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Finnish 3 (3 cr)

Code: K200CH62-3006

General information


02.05.2022 - 04.09.2022


05.09.2022 - 23.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

67 % Contact teaching, 33 % Distance learning


Kielikeskus (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • English


15 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Language studies LAB
  • Language studies LUT


  • Tarja Saarnisto

Scheduling groups

  • Luennot/Lessons (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)



Small groups

  • Lessons

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- tell about their own housing and neigbourhood.
- understand and write simple messages and announcements related to housing.
- understand and speak words and expressions related to weather.
- ask questions in simple shopping and other situations (e.g., clothing and furniture stores and bus and railway stations).
- read short advertisements, announcements and other texts related to travelling (e.g., timetables).

Proficiency level: A1

Implementation and methods of teaching

Lectures and exercises on Lappeenranta campus
Exercises and assignments in Moodle

Learning material and recommended literature

Material in Moodle

Alternative completion methods

If you would like to take an online class please enroll K200CH62-3007 (Aija Nurminen's class).

Learning environment

Lappeenranta Campus

Student time use and work load

Lectures 30 hours
Independent work and assignments 54 hours


- home, housing and neighbourhood
- weather, seasons, and months
-clothes, colour and purchases
-vehicles and travelling locally and in Finland
- T plural
- I have got -structure
- local cases (Where? From where? To where?)
-KPT variation in nouns and verbs

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Finnish 1 and 2 or equivalent skills

Assessment criteria

Active participation and passed assignments.

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

The student has not reached the learning objectives.

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student partly masters the vocabulary and structures related to housing, seasons, travel, and shopping.
The student understands some main points from written and spoken texts and is able to react with few words.
The student can produce short written and spoken texts related to the topics of the course, but there are flaws in vocabulary and structures.

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student masters the vocabulary and structures related to housing, seasons, travel, and shopping well.
The student understands the main points from written and spoken texts and is able to react with short sentences.
The student can produce short written and spoken texts related to the topics of the course, but there are flaws that can cause misunderstandings.

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student masters the vocabulary and structures related to housing, seasons, travel, and shopping in an excellent way.
The student understands the main points from written and spoken texts and is able to react in their own words.
The student can produce mainly flawless written and spoken texts.