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Drug Calculations 3 (0 cr)

Code: KVV0403-3002

General information


02.12.2020 - 30.09.2021


02.08.2021 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

0 op


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Heli Oksanen
  • Heidi Häll



Implementation and methods of teaching

Drug calculation workshop is implemented at Campus or online
- The student needs to familiarize her/himself on drug calculations before workshop
- At the workshop the drug calculations are calculated together

Timing and attendance

The drug calculation workshop will take place five times during the autumn from 4 pm to 6 pm
- Participation in drug calculation workshop is voluntery

The drug calculation workshop is obligatory for those failed the first re-exam.

Learning material and recommended literature

Nikkola, R., Nurkka.N. & Paloposki, S. 2018. Annos oivallusta. Sanoma Pro Oy

Gatford, J.D.& Phillips, N.M. 2011. Nursing Calculations. 8th Edition.

Jo Boyer, M. Math for Nurses. A Pocket Guide to Dosage Calculation and Drug Preparation. 7th Edition

Moodle: Drug calculation 2 -website.

Exam retakes

The student musta pass one drug calculation exam, which is required before next semester clinical training.

The student has three (3) opportunities to do the exam.

The drug calculation exam takes place in EXAM.
The exam is open the whole semester.
Drug calculation exams are checked once o month.
More information about the timetable is at drug calculation 2 Moodle page

Learning environment


Student time use and work load

The student must practice drug calculations trough the nursing education


Drug calculation

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

First semester drug calculations are part of Pharmacotherapy studies
Second semester drug calculations are completed at Drug calculation -exam

Assessment scale
