Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Managing Brands and Customer Experience (6 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: KLI1245-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


16.11.2020 - 10.01.2021


18.01.2021 - 02.05.2021


6 op


6 op


3 op




Liiketoiminta (LAB)


Verkkokampus, Lappeenranta


  • Englanti


15 - 35


  • Liiketalouden koulutus


  • Emmi Maijanen


  • Seminaari (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)


  • LITAM18M
    Liiketalouden koulutus 18S, monimuotototeutus, Lappeenranta


  • Seminaari


The student understands the significance of the emotional, social and symbolic values and the processes of the intangible value creation and consumption. The student is able to attach the branding decisions to the customer bonding and management of customer relationships. The student learns how to use the customer journey tools.

Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät

Course is virtual, it has online lectures, case work in groups (virtually), individual studying by reading a book, writing reflection essay and learning dialogues based on essays.

Systems to be used are moodle and zoom.

Ajoitus ja läsnäolo

Course is virtual.

In the beginning of the course students are divided into case work groups. Groups can choose their case company themselves.

Casework consists of two parts: customer experience and brands. For each part there is both lectures for the theory to be used and working period.

After groupwork work is continued individually: everyone chooses a book, reads it and then writes an essay about it reflecting also what could the case company learn and benefit from that group.

At the end there are dialogues sharing learnings from the books.

It is compulsory to participate to casework, seminars and dialogues. Lectures also highly recommended.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Material given by teacher on the lectures and in the moodle.
Online material related to casework found by students.
Book related to managing customer experiences / brands chosen by student from eg. school library.


Zoom and Moodle.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Course is worth 6cr = 162 hours of work.

Lectures = 18 hours
Case work part 1 = 32 hours (incl. reflection of learned, information search, communication, report etc)
Case work part 2 = 32 hours (incl. reflection of learned, information search, communication, report etc)
Peer-reviews = 10 hours
Choosing & reading a book = 50 hours
Writing an essay = 16 hours
Dialogue = 4 hours (inc. preparation)


- Elements of customer experience
- Expectation management
- Customer data collection and measurements
- Customer journey
- Customer feedback
- Intangible value creation
- Brand core
- Brand value
- Brand management

Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen

- Principles of marketing (customer value, segmentation, marketing mix)
- Consumer Buying Behavior


Case work in groups: part 1: 20%, part 2: 20%
Individual reflection essay 60%
Dialogue pass/fail



Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

Student knows basic concepts of managing customer experiences and brands.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

Student can apply basic concepts and tools for managing customer experience and brands in own writing.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

Student can analyze managing customer experience and brands and give their own suggestions for improvements.