Nursing of Persons of Working Age Occupational health careLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: AH00CY62
5 op
• analyse the overall entity of social welfare and health care services and the role of a public health
nurse in it
• promote the health and work ability of working-age people and recognise the effects of work, work
communities and environments on health in different operating environments by utilising digital solutions
• plan, implement and assess occupational health care activities of working-age people and workplace in
occupational health cooperation in accordance with good occupational health care practices
• explain the basic processes of occupational health care as part of a customer-oriented service system.
• promote multidisciplinary activities in supporting the health and work ability of working-age people and
work in multidisciplinary teams and networks.
• assess the health-related exposure, workload and resource factors of work and draw up evidence-
based recommendations and proposals for measures on them