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Marketing Communication and Branding (5 cr)

Code: AM00CE50-3019

General information


06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 27.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design


  • Heikki Nuutinen

Scheduling groups

  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)



Small groups

  • Lecture 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- explain the concept, contents and characteristics of marketing thought
- use the methods of marketing communication and branding in their professional activity
- draw up a marketing plan
- select appropriate methods and channels for marketing communication and branding.

Implementation and methods of teaching

- Lectures as face-to-face teaching
- Class assignments, 5-10 pcs
- Project assignments, 3-4 units
- On-site presence and participation in discussion
- Literature
• Mooc section
- Visits
- Visiting lecturers

Timing and attendance

The lectures will take place between 1.8.–31.12.2024.
Attendance 80%.

Learning material and recommended literature

- Computer program for visual presentations
- Pen and paper
- Camera (mobile phone)
- Senses and brain
- Literature to be announced at the beginning of the course

Learning environment

The course is taught face-to-face.
The Mooc section is carried out independently according to a given timetable.


Ollut paikalla vähintään 90 %.
Kaikki tehtävät tehty ajatuksella ja kunnianhimoisesti.
Osallistunut keskusteluun rakentavasti.
Osoittanut omaavansa omaperäistä ja korkeatasoista visuaalista ajattelua ja muotoiluosaamista.

Ollut paikalla vähintään 90 %.
Kaikki tehtävät tehty ajatuksella ja kunnianhimoisesti.
Osallistunut keskusteluun rakentavasti.
Osoittanut omaavansa laadukasta visuaalista ajattelua ja muotoiluosaamista.

Ollut paikalla vähintään 80 %.
Kaikki tehtävät tehty ajatuksella.
Osallistunut keskusteluun.
Osoittanut omaavansa visuaalista ajattelua ja muotoiluosaamista.

Ollut paikalla vähintään 80 %.
Kaikki tehtävät tehty.

Ollut paikalla vähintään 80 %.
Suurin osa tehtävistä tehty (saattaa edellyttää lisätehtäviä).

0 Hylätty.
Ei ole osallistunut tai tehnyt tehtäviä.

Assessment criteria

Attended at least 90% of the time.
All tasks done with thought and ambition.
Contributed constructively to the debate.
Demonstrated original and high quality visual thinking and design skills.

Attended at least 90%.
All tasks done with thought and ambition.
Participated constructively in the discussion.
Demonstrated good visual thinking and design skills.

Attended at least 80%.
All tasks done with thought.
Participated in the debate.
Demonstrated some visual thinking and design skills.

Present at least 80% of the time.
All tasks completed.

Attended at least 80%.
Most tasks completed (may require additional tasks).

0 Failed.
Did not attend or complete tasks.

Assessment scale
