Professional Meetings and DiscussionsLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: KE00BZ82
4 op
Teaching language
- English
Responsible person
- Mohammad Etedali
Proficiency level: C1
The students are able to:
- develop their English skills to the level whereby they are able to follow and contribute to global developments in general and also in their own fields, and capable of communicating effectively with other professionals.
17.03.2025 - 13.04.2025
12.05.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
1 - 30
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Language studies LUT
- Mohammad Etedali
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kiintiö (Size: 2. Open UAS: 2.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
- Open UAS quota
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: C1
The students are able to:
- develop their English skills to the level whereby they are able to follow and contribute to global developments in general and also in their own fields, and capable of communicating effectively with other professionals.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Dynamic and lively in-class contact teaching and learning, emphasizing face-to-face communication.
The teaching is student-centred, and is based on the communicative approach. Participants discuss and practise the language for effective oral communication, and actively use the language in different kinds of meetings, ranging from small group discussions, interviews, negotiations, to simulations on topics of international significance that involve the whole group.
Timing and attendance
This is an intensive course that takes place in May 2025.
The course meets 4 hours per day, from 09:00-13:00.
Active participation is a requirement. Being absent more than 6 hours will lead to an F grade. Specific circumstances such as sickness could be considered as excuses.
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher in class. The material include:
• background reading on current global issues (which will be sent to all participants before the course begins).
• 3 simulations on current events
• the language of meetings and discussions.
Learning environment
Dynamic and collaborative Face-to-face classroom learning environment that encourages creative experimentation.
Student time use and work load
4 credits, equivalent to 100-120 hours of work, divided roughly as follows:
• Lessons in class: 46 hours
• Homework: 40+ hours
• Self-study: 25+ hours
Current issues of relevance nationally and internationally, such as migration, climate change, energy, and artificial intelligence’s impact on work.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment of the ability of participants to use the language learnt, and the ability to form and express opinions and draw relevant conclusions based on the facts and opinions expressed by the various authors of the background reading texts. Short language quizzes and language learning games.
Assessment scale
06.05.2024 - 25.09.2024
14.10.2024 - 27.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
12 - 18
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Language studies LUT
- Tarja Kovalev
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: C1
The students are able to:
- develop their English skills to the level whereby they are able to follow and contribute to global developments in general and also in their own fields, and capable of communicating effectively with other professionals.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Dynamic and lively in-class contact teaching and learning, emphasizing face-to-face communication.
The teaching is student-centred, and is based on the communicative approach. Participants discuss and practise the language for effective oral communication, and actively use the language in different kinds of meetings, ranging from small group discussions, interviews, negotiations, to simulations on topics of international significance that involve the whole group.
Timing and attendance
Preliminary assignments and a 5-day intensive course that takes place on 21-25 October 2024
The course meets 6 hours per day, from 8:30-14:30. Each day is divided into 3 sessions.
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher in class. The material include:
• background reading on current global issues (which will be sent to all participants about two weeks before the course begins.
• 3 simulations on current events
• the language of meetings and discussions.
Learning environment
Dynamic and collaborative classroom learning environment that encourages creative experimentation.
Student time use and work load
4 credits, equivalent to 100-120 hours of work, divided roughly as follows:
• Lessons in class: 46 hours
• Homework: 40+ hours
• Self-study: 25+ hours
Current issues of relevance nationally and internationally, such as migration, climate change, energy, and artificial intelligence’s impact on work.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment of the ability of participants to use the language learnt, and the ability to form and express opinions and draw relevant conclusions based on the facts and opinions expressed by the various authors of the background reading texts. Short language quizzes.
Assessment scale
Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved
Satisfactory completion of all background reading tasks, as indicated by the student's ability to use the facts and opinions expressed by the authors to support his/her contributions in the meetings and discussions. Ability to actively and effectively use the language of meetings and discussions learnt in the course, and an awareness of varying degrees of formality and register. 60% pass mark in the quizzes.
01.12.2023 - 27.03.2024
15.04.2024 - 24.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Language studies LUT
- Hwei-Ming Boey
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: C1
The students are able to:
- develop their English skills to the level whereby they are able to follow and contribute to global developments in general and also in their own fields, and capable of communicating effectively with other professionals.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Dynamic and lively in-class contact teaching and learning, emphasizing face-to-face communication.
The teaching is student-centred, and is based on the communicative approach. Participants discuss and practise the language for effective oral communication, and actively use the language in different kinds of meetings, ranging from small group discussions, interviews, negotiations, to simulations on topics of international significance that involve the whole group.
Timing and attendance
This is a 7-day intensive course that takes place on the following days in April 2024:
Monday, 15.4.2024
Wednesday-Friday, 17.-19.4.2024
Monday-Thursday, 22.-24.4.2024
The course meets 6 hours per day, from 8:30-14:30. Each day is divided into 3 sessions.
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher in class. The material include:
• background reading on current global issues (which will be sent to all participants about two weeks before the course begins.
• 3 simulations on current events
• the language of meetings and discussions.
Learning environment
Dynamic and collaborative classroom learning environment that encourages creative experimentation.
Student time use and work load
4 credits, equivalent to 100-120 hours of work, divided roughly as follows:
• Lessons in class: 46 hours
• Homework: 40+ hours
• Self-study: 25+ hours
Current issues of relevance nationally and internationally, such as migration, climate change, energy, and artificial intelligence’s impact on work.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment of the ability of participants to use the language learnt, and the ability to form and express opinions and draw relevant conclusions based on the facts and opinions expressed by the various authors of the background reading texts. Short language quizzes.
Assessment scale
Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved
Satisfactory completion of all background reading tasks, as indicated by the student's ability to use the facts and opinions expressed by the authors to support his/her contributions in the meetings and discussions. Ability to actively and effectively use the language of meetings and discussions learnt in the course, and an awareness of varying degrees of formality and register. 60% pass mark in the quizzes.
15.05.2023 - 28.09.2023
16.10.2023 - 25.10.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Language studies LUT
- Hwei-Ming Boey
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Luennot 1
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: C1
The students are able to:
- develop their English skills to the level whereby they are able to follow and contribute to global developments in general and also in their own fields, and capable of communicating effectively with other professionals.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Dynamic and lively in-class contact teaching and learning, emphasizing face-to-face communication.
The teaching is student-centred, and is based on the communicative approach. Participants discuss and practise the language for effective oral communication, and actively use the language in different kinds of meetings, ranging from small group discussions, interviews, negotiations, to simulations on topics of international significance that involve the whole group.
Timing and attendance
This is a 7-day intensive course that takes place on the following days in October 2023:
Monday, 16.10.2023
Wednesday-Friday, 18.-20.10.2023
Monday-Thursday, 23.-25.10.2023
The course meets 6 hours per day, from 8:30-14:30. Each day is divided into 3 sessions.
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher in class. The material include:
• background reading on current global issues (which will be sent to all participants about two weeks before the course begins.
• 3 simulations on current events
• the language of meetings and discussions.
Learning environment
Dynamic and collaborative classroom learning environment that encourages creative experimentation.
Student time use and work load
4 credits, equivalent to 100-120 hours of work, divided roughly as follows:
• Lessons in class: 46 hours
• Homework: 40+ hours
• Self-study: 25+ hours
Current issues of relevance nationally and internationally, such as migration, climate change, energy, and artificial intelligence’s impact on work.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment of the ability of participants to use the language learnt, and the ability to form and express opinions and draw relevant conclusions based on the facts and opinions expressed by the various authors of the background reading texts. Short language quizzes.
Assessment scale
Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved
Satisfactory completion of all background reading tasks, as indicated by the student's ability to use the facts and opinions expressed by the authors to support his/her contributions in the meetings and discussions. Ability to actively and effectively use the language of meetings and discussions learnt in the course, and an awareness of varying degrees of formality and register. 60% pass mark in the quizzes.
13.03.2023 - 14.04.2023
02.05.2023 - 04.06.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Language studies LUT
- Hwei-Ming Boey
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Luennot 1
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: C1
The students are able to:
- develop their English skills to the level whereby they are able to follow and contribute to global developments in general and also in their own fields, and capable of communicating effectively with other professionals.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Dynamic and lively in-class contact teaching and learning, emphasizing face-to-face communication.
The teaching is student-centred, and is based on the communicative approach. Participants discuss and practise the language for effective oral communication, and actively use the language in different kinds of meetings, ranging from small group discussions, interviews, negotiations, to simulations on topics of international significance that involve the whole group.
Timing and attendance
This is a 7-day intensive course that takes place on the following days in May 2023:
Tuesday, 2.5.2023
Thursday-Friday, 4.-5.5.2023
Monday-Thursday, 8.-11.5.2023
The course meets 6 hours per day, from 8:30-14:30. Each day is divided into 3 sessions.
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher in class. The material include:
• background reading on current global issues (which will be sent to all participants about two weeks before the course begins.
• 3 simulations on current events
• the language of meetings and discussions.
Learning environment
Dynamic and collaborative classroom learning environment that encourages creative experimentation.
Student time use and work load
4 credits, equivalent to 100-120 hours of work, divided roughly as follows:
• Lessons in class: 46 hours
• Homework: 40+ hours
• Self-study: 25+ hours
Current issues of relevance nationally and internationally, such as migration, climate change, energy, and artificial intelligence’s impact on work.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment of the ability of participants to use the language learnt, and the ability to form and express opinions and draw relevant conclusions based on the facts and opinions expressed by the various authors of the background reading texts. Short language quizzes.
Assessment scale
Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved
Satisfactory completion of all background reading tasks, as indicated by the student's ability to use the facts and opinions expressed by the authors to support his/her contributions in the meetings and discussions. Ability to actively and effectively use the language of meetings and discussions learnt in the course, and an awareness of varying degrees of formality and register. 60% pass mark in the quizzes.