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Intellectual Property RightsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: AL00DA57


5 op


The student is able to:

Basics of intangible rights:
- Should understand patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets and know the basic concepts of IPR rights
- Understand IPRs and know the basic principles of intellectual property rights, including the following
- Assess when and how intellectual property rights can be useful in business and take them into account in marketing and competition
The patenting process:
- Is familiar with the patenting process and can use patent databases in their own product development
Trademarks and brand protection:
- Understands the importance of trademarks and brands in brand building and protection and knows how to register them.
- Understand key data protection legislation and its implications for employment and business.
- Understand the principles of copyright, especially in the protection of innovations such as software, graphics or literary works.
Trade secrets and confidentiality:
- Understand the importance of trade secrets in the commercialisation of innovations.
Legal risk assessment:
- Be able to assess the legal risks related to intellectual property rights in the context of commercialisation of innovations.
Licensing and contracting practices:
- To be able to discuss licensing agreements and other contractual models related to intellectual property rights.
- Understand the basics of contract negotiation and key contracts related to the commercialisation of innovations or business development.