Structural Mechanics IILaajuus (5 cr)
Code: AT00CD27
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
The student knows different calculation methods of structural mechanics, understands the necessity of mathematical is able to solve the force quantities of statically indeterminate structures by manual calculation using the element method and the stresses of more demanding structures with the help of computer programs, understands the basics of plasticity theory and stability phenomena as well as the basics of structures dynamics.
20.11.2024 - 03.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Faculty of Technology (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering, Construction Engineering (in Finnish), (2021, 2022, 2023)
- Timo Lehtoviita
- Heikki Vehmas
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Tentti 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Tentti 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Harjoitukset 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Harjoitukset 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
- Exam 1
- Exam 2
- Practice 1
- Practice 2
Learning outcomes
The student knows different calculation methods of structural mechanics, understands the necessity of mathematical is able to solve the force quantities of statically indeterminate structures by manual calculation using the element method and the stresses of more demanding structures with the help of computer programs, understands the basics of plasticity theory and stability phenomena as well as the basics of structures dynamics.
Assessment scale
06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Faculty of Technology (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Engineering (in Finnish)
- Timo Lehtoviita
- Heikki Vehmas
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Harjoitukset 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Harjoitukset 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Tentti 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Tentti 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
- Practice 1
- Practice 2
- Exam 1
- Exam 2
Learning outcomes
The student knows different calculation methods of structural mechanics, understands the necessity of mathematical is able to solve the force quantities of statically indeterminate structures by manual calculation using the element method and the stresses of more demanding structures with the help of computer programs, understands the basics of plasticity theory and stability phenomena as well as the basics of structures dynamics.
Assessment scale
15.05.2023 - 01.10.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Faculty of Technology (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Engineering (in Finnish)
- Timo Lehtoviita
Scheduling groups
- Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Tentti 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Harjoitukset 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Lecture 1
- Exam 1
- Practice 1
Learning outcomes
The student knows different calculation methods of structural mechanics, understands the necessity of mathematical is able to solve the force quantities of statically indeterminate structures by manual calculation using the element method and the stresses of more demanding structures with the help of computer programs, understands the basics of plasticity theory and stability phenomena as well as the basics of structures dynamics.
Assessment scale