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Sustainable Design Studio (20 cr)

Code: AM00CM60-3004

General information


21.11.2022 - 08.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

20 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lahti Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Packaging and Brand Design (2021, 2022)


  • Oona Casalegno
  • Noora Nylander

Scheduling groups

  • project work (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)



Small groups

  • project work

Learning outcomes

This studio course includes the following parts and their respective learning goals:

Sustainable Design Theory (5 ECTS)
The student is able to
- describe the principles and opportunities of environmental and ethical thinking in design
- acquire information about product life cycles, materials, manufacturing methods, legislation and eco-efficient technologies and practices
- describe eco-efficient product development strategies.

Sustainable Design Workshop (15 ECTS)
The student is able to
- design products with consideration of life cycles, materials, manufacturing methods, legislation and eco-efficient technologies and practices
- use systemic thinking and understands the basics of innovation ecosystems
- use eco-efficient product development strategies.

Implementation and methods of teaching

Theory 5 cr contains self learning material + Moodle exam

Workshop consist of apr. 3 different design projects connected with product design with consideration of life cycles, materials, manufacturing methods, legislation and eco-efficient technologies and practices as well as using eco-efficient product development strategies and responsibility in a communication design.

Projects vary with their lenght -> They can be 1-2 month design project, PD6 (product development in 6 hrs) and hackaton style of design exercises.

Workshop contains also themed lessons and visiting lectures and other exercises.
Students return the learning diary in the end of the whole workshop.

Examples of different projects (topics are linked to Research development in LAB and company co-operation projects):
- Material based development project
- Company co-operation/industry based project
- Responsible communication design

Timing and attendance

Theory 5 cr, self learning material during January
Workshop 15 cr January - May apr. 3 days/week with different lectures, projects and other exercises

75% (6/8) attendance required. Absence compensated with extra assignments and discussed with teacher.

Working life cooperation

Projects topics are linked to Research development in LAB and company co-operation projects.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Basics studies in Design and Fine arts, Design and Packaging and brand design

Assessment criteria

Exam - 80 % correct is accepted
Design critiques
Participation in a workshop and design projects and exercises

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

The Theory:
The student is able to...
- search for an individual situation information from different information sources
- use individual professional concepts/terminology and point familiarity with the knowledge base of the sustainable design field

The Workshop:
The student is able to...
- to look for isolated information for the concept from different information sources
- use learned design methods and processes in teams' concept work
- Can act as a group member

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

The Theory:
The student is able to...
- limit the need for information in individuals
information usage situations and separates everyday information of researched information
- use key professional concepts/terminology consistently

The Workshop:
The student is able to...
- Look for and narrow down needed information for the concept work
- Implement techniques/working methods or models and processes in teams' concept work
- Can work goal-oriented way in a group work

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

The theory:
The student is able to...
- search for information with the information acquisition process according to the steps, justify selection and use of information sources.
- uses professional concepts/terminology expertly

The Workshop:
The student is able to...
- Look for information using information acquisition processes and is able to evaluate chosen information sources and how team is using them for the concept work
- Choose techniques/working methods or models and processes and justify his/her selections in teams' concept work
- Can work goal-orientated and organize group activities