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Destination Development (3 cr)

Code: KMR0617-19003

General information


19.11.2021 - 14.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 25.02.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management


  • Ilkka Lehtola

Scheduling groups

  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)



Small groups

  • Luennot 1

Learning outcomes

Aim for the course is to give overview from the tourism destinations and what could make them succesful. Students will be given knowledge from the key issues of destination eg. destination attractions and elements, stakeholders and operators (public and commercial) development and management issues

Implementation and methods of teaching

Lectures, exercises/case studies, exam/course assignment

Timing and attendance

10.1.- 25.2.2022
Schedule: Course started/initial lesson Thu 13.1. at 10.15. Place: 1567+1568. Final deadline for exercises and assignment return is Mon 14th of March 2022
Registration and acceptance to courses. Students secure their place by attending the initial lesson or by submitting the first learning assignment (=exercise 1) within given deadline.

Learning material and recommended literature

Material available on moodle learning platform

Learning environment

Combination of classroom teaching and independent studies

Student time use and work load

Lectures, case-studies, assignment/, individual distant learning


Definitions and basic elements of the tourism destination, types of tourism vs. destination, destination stakeholders, products of the destination, destination management issues, challenges, seasonality in tourism

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Pre -requirements: Completed course "Basics of Tourism" or comparable knowledge

Assessment criteria

Exercises, assignment/exam

Assessment scale
