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Research and development of thesisLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: AM00CA95


2 op


- is familiar with research and development methods and their differences
- identify how they can be utilized in the artist's working life and thesis
- is able to search for information related to the field of visual arts and structure it appropriately
- understand the ethical principles related to research and development
- understands the copyright related to the thesis and is able to avoid plagiarism


06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 36

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Visual Arts (in Finnish)
  • Lotta Pyykkönen
Scheduling groups
  • Opetus (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
  • Practice 1

Learning outcomes

- is familiar with research and development methods and their differences
- identify how they can be utilized in the artist's working life and thesis
- is able to search for information related to the field of visual arts and structure it appropriately
- understand the ethical principles related to research and development
- understands the copyright related to the thesis and is able to avoid plagiarism

Assessment scale



15.05.2023 - 01.09.2023


31.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Visual Arts (in Finnish)
  • Lotta Pyykkönen
Scheduling groups
  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
  • Luennot 1

Learning outcomes

- is familiar with research and development methods and their differences
- identify how they can be utilized in the artist's working life and thesis
- is able to search for information related to the field of visual arts and structure it appropriately
- understand the ethical principles related to research and development
- understands the copyright related to the thesis and is able to avoid plagiarism

Implementation and methods of teaching

The course provides basic information on research and thesis writing. The course prepares the student to write a thesis and provides basic knowledge of research methods and the visual arts thesis. The course will cover the specificities of an artistic thesis, its documentation and data collection. The course also includes ethical aspects of thesis and research. The course will be taught online. The course consists of lectures, individual and group assignments and joint discussions.

Attendance rate for the lectures is 80%. However, all assignments for the course must be completed and returned in the space provided in the course module. The final research assignment of the course is also part of the course.

Timing and attendance

The course will take place in the autumn semester. Active participation in online meetings and completion of assignments is a prerequisite for successful completion.

The course includes several assignments, the completion of which is a prerequisite for the completion of the course. Assignments must be completed even if you are absent from class. The teacher may also ask you to complete returned assignments. The attendance rate for the course is 80%. The last research assignment of the course is part of the course.

Learning material and recommended literature

The learning material will be shared during the course on Moodle.
For research information, e.g. data archives, research notes: t

Alternative completion methods

The course cannot be taken outside the online meetings.

Exam retakes

If a student fails to complete the course, he or she must repeat the course the following year. Please agree this with the course tutor.

Learning environment

Moodle and online teaching

Student time use and work load

The scope of the course is 2 credits, which means 54 hours of work for the student.


The aim of the course is to provide information on how to conduct research and to help you understand the general issues related to the thesis. The course prepares students to conduct research, to use research methods where appropriate and to consider the ethical principles of research. The course will also cover the specificities of artistic thesis work.
The starting points for good argumentation in the work of a visual artist will be discussed.

The course includes research-related tasks and practice in acquiring and analysing data, as well as tasks related to the visual arts thesis.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

The course is not recommended for first-year fine art students.

Assessment criteria

Active participation in online meetings and completion of assignments and achievement of the learning objectives are key assessment criteria. The course includes a number of assignments, the completion of which is a prerequisite for the completion of the course. Some of these are group assignments. The assignments must be done even if you are absent from the lecture.

There is an 80% attendance requirement for online meetings, which means a maximum of 3 hours of absence. The course will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. The lecturer may ask the student to complete the course.

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

- does not participate in the online meetings of the course and has not participated in the tasks to be carried out in the meetings.
- Not all assignments to be completed on the student's own time have been completed and returned.
- assignments contain plagiarism.
- Texts are not written in an issue style or contain unsubstantiated opinions.

Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

- knows and can describe research and development methods and their differences.
- Identify and understand how they can be applied in the work and study of an artist.
- can search for information related to the visual arts and structure it appropriately.
- understand and interpret ethical principles related to research and development.
- understand and be able to illustrate the difference between artistic studies and basic and applied research in other fields.
- can think of a suitable topic for a thesis in the field of finel arts.
- understands the copyright issues involved in the thesis and is able to avoid plagiarism.

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

-participates in online meetings and completes course assignments.
-returns the assignments according to the course timetable.
-will be able to describe the differences in research methods.
-can define a topic for an artistic thesis and search for information on the topic.
-knows what plagiarism is.

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

-participates in online meetings and completes course assignments.
-returns the assignments according to the course timetable.
-can describe differences in research methods and find information on how they have been used.
-can define a topic for an artistic thesis and search for information on the topic and understand the difference between an artistic thesis and other disciplines.
-knows what plagiarism is.
-can describe the principles of research ethics.

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

- participate in online meetings and complete course assignments.
- return the assignments according to the course timetable.
- knows and can describe research and development methods and their differences.
- identifies and understands how they can be applied in the work and practice of the artist.
- can search for information related to the visual arts and structure it appropriately.
- understand and interpret ethical principles related to research and development.
- understand and be able to illustrate the difference between artistic studies in relation to basic research and applied research in other fields.
- can think of a suitable topic for a thesis in the field of visual arts
- understands the copyright issues involved in the thesis and is able to avoid plagiarism.