance
Contact teaching and practical training sessions on fall semester 2025.
Learning material and recommended literature
Anatomy and physiology
-Principles of human anatomy and physiology, Gerald J Tortora and Bryan H Derrickson or equivalent text book.
-Lecture materials and pre-lecture assignments in Moodle
Examination of a patient and first aid:
Blomqvist M., Rummukainen T., Sainio T., Simola T. & Tyrisevä-Ryösö M. Hoitotyön perusosaaminen. 2022. Sanoma Pro Oy
- Learning material in Moodle
- Pre Tasks regarding practice lessons
- First Aid instructions (FI)
Exam retakes
See course's timetable in TimeEdit ja resit exams in Exam.
Learning objectives:
Anatomy and physiology
-Student can recognize and explain phenomenon and structures of a human body and understands mechanisms of abnormal physiological function.
Examination of a patient:
-Student learns how to assess patient`s condition by using the ABCDE- approach.
First aid:
-Student learns how to act in different first aid situations
Anatomy and physiology
-Structure of human body and function in cell, tissue, organ and organ system levels.
-- Principals of medical biochemistry
-- Anatomical terminology
-- Cell membrane
-- Structure of nervous tissue, resting membrane potential and action potential, synapses
-- Blood and lymfa structures
-- Heart and circulatory system
-- Respiratory system digestion
-- Urinary discretion
-- Fluid balance and acid-base balance
-- Digestion
-- Immune system
-- Joints and cervical spine
-- Concepts of nervous system structure, spinal structures, brain
-- Higher brain functions
-- Autonomic nervous system
Examination of a patient and first aid:
- ABCDE-approach
- Using the AED-device
- Unconscious patient
- Anaphylaxia
- Patient in a shock
- Trauma first aid
- Cardiac infarctation
Assessment criteria
Anatomy and physiology:
- Evaluation consists of two final exams and smaller assignments. In order to pass the exams student must gain 50 % of each exam's maximum points.
Examination of a patient and first aid:
- Participation in lectures and first aid training sessions
- Returning the Pre Tasks related to practice lessons
-Accepted grade from first aid exams
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
Student fails the exams and/or does not participate to the mandatory practical skills training sessions.
Student does not submit required pre tasks concerning the first aid practice lessons.
Content of the pre tasks are insufficient or false.
Inability to perform first aid procedures in practical sessions.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
Anatomy and physiology:
- The students names human anatomical structures in english and latin but fails to use medical and nursing terminology in a consistent manner. Student recognizes main concepts of medical biochemistry but fails to discover the significance to cellular or organ function in detail. Student is able to classify the anatomical structures and basic physiology of organs and organ systems but is not able to conclude finer differences in normal and abnormal function in detail.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
Anatomy and physiology:
- The students recognizes human anatomical structures and names them in english and in latin using understandable medical and nursing terminology. Students recognizes concepts of medical biochemistry and can reason the meaning of medical biochemistry in physiology. Student classifies human structures and functions from cellular level to organ level and is able to relate the normal anatomical structures and physiology from pathological structures and pathophysiology.
Examination and first aid:
- The student recognizes basic first aid situations and in some form manages to apply theory to practice.
- The student knows the basics of patient examination and knows how to apply it into practice some way.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
Anatomy and physiology:
- The students recognizes human anatomical structures and names them in english and in latin using appropriate medical and nursing terminology fluently. Student can reason the medical biochemistry and physiology from cellular components of the tissue to the level of organs and organ systems. The student correlates the differences in structure or function between normal and abnormal anatomy or physiology and estimates how pathological physiology affects patient well-being.