International Intensive Week - Bail OutLaajuus (3 op)
Tunnus: AL00CX52
3 op
- englanti
After completing this intensive programme, students:
- have developed a holistic view of value in today’s/tomorrow’s society;
- recognise successes and failures of experienced entrepreneurs with (socially/environmentally/economically) sustainable impact [real-life cases], and can translate these learnings into a perspective for looking at responsibility issues in the future;
- are familiar with experimentation as the common language in sustainable innovation;
- understand the core characteristics of user-centred design methods;
- can come up with creative and innovative ideas and (help) design career-related sustainable solutions without discomfort resulting from ambiguity;
- understand the role of the arts and the unique competences of artists/creators in communication, co-operation, social support/impact and innovation;
- have experienced the value of multi-disciplinary teams and perspectives, and are able to identify relevant and meaningful cross-disciplinary connections;
- have strengthened their intercultural competence: experienced working with people with a different cultural background; understand the value of being open to learning from people with other perspectives; strengthened language capabilities; strengthened their international network;
- have developed self-efficacy in developing sustainable solutions in cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary teams;
- can explain choices and present ideas/solutions in an attractive and convincing form, using innovative presentation techniques.
22.11.2023 - 05.12.2023
12.03.2024 - 19.04.2024
3 op
Liiketoiminta (LAB)
Lahden kampus
- Englanti
- Täydentävä osaaminen, AMK
- Sami Heikkinen
LLABTO23-24EComplementary competence (Bachelor's) 2023-2024, Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
LLABTO23-24Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2023-2024, Liiketoimintayksikkö
After completing this intensive programme, students:
- have developed a holistic view of value in today’s/tomorrow’s society;
- recognise successes and failures of experienced entrepreneurs with (socially/environmentally/economically) sustainable impact [real-life cases], and can translate these learnings into a perspective for looking at responsibility issues in the future;
- are familiar with experimentation as the common language in sustainable innovation;
- understand the core characteristics of user-centred design methods;
- can come up with creative and innovative ideas and (help) design career-related sustainable solutions without discomfort resulting from ambiguity;
- understand the role of the arts and the unique competences of artists/creators in communication, co-operation, social support/impact and innovation;
- have experienced the value of multi-disciplinary teams and perspectives, and are able to identify relevant and meaningful cross-disciplinary connections;
- have strengthened their intercultural competence: experienced working with people with a different cultural background; understand the value of being open to learning from people with other perspectives; strengthened language capabilities; strengthened their international network;
- have developed self-efficacy in developing sustainable solutions in cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary teams;
- can explain choices and present ideas/solutions in an attractive and convincing form, using innovative presentation techniques.
Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät
Tämä on intensiivikurssi, johon kuuluu kaksi onlinetapaamista maalis-huhtikuussa sekä intensiiviviikko Lahdessa 15. - 19.4.2024.
Ajoitus ja läsnäolo
Suoritus vaatii aktiivista osallistumista niin virtuaaliseen osuuteen kuin Lahdessa toteutettavaan lähiopetukseen.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Materiaalit jaetaan opintojakson aikana.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Ei valinnaisia suoritustapoja.
Opintojaksolla tehdään toimeksiantoa ulkopuoliselle toimeksiantajalle.
Ei uusintamahdollisuuksia.
Oppiminen tapahtuu aluksi virtuaalisessa ympäristössä, minkä jälkeen lähiopetuksessa intensiiviviikon aikana Lahden kampuksella.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Verkkosessiot 5,0
Valmistautuminen verkkosessioihin 4,0
Valmistautuminen intensiiviviikkoon 25,0
Lähiopetus 45,0
Arviointi 2,0
Kokonaiskuormitus 81,0
What is a ‘blended’ International Intensive Programme (IIP)?
An IIP is an educational programme in which you co-operate with students from different countries across Europe. It is funded by the Erasmus programme for higher education in Europe. Teaching staff are from different universities across Europe as well. It is called ‘intensive’ because all of the learning activities take place in a relatively short period of time. Particularly on the 5 days that you spend together with all other participants and staff you can expect a rather intensive experience, which according to participants in past IIPs is what makes it a unique experience. To many students (and staff members too!) IIPs are ways to build international professional connections and friendships for life. ‘Blended’ programmes include an online part in addition to the 5 days spent ‘on-site’.
Why join us in Lahti in April 2024?
Most of us grew up with a concept of value that is explained mainly in financial terms. However, over the past decades social and environmental impact in innovation have become more prominent. This is also reflected in the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Many of us are looking for ways to balance the financial value that is deeply rooted in society with other types of value. You may also want to change our thinking but probably you do not exactly know how. Cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural co-operation can play a central role in finding new ways. This programme was designed to help participants learn about sustainable value creation together with students, entrepreneurs and creatives from many countries across Europe, all bringing in your own experience, knowledge and skills. Roughly half of the students and staff have an arts background (music, visual arts) and the others are from backgrounds such as finance, business information systems, marketing and communication. Different scientific disciplines have different traditions and ways of approaching issues in society. Students, lecturers and researchers alike can be inspired by hearing how peers from other disciplines measure things, structure their ideas and turn them into action.
People from different countries bring different cultures. This blend poses challenges but in an open atmosphere such as this IP a common language can be found.
What does the programme look like?
This programme consists of a mix study activities and didactical approaches, including knowledge-sharing by experts from across Europe, meetings with entrepreneurs and creatives, coaching sessions and team work in interdisciplinary teams. It also contains social events in which we can get to know each other in an informal atmosphere. You will be working in international, multidisciplinary teams on challenges with a
focus on responsible innovation and value creation. The Intensive Programme will be delivered by an international team of teachers/researchers and inspiring guest speakers. It consists of 5 intensive days and additional online, centrally organised study activities starting two weeks prior to the plenary gathering in Lahti in April in 2024.
What will you learn?
Together with peer students from various countries and academic disciplines, you will learn to recognise successes and failures in real-life cases. The practical examples will help you identify the cross-disciplinary connections that have been and could still be made by successful entrepreneurs and creators. You will learn to describe the value that has been and could still be created and the pivotal role the Cultural and Creative Industries can play in societal change and innovation. It helps you become familiar with experimentation as a common language and become comfortable with ambiguity and complex problems, all from the ‘safe’ knowledge & skill base that you bring from your own educational background.
You will get intensive coaching during the week and will receive feedback in various ways, prior to the presentation of your final delivery. On successfully participation in the Intensive Programme, you will receive a certificate.
Key Learning Outcomes
- Understanding and communicating value
- Innovation
- Cross cultural collaboration
- Cross-disciplinary work
Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen
Hakeminen intensiivikurssille tapahtuu online-lomakkeella. Kysy lisätietoja Sami Heikkiseltä: