Professional ReadingLaajuus (3 cr)
Code: AL00CD72
3 op
Teaching language
- English
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 30.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
- Natalia Bagrova
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
This implementation is for students in the LAB degree group LLTILIL24SV.
The course is delivered online through Moodle and there are no lessons for the course.
Students study the course material independently and practice their reading skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, completing practice written assignments, as well as completing one final written assignment.
Timing and attendance
Online course, no attendance requirements as there are no lessons.
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher through Moodle.
Alternative completion methods
Working life cooperation
Learning environment
Moodle (including external links for texts needed for reading).
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course materials, reading texts, completing quizzes, completing practice assignments, and working on the final written assignment. It is expected students will adhere to given deadlines.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
The course is taught at minimum of B2 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Assessment criteria
The final course grade will be based on the following:
- Completion of the theory assignment (Pass/Fail)
- Completion of the practice quizzes and practice assignments
- Quiz results in the 'Testing' section
- Grade for final written assignment
The student must complete and pass all work in the final Testing section of the course in order to pass the course.
The student must complete all work in the course during the implementation time of the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in time or the submitted assignment repeatedly fails to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the testing section or does not complete all of the necessary coursework.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies and has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field. The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 44
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLTILII24SH1 students - only.
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2025.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (7 January - 23 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 23 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 44
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLTILII24SH2 students - only.
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2025.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (7 January - 23 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 23 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLPRLII24SV students - only.
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2025.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (7 January - 23 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 23 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLPRLII24SM students - only.
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2025.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (7 January - 23 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 23 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLPRLII24SK students - only.
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2025.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (7 January - 23 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 23 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
06.05.2024 - 28.08.2024
28.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
- E-campus
- Lahti Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Language studies LAB
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLTILII24K
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
2nd period of autumn semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (28 October - 13 December).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 13 December, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
06.05.2024 - 28.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLTILIL24KV
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of autumn semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (2 September - 18 October).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 18 October, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
06.05.2024 - 28.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
Course implementation for group LLTILIL24KV
The student will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The student will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). As this is a seven-week intensive course, hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for successful continuation of course content (from one part to the next) and for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of autumn semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (2 September - 18 October).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 18 October, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Alternative completion methods
No alternate completion methods.
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to given instructions and given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments according to given assignment instructions in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024
04.03.2024 - 21.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 43
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
2nd period of spring semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (4 March - 21 April).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 21 April, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024
04.03.2024 - 21.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 43
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
2nd period of spring semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (4 March - 21 April).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 21 April, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2023 - 26.02.2024
04.03.2024 - 21.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 70
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Matti Mäkelä
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The course will be taught online through Moodle and will consist of the students studying the course material independently and practising their reading skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing written assignments.
Timing and attendance
Online course, no attendance requirements.
Spring 2024
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher through Moodle.
Alternative completion methods
Recognition of prior learning: a language portfolio demonstrating the acquisition of required reading skills plus the Testing section of the course for evaluation.
Learning environment
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course materials, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on the assignments. It is expected students will adhere to given deadlines. Degree regulations apply.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, summary writing, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Assessment criteria
Assignments and quizzes on Moodle.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in time or the submitted assignment repeatedly fails to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
Can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies. Has a poor active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. Can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
Can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes. Has a good active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology. Can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
Can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes. Has a broad active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field. Can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 25.02.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (8 January - 25 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 25 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 25.02.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (8 January - 25 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 25 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 25.02.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
1st period of spring semester (term) 2024.
This is an intensive, seven-week course, i.e., the duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (8 January - 25 February).
Online course, no Zoom, no classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Once the course ends/closes, i.e., 25 February, no assignment parts/assignments/tasks/quiz completions are accepted/graded/allowed.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/tasks/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
15.05.2023 - 31.08.2023
04.09.2023 - 22.10.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 70
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Language studies LAB
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s). Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
Period 1 of autumn semester (term) 2023.
The duration of the course is seven (7) weeks (4 September - 22 October).
Online course, no Zoom, classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently by the student and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students adhere to given course/assignment deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), text structure by using reading comprehension exercises and summary writing.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
15.05.2023 - 27.08.2023
04.09.2023 - 17.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 70
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
- Matti Mäkelä
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The course will be taught online through Moodle and will consist of the students studying the course material independently and practising their reading skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing written assignments.
Timing and attendance
Online course, no attendance requirements.
Autumn 2023
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher through Moodle.
Alternative completion methods
Recognition of prior learning: a language portfolio demonstrating the acquisition of required reading skills plus the Testing section of the course for evaluation.
Learning environment
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course materials, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on the assignments. It is expected students will adhere to given deadlines.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, summary writing, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Assessment criteria
Assignments and quizzes on Moodle.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in time or the submitted assignment repeatedly fails to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
Can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies. Has a poor active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. Can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
Can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes. Has a good active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology. Can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
Can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes. Has a broad active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field. Can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
21.11.2022 - 08.01.2023
13.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s).Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
Period 4 of spring semester (term) 2023.
The duration of the course is seven (7) weeks.
Online course, no Zoom, classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students will adhere to given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
21.11.2022 - 08.01.2023
13.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s).Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
Period 4 of spring semester (term) 2023.
The duration of the course is seven (7) weeks.
Online course, no Zoom, classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students will adhere to given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
21.11.2022 - 08.01.2023
13.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 70
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s).Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
Period 4 of spring semester (term) 2023.
The duration of the course is seven (7) weeks.
Online course, no Zoom, classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students will adhere to given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
21.11.2022 - 08.01.2023
16.01.2023 - 05.03.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
- Tarja Ahonen
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The students will complete the course 100% online via Moodle. There are no (contact) lessons. The students will study the course material independently and practice their reading and writing skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing (a) written assignment(s).Hard deadlines - > given deadlines must be adhered to for the successful completion of the course.
Timing and attendance
Period 3 of spring semester (term) 2023.
The duration of the course is seven (7) weeks.
Online course, no Zoom, classroom attendance requirements.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning material and recommended literature
Material and instructions provided in Moodle (course platform).
Learning environment
The course is completed independently and fully online through Moodle.
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course material, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on (the) assignment(s).
A student will study the theory material, read popular science and academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes based on them. In addition, the student will read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete (a) written assignment(s) based on them.
Hard deadlines. In other words, it is expected that students will adhere to given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
No prerequisites. Course taught at a level of B2.
Assessment criteria
Grading on a scale of 1 - 5.
Students are expected to complete all assignments/online quizzes according to the given deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in/on time or the submitted assignment(s) repeatedly fail(s) to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
The student can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies.
The student has a poor active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
The student can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a good active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
The student can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
The student can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes.
The student has a broad active reading vocabulary.
The student can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field.
The student can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.
21.11.2022 - 08.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 26.02.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
- Olesia Kullberg
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- comprehend, analyze and summarize authentic professional texts in English
- learn and master strategies for expanding professional vocabulary
- use strategies for effective reading.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The course will be taught online through Moodle and will consist of the students studying the course material independently and practising their reading skills through assignments. The assignments consist of reading both popular and academic texts using various reading strategies, completing Moodle quizzes based on their understanding of the text, as well as completing written assignments.
Timing and attendance
Online course, no attendance requirements.
Period 3 of spring semester 2023.
Hard deadlines. If a student fails to meet a deadline, they fail the course.
Learning material and recommended literature
Provided by the teacher through Moodle.
Alternative completion methods
Recognition of prior learning: a language portfolio demonstrating the acquisition of required reading skills plus the Testing section of the course for evaluation.
Learning environment
Student time use and work load
The overall workload estimate is 81 hours of individual work, including studying the course materials, reading texts, completing quizzes, and working on the assignments. It is expected students will adhere to given deadlines. A student will study the theory materials, read 3 popular science articles and 3 academic articles and complete Moodle quizzes and written assignments based on them, as well as read one popular science article and one academic article of their choice and complete one written assignment based on them.
Learning vocabulary-building strategies, reading techniques (skimming, scanning, critical reading), and text structure by using reading comprehension exercises.
Assessment scale
Failed (0)
The student fails to complete the assignments in time or the submitted assignment repeatedly fails to meet the required criteria.
The student does not pass the test quizzes.
The student fails to capture any of the main points of a given text in their summary and the summary is very difficult to understand due to problems in grammar, syntax or spelling.
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in a satisfactory way.
Can read specialized texts using basic reading strategies. Has a poor active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary. Can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course well.
Can read with a certain degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes. Has a good active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from specialized sources within his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology. Can understand the main ideas of specialized articles outside his/her field.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
The student masters the contents of the course in an excellent way.
Can read with large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes. Has a broad active reading vocabulary.
Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within his/her field. Can understand specialized articles outside his/her field, provided he/she can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology.