Part-time students can study flexibly alongside work. Part-time study can include contact sessions and distance learning, independent learning and work placement periods. Compared to full-time students, part-time students have fewer contact sessions, and teaching is organised according to the programme's needs.
The total credit load of Bachelor's degree programmes is 210 or 240 ECTS credits depending on the programme. The part-time programme can be completed in 2.5 - 4 years depending on the programme and time commitment.
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Planning (in Finnish)
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering (in Finnish)
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Wood Technology (in Finnish)
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management (in Finnish)
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering (in Finnish)
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environment and Circular Economy Solutions Engineering (in Finnish)
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering (in Finnish)