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Visual Design (5 cr)

Code: AM00BV66-3034

General information


20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design


  • Ville Huhtanen

Scheduling groups

  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)



Small groups

  • Lecture 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- present their work to peer audiences and evaluate them critically
- make use of various visual idea generation methods
- use personal observations and emotions as a starting point for creative thinking
- make connections between visual arts and other forms of visual culture
- analyse, interpret and explain contemporary visual culture.

Implementation and methods of teaching

In the Visual Design/Visual Expression course, we will create a group exhibition on the Mukkula campus.

For the exhibition, you can make an artistic, design or other creative process output either in a group or alone.

During the exhibition project we will learn to identify our own creative skills and personal content in creative work. We will learn to perceive the creative process and to identify a creative way of working that is natural to us.

We will discuss art and design using discursive methods of interpretation and critical thinking, learning concepts and ways of thinking specific to the creative fields.

We will produce an exhibition together, and learn the skills of collaborative creative processes.

Producing an exhibition involves activities such as publicity, hanging, hanging, opening, documentation, dismantling and maintenance.

During the session, a project portfolio will be compiled to document your own creative process.

The course will be taught on the Mukkula campus. The learning methods include independent learning tasks, lectures, group co-design, tutorial discussions on the processes of the works, a final discussion in which the finished works are interpreted and evaluated, peer evaluation in group discussions and self-evaluation during the process using a process portfolio.


Visual design

Implementation description

Visual Design is a basic course in visual and creative thinking. This five-credit course involves the conceptualisation, design, development and implementation of a creative design or artistic process, the final product of which is presented to the public. The output may be a body of work for a collective exhibition, a performance, a short film or a service design concept.

Artistic and design outputs will be discussed and jointly evaluated during the course. The creative process will also be examined and learnt how to evaluate it. Visual thinking will be developed through practical visual work and by comparing it with other visual cultures. A critical approach to evaluation, discussion and thinking will be applied in discussions.

The creative process will be approached in stages, with tools for ideation, design and artistic thinking provided for the different stages. Through your own creative work, you will explore your own thinking, feelings and perception as a starting point for visual work.

Assessment criteria

Tutoring discussions during the process
Evaluation of the creative process by assessing the process portfolio
Peer evaluation in group discussions
Final discussion to evaluate the finished body of work
Numerical assessment on a scale of 1-5

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

- Repeated absences from lessons and teaching situations

- Poor knowledge of the professional knowledge and skills relevant to the course

- Absence of key course assignments

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

- Can work according to instructions
- Can generate ideas using basic creative process methods
- Can identify and describe the concepts and methods of the creative design process in a guided way
- Can participate in a guided learning discussion
- Can search for professional information in his/her field

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

- Can apply a wide range of options to their design work process
- Can produce artistic or design outputs based on their ideas in a guided and independent manner and develop their outputs on the basis of feedback
- Can independently identify and compare the concepts and methods used in the creative design process
- Can assess and justify competence and set visual, content-related and technical development objectives
- Can follow and describe the professional discourse in their field

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

- Can apply and develop a variety of options in their design work process
- Can use what they have learned in a planned and creative way when realising artistic or design outputs and apply the feedback they receive
- Can apply the methods used and analyse visual outputs
- Can assess, develop and extend visual, content and technical skills
- Able to participate in professional debate in their field