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Clinical training in Public Health Nursing of Schoolchildren, Students and People Of Working AgeLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: AH00CY64


10 op


• implement, monitor and promote the health, wellbeing and ability to study of pupils and students
according to individual needs
• assess the need for special support and further care for children, school-aged children, young people
and their families as well as students
• maintain and promote a healthy, safe and healthy community and environment in cooperation with
schoolchildren, students, families and various stakeholders
• apply different methods and communicate in an evidence-based manner on matters related to health
and wellbeing
• Promote the health, work ability and well-being of working-age people, recognise the importance of
occupational health cooperation with workplaces and recognise different needs for occupational health
• assess and promote the agency of a working-age client, the health of the workplace and the work
community, work ability and the factors affecting them.
• explain the significance of workplace surveys, assessments of workplace health hazards and work-
related risk and workload factors for the employee's health and work ability
• Utilise digital and well-being technology solutions for managing, monitoring and supporting work ability
and functional capacity
• understand the importance of good occupational health care practices and multidisciplinarity in
occupational health care and assess their operating methods