Studies for incoming exchange students, Autumn Semester 2022, Lahti: Media Content Design
Autumn Semester 2022
LAB offers courses for exchange students in all study fields. Courses are listed in the following categories:
1) Language and communication studies for all exchange students
2) Professional studies in specific study fields
All courses listed are taught in English.
- Business studies
- Industrial and Vehicle Design
- Packaging and Brand Design
- Wearable Design
- Media Content Design
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Interior Architecture and Furniture Design
- Experience and Service Design
- Nursing
- Information and Communication Technology
- Environmental Technology
- Wood Technology
- Sustainable Solutions Engineering
- Master level courses (Technology)
- Physiotherapy
- Business Information Technology
Valitse opintojen ajoitus-, rakenne- tai jäsentelynäkymä
Näytä opintojen ajoitukset lukuvuosittain, lukukausittain tai periodeittain
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) | 2022-2023 |
LABEX22SLTI-1072 |
Institute of Design and Fine Arts
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 | |
LABEX22SLTI-1079 |
Media Content Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 | |
AM00CS62 | Game Design and Development | 10 | 10 |
AT00CS63 | Game programming essentials | 5 | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1098 |
Language online courses for all exchange students
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
63 | |
KV00CG32 | Asiantuntijan viestintätaidot venäjäksi | 4 | 4 |
KE00CG81 | Business Writing | 3 | 3 |
KE00CC64 | English Prep Course | 3 | 3 |
KE00BX35 | English Pronunciation | 1 | 1 |
K200CE69 | Finnish 1 | 3 | 3 |
KM00CO04 | Finnish Culture and Society | 3 | 3 |
KV00CN64 | Kauppatieteen venäjää | 1 | 1 |
KE00CG79 | Professional Reading | 3 | 3 |
KV00CG83 | Venäjä 1 | 3 | 3 |
KV00CG84 | Venäjä 2 | 3 | 3 |
KV00CH21 | Venäjä 3 | 3 | 3 |
KV00CG31 | Russian Business Culture | 5 | 5 |
KD00CH39 | Saksa 1 | 3 | 3 |
KD00CH40 | Saksa 2 | 3 | 3 |
KP00CH28 | Tekniikan espanjaa | 1 | 1 |
KF00CH29 | Tekniikan ranskaa | 1 | 1 |
KV00CH23 | Tekniikan venäjää | 1 | 1 |
KP00BX61 | Työelämän espanjaa 1 | 3 | 3 |
KP00BX62 | Työelämän espanjaa 2 | 3 | 3 |
KF00CG43 | Työelämän ranskaa 1 | 3 | 3 |
KV00BX38 | Työelämän venäjää 1 | 3 | 3 |
KV00CH24 | Venäjän kielioppikertaus | 3 | 3 |
KE00CG33 | Writing for Digital Media | 4 | 4 |
LABEX22SLTI-1089 |
Language courses for all Lahti Campus exchange students
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
37 | |
KM00BX75 | Each One Teach One | 3 | 3 |
KP00CK94 | Espanja 1 | 3 | |
KP00CH26 | Espanja 2 | 3 | |
KP00CH27 | Espanja 3 | 3 | |
KE00CF69 | Intercultural Competence and Communication | 5 | 5 |
KE00CG34 | Multicultural Teamwork and Leadership in Charity Work | 5 | |
KF00CH30 | Ranska 1 | 3 | |
KF00CH31 | Ranska 2 | 3 | |
KD00CH39 | Saksa 1 | 3 | |
KD00CH40 | Saksa 2 | 3 | |
KV00CH22 | Venäjä 4 | 3 | 3 |
Yhteensä | 30 | 89 |
Lukukausi- ja lukuvuosikohtaiset opintopistekertymät vaihtelevat valinnaisten ja vapaasti valittavien opintojen ajoituksesta johtuen.
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) |
LABEX22SLTI-1061 |
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
122 |
LABEX22SLTI-1062 |
Business studies
(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 30) |
30 |
AL00CK50 | Ethics, Environment and Business | 5 |
AL00CJ38 | Content Creation | 5 |
AL00CJ35 | Digital Marketing | 5 |
AL00CJ47 | Inhouse Logistics | 5 |
AL00CJ44 | International Economics | 5 |
AL00CJ46 | International Marketing | 5 |
AL00CJ45 | Internationalisation Process | 5 |
AL00CI99 | Lahti Venture Program | 5 |
AL00CP98 | Lean and processes | 5 |
AL00CJ22 | Wealth Management | 5 |
AL00CO11 | Introduction to Programming | 4 |
AL00CO14 | Iterative Application Project | 5 |
AL00CO13 | Software Development Process | 4 |
AL00CO21 | Utilising Data in Business | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1063 |
Business studies, online courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
10 |
LI00BJ70 | Global Communication in Business | 5 |
AL00CJ17 | Sustainable Supply Chain Management | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1100 |
Business Information Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
18 |
AL00CO11 | Introduction to Programming | 4 |
AL00CO14 | Iterative Application Project | 5 |
AL00CO13 | Software Development Process | 4 |
AL00CO21 | Utilising Data in Business | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1093 |
Complementary Competence
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
60 |
AL00CI99 | Lahti Venture Program | 5 |
AL00CP98 | Lean and processes | 5 |
AL00CB65 | Setting up and Developing an Online Store | 5 |
AL00CB64 | Online Store Solutions | 5 |
AL00CB63 | Online Business | 5 |
AL00CJ38 | Content Creation | 5 |
AL00CJ35 | Digital Marketing | 5 |
AL00CJ47 | Inhouse Logistics | 5 |
AL00CJ44 | International Economics | 5 |
AL00CJ46 | International Marketing | 5 |
AL00CJ45 | Internationalisation Process | 5 |
AL00CJ22 | Wealth Management | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1096 |
Language online courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
4 |
KE00BT61 | English for Work | 4 |
LABEX22SLTI-1065 |
Faculty of Health Care and Social Services
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
30 |
LABEX22SLTI-1066 |
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
10 |
LA00BF27 | Anticipating future trends | 5 |
ST00BK39 | Acute Care | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1067 |
Nursing, online courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
5 |
ST00BF48 | Leadership and Entrepreneurship | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1095 |
Complementary Competence, online courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
5 |
KT00CH02 | Lähisuhdeväkivalta | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1099 |
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
10 |
AH00CA26 | Liikkumisen biomekaniikka | 5 |
AH00CA38 | Neurologinen fysioterapia | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1068 |
Faculty of Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
112 |
LABEX22SLTI-1069 |
Information and Communication Technology, online courses
(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 30) |
30 |
AT00CR59 | Project Work | 5 |
AT00BY30 | Pelimallinnus | 5 |
AT00BY26 | Edistynyt peliohjelmointi | 5 |
AT00BY22 | Kehykset | 3 |
AT00BY23 | Pilvilaskenta | 4 |
AT00BY33 | Virtualisointi ja pilvipalvelut | 5 |
AT00BX90 | Web ja pelisuunnittelu | 5 |
AT00BX89 | Web ja peliteknologian perusteet | 5 |
AT00BX91 | Web ja peliteknologian soveltaminen | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1070 |
Sustainable Solutions Engineering
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
10 |
AT00BY89 | CSR-reporting, models and practices | 5 |
AT00BY90 | Project and Risk Management | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1091 |
Sustainable Solutions Engineering, online courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
30 |
AT00CK08 | Environmental Impact Assessment | 5 |
AT00CK09 | Environmental Legislation and Policies | 5 |
AT00CK10 | Sustainable Water Management | 5 |
AT00CK11 | Circular Economy, Recycling and Waste Management | 5 |
AT00CK12 | Material Efficiency and Sustainable Materials | 5 |
AT00CK13 | Sustainable Life Cycle of Product | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1104 |
Wood Technology
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
AT00BZ13 | Particle board, MDF, OSB and other wood-based panels | 5 |
AT00BZ12 | Plywood and LVL technology | 5 |
AT00BZ14 | R&D Project | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1092 |
Wood Technology, online courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
AT00CM09 | Carbon footprint of wood products | 2 |
AT00CP64 | Circular Economy of Forest Products | 3 |
AT00CM12 | CLT-Glulam-LVL | 2 |
AT00CP67 | Consumer Behavior and CLT | 3 |
AT00CM10 | Entrepreneurship in the forest products sector | 2 |
AT00CM11 | International Timber Trade 1 | 2 |
AT00CP66 | International Timber Trade 2 | 3 |
AT00CP65 | Wood Industry Comparison | 3 |
LABEX22SLTI-1097 |
Master level courses
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
7 |
TE00BS52 | History and Preservation of Urban Areas | 7 |
LABEX22SLTI-1072 |
Institute of Design and Fine Arts
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
169 |
LABEX22SLTI-1074 |
Industrial and Vehicle Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 |
AM00CF00 | Käytettävyys, käyttöliittymät ja vuorovaikutteisuuden suunnittelu | 5 |
AM00CF06 | VR/XR/AR muotoilussa | 5 |
AM00CN35 | Usability, User Interfaces and Interaction Design | 5 |
AM00CN33 | Structures and Materials | 5 |
AM00CN34 | CAD, 3D and Visualization | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1076 |
Packaging and Brand Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 |
AM00CN32 | Presentation Methods | 5 |
AM00CN33 | Structures and Materials | 5 |
AM00CN34 | CAD, 3D and Visualization | 5 |
AM00CN39 | User-centred Design | 5 |
AM00CN31 | Workshop License | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1078 |
Wearable Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
MI00BL33 | Functional Product Development and Materials | 5 |
AM00BW44 | Tuotekehitysprosessit | 5 |
MI00BL37 | Puettava teknologia ja älykkäät materiaalit | 5 |
AM00CN28 | Marketing Communication and Branding | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1079 |
Media Content Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
15 |
AM00CS62 | Game Design and Development | 10 |
AT00CS63 | Game programming essentials | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1080 |
Graphic Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
AM00BV77 | Sähköinen julkaiseminen | 5 |
AM00BV79 | Tietokoneavusteinen kuvittaminen | 5 |
AM00BV80 | Type Design | 5 |
AM00BV81 | Datan visualisointi | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1081 |
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
25 |
MI00BL10 | Metodit ja dokumentaarisuus valokuvassa | 5 |
MI00BL21 | Metodologinen dokumentaarinen projekti | 5 |
MI00BL17 | Syventävä metodologinen dokumentaarinen projekti | 5 |
MI00BL01 | Studiotyöskentely | 5 |
MI00BS03 | Arkkitehtuurikuvaus | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1103 |
Experience and Service Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
20 |
MI00BL22 | Markkinointiviestintä ja brändäys | 5 |
MI00BM86 | Muotoiluprojekti 1 | 5 |
MI00BM87 | Tulevaisuuden teknologia muotoiluratkaisujen mahdollistajana | 5 |
MI00BN65 | Muotoiluprojekti 2 | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1082 |
Interior Architecture and Furniture Design
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
19 |
KE00BT61 | English for Work | 4 |
AM00BW42 | Asiantuntijaprojekti | 5 |
AM00BW43 | Valaisinsuunnittelu | 5 |
AM00BW44 | Tuotekehitysprosessit | 5 |
LABEX22SLTI-1098 |
Language online courses for all exchange students
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
63 |
KV00CG32 | Asiantuntijan viestintätaidot venäjäksi | 4 |
KE00CG81 | Business Writing | 3 |
KE00CC64 | English Prep Course | 3 |
KE00BX35 | English Pronunciation | 1 |
K200CE69 | Finnish 1 | 3 |
KM00CO04 | Finnish Culture and Society | 3 |
KV00CN64 | Kauppatieteen venäjää | 1 |
KE00CG79 | Professional Reading | 3 |
KV00CG83 | Venäjä 1 | 3 |
KV00CG84 | Venäjä 2 | 3 |
KV00CH21 | Venäjä 3 | 3 |
KV00CG31 | Russian Business Culture | 5 |
KD00CH39 | Saksa 1 | 3 |
KD00CH40 | Saksa 2 | 3 |
KP00CH28 | Tekniikan espanjaa | 1 |
KF00CH29 | Tekniikan ranskaa | 1 |
KV00CH23 | Tekniikan venäjää | 1 |
KP00BX61 | Työelämän espanjaa 1 | 3 |
KP00BX62 | Työelämän espanjaa 2 | 3 |
KF00CG43 | Työelämän ranskaa 1 | 3 |
KV00BX38 | Työelämän venäjää 1 | 3 |
KV00CH24 | Venäjän kielioppikertaus | 3 |
KE00CG33 | Writing for Digital Media | 4 |
LABEX22SLTI-1089 |
Language courses for all Lahti Campus exchange students
(Kaikki pakollisia) |
37 |
KM00BX75 | Each One Teach One | 3 |
KP00CK94 | Espanja 1 | 3 |
KP00CH26 | Espanja 2 | 3 |
KP00CH27 | Espanja 3 | 3 |
KE00CF69 | Intercultural Competence and Communication | 5 |
KE00CG34 | Multicultural Teamwork and Leadership in Charity Work | 5 |
KF00CH30 | Ranska 1 | 3 |
KF00CH31 | Ranska 2 | 3 |
KD00CH39 | Saksa 1 | 3 |
KD00CH40 | Saksa 2 | 3 |
KV00CH22 | Venäjä 4 | 3 |