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Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

240 ects

Bachelor of Health Care, Paramedic Nurse 24S, full-time studies, Lappeenranta

06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Jenni Hämäläinen
  • Marjut Louhelainen
Scheduling groups
  • Anatomian ja fysiologian luennot osa 1 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Anatomian ja fysiologian luennot osa 2 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Potilaan tutkimisen luennot (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Anatomian ja fysiologian tentti osa 1 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Anatomian ja fysiologian tentti osa 2 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Harjoitus 1 R1 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Harjoitus 1 R2 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Harjoitus 2 R1 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Harjoitus 2 R2 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
Small groups
  • Anatomy and physiology lectures part 1
  • Anatomy and physiology lectures part 2
  • Patient examination lectures
  • Anatomy and physiology exam part 1
  • Anatomy and physiology exam part 2
  • Practical session 1 R1
  • Practical session 1 R2
  • Practical session 2 R1
  • Practical session 2 R2

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- identify and explain the structure, function and regulation of the organ systems of the human body
- examine a patient using basic nursing skills
- give first aid

Implementation and methods of teaching

Course consists of key lectures and learning assignments, group assignments, practical training of clinical skills and final exams.

Timing and attendance

Contact teaching and practical training sessions on fall semester 2024.

Learning material and recommended literature

Anatomy and physiology
-Principles of human anatomy and physiology, Gerald J Tortora and Bryan H Derrickson or equivalent text book.
-Lecture materials and pre-lecture assignments in Moodle

Examination of a patient and first aid:

- Learning material in Moodle
- Pre Tasks regarding practice lessons
- - First Aid instructions (UK)

Exam retakes

See course's timetable in TimeEdit ja resit exams in Exam.


Learning objectives:
Anatomy and physiology
-Student can recognize and explain phenomenon and structures of a human body and understands mechanisms of abnormal physiological function.

Examination of a patient:
-Student learns how to assess patient`s condition by using the ABCDE- approach.

First aid:
-Student learns how to act in different first aid situations

Anatomy and physiology
-Structure of human body and function in cell, tissue, organ and organ system levels.
-- Principals of medical biochemistry
-- Anatomical terminology
-- Cell membrane
-- Structure of nervous tissue, resting membrane potential and action potential, synapses
-- Blood and lymfa structures
-- Heart and circulatory system
-- Respiratory system digestion
-- Urinary discretion
-- Fluid balance and acid-base balance
-- Digestion
-- Immune system
-- Joints and cervical spine
-- Concepts of nervous system structure, spinal structures, brain
-- Higher brain functions
-- Autonomic nervous system

Examination of a patient and first aid:
- ABCDE-approach
- Using the AED-device
- Unconscious patient
- Anaphylaxia
- Patient in a shock
- Trauma first aid
- Cardiac infarctation

Assessment criteria

Anatomy and physiology:
- Evaluation consists of two final exams and smaller assignments. In order to pass the exams student must gain 50 % of each exam's maximum points.

Examination of a patient and first aid:

- Participation in lectures and first aid training sessions
- Returning the Pre Tasks related to practice lessons
-Accepted grade from first aid exam

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

Student fails the exam and/or does not participate to the mandatory practical skill training sessions.
Student does not submit required pre tasks concerning the first aid practice lessons.

Content of the pre tasks are insufficient or false.
Inability to perform first aid procedures in practical sessions.

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

Anatomy and physiology:
- The students names human anatomical structures in english and latin but fails to use medical and nursing terminology in a consistent manner. Student recognizes main concepts of medical biochemistry but fails to discover the significance to cellular or organ function in detail. Student is able to classify the anatomical structures and basic physiology of organs and organ systems but is not able to conclude finer differences in normal and abnormal function in detail.

Examination and first aid:
- Student knows the basic methods of first aid and examination, but does not know how to apply theory in practice.
-Student knows the basics of patient examination, but does not know how to apply it in to practice.

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

Anatomy and physiology:
- The students recognizes human anatomical structures and names them in english and in latin using understandable medical and nursing terminology. Students recognizes concepts of medical biochemistry and can reason the meaning of medical biochemistry in physiology. Student classifies human structures and functions from cellular level to organ level and is able to relate the normal anatomical structures and physiology from pathological structures and pathophysiology.

Examination and first aid:
- The student recognizes basic first aid situations and in some form manages to apply theory to practice.
- The student knows the basics of patient examination and knows how to apply it into practice some way.

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

Anatomy and physiology:
- The students recognizes human anatomical structures and names them in english and in latin using appropriate medical and nursing terminology fluently. Student can reason the medical biochemistry and physiology from cellular components of the tissue to the level of organs and organ systems. The student correlates the differences in structure or function between normal and abnormal anatomy or physiology and estimates how pathological physiology affects patient well-being.

- Student knows the basics of patient examination and is able to apply those findings into practice.
- Student can apply learned first aid skills into practice in a right way.
- Student shows knowledge between physiology and practice.


06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Jenni Hämäläinen
  • Sini Hämäläinen
Scheduling groups
  • Welcome to study paramedics (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Harjoitukset (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
Small groups
  • Welcome to study paramedics
  • Lectures
  • Practical session

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- plan their own learning and cooperate in situations related to their own field of studies
- recognize their own competence and the needs to develop them further and to plan their career path observing them
- act as a group member
- operate in the learning environments of LAB University of Applied Sciences
- picture their own field of studies and its future skills
- give feedback on tuition and services and thus participate in the development of education

Implementation and methods of teaching

Contact teaching lectures
Online studying
Group works
Individual assignments

Timing and attendance

Compulsory attendance during the course is required
Developing professional competence course starts with the Orientation Week.
After the orientation week, course activities will be organized according to the course timetable.

Exam retakes

No exam

Student time use and work load

Developing professional competence is a 3 ECTS course.

1 ECTS is 27 hours of student work.


This course will introduce the student:
• how to plan their own learning and cooperate in situations related to their own field of studies
• how to identify themselves as a learner and develop their own learning skills
• ability to recognize their own competence and the needs to develop them further and to plan their career path observing them
• how to act as a group member
• how to operate in the learning environments of LAB University of Applied Sciences
• knowledge of their own field of studies and its future skills
• how to give feedback on tuition and services and thus participate in the development of education
• knowledge of working life in Finland

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.


Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

The course is passed when
the student has actively participated in the course activity and done all the assignments according to schedule


06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 10.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Language studies LAB
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Matti Mäkelä
Scheduling groups
  • Harjoitukset 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
Small groups
  • Practice 1

Learning outcomes

Proficiency level: B2

The student is able to
- identify the characteristics of academic texts and to apply academic conventions to their writing
- demonstrate critical thinking and find, evaluate and use information effectively
- communicate clearly and effectively in different generic and field-specific workplace situations both orally and in writing
- function collaboratively in contemporary working environments in English.

Implementation and methods of teaching

On-campus lessons, group work, individual assignments, peer and self-assessment. Blended learning: studies in class and independently online.

Timing and attendance

September 2024 - November 2024. Scheduled weekly classes and online studies.

Learning material and recommended literature

Study materials are provided by the teacher via Moodle.

Required: LAB Thesis Guidebook, chapters 6 & 7 (i.e., referencing mechanics), available at

Alternative completion methods

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). To be discussed with the teacher.

Learning environment

Blended learning: in-class and online (Moodle, possibly Zoom/Teams depending on circumstances, other digital platforms as needed)

Student time use and work load

Estimated student workload is 135 h during the 5-credit course, including reading, coursework, and lectures or other scheduled meetings.


About 2 ECTS is focused on academic practices, especially academic writing, and about 3 ECTS is focused on other professional communication practices and skills, both written and spoken.
- general principles of academic writing, including style, text structure, and referencing mechanics
- generic and context-specific guidelines for academic and professional writing
- various written and oral communication situations in professional studies and the working life
- key terminology and concepts in the students' field of study.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Strong English skills recommended. The course is taught at skills level CEFR B2. If you feel you are not yet at B2 level, please prepare for the course with independent language practice. There will be no time on the course to review grammar.

Assessment criteria

Continuous evaluation: regular attendance (75%) and active participation in lectures and in-class exercises. Successful completion of written and spoken assignments and tests by given deadlines. Students are assessed individually on a scale of 5-0.

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

The student has failed to meet the set course requirements.

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

Writing in varied professional contexts: The student has met the assignment requirements minimally. Work displays vaguely consistent and appropriate register. Content is vaguely effective and diverse. The text is not in keeping with style-specific conventions. The student constructs minimally understandable sentences. Grammatical irregularities occur often. Vocabulary is minimally appropriate to context.

Speaking in varied professional contexts: The student speaks in a style vaguely appropriate to the assignment. Student interacts minimally with participants. Performance meets few of the set expectations of given assignment. The student speaks in a vaguely consistent manner. Delivery is minimally structured. Linguistic performance is minimally accurate and appropriate to the context. Pauses are rather long and at times pronunciation hinders comprehension.

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

Writing in varied professional contexts: The student has met the assignment requirements adequately. Work displays somewhat consistent and appropriate register. Content is somewhat effective and diverse. The text has a reasonably logical structure. The text is rather cohesive. Minor mistakes occur in style. The student mostly constructs sentences well. Grammatical irregularities occur. Vocabulary is adequately professional and mostly appropriate to context.

Speaking in varied professional contexts: In most cases the student speaks in a style appropriate to the assignment. Student interacts with participants. Performance meets most set expectations of given assignment. The student speaks in a consistent manner. Delivery is structured. Linguistic performance is somewhat accurate and appropriate to the context, although short pauses and hesitations may occur.

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

Writing in varied professional contexts: The student has met the assignment requirements fully. Work displays consistent and appropriate register. Content is effective, diverse, and skillfully delivered. The text has a clear and logical structure. The text is cohesive, fluent, and versatile. The student uses varied structures although occasional grammatical irregularities may occur. Vocabulary is varied and professional and typically appropriate to context.

Speaking in varied professional contexts: The student speaks in a style appropriate to the assignment. Student interacts fluently and competently. Performance meets all set expectations of given assignments. The student speaks in a clear, concise, and consistent manner. Delivery is well-structured, intentional. Linguistic performance is accurate, appropriate to the context, and speech tempo is natural.


06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 10.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Language studies LAB
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Matti Mäkelä
Scheduling groups
  • Harjoitukset 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
Small groups
  • Practice 1

Learning outcomes

Proficiency level: B2

The student is able to
- identify the characteristics of academic texts and to apply academic conventions to their writing
- demonstrate critical thinking and find, evaluate and use information effectively
- communicate clearly and effectively in different generic and field-specific workplace situations both orally and in writing
- function collaboratively in contemporary working environments in English.

Implementation and methods of teaching

On-campus lessons, group work, individual assignments, peer and self-assessment. Blended learning: studies in class and independently online.

Timing and attendance

September 2024 - November 2024. Scheduled weekly classes and online studies.

Learning material and recommended literature

Study materials are provided by the teacher via Moodle.

Required: LAB Thesis Guidebook, chapters 6 & 7 (i.e., referencing mechanics), available at

Alternative completion methods

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). To be discussed with the teacher.

Learning environment

Blended learning: in-class and online (Moodle, possibly Zoom/Teams depending on circumstances, other digital platforms as needed)

Student time use and work load

Estimated student workload is 135 h during the 5-credit course, including reading, coursework, and lectures or other scheduled meetings.


About 2 ECTS is focused on academic practices, especially academic writing, and about 3 ECTS is focused on other professional communication practices and skills, both written and spoken.
- general principles of academic writing, including style, text structure, and referencing mechanics
- generic and context-specific guidelines for academic and professional writing
- various written and oral communication situations in professional studies and the working life
- key terminology and concepts in the students' field of study.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Strong English skills recommended. The course is taught at skills level CEFR B2. If you feel you are not yet at B2 level, please prepare for the course with independent language practice. There will be no time on the course to review grammar.

Assessment criteria

Continuous evaluation: regular attendance (75%) and active participation in lectures and in-class exercises. Successful completion of written and spoken assignments and tests by given deadlines. Students are assessed individually on a scale of 5-0.

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

The student has failed to meet the set course requirements.

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

Writing in varied professional contexts: The student has met the assignment requirements minimally. Work displays vaguely consistent and appropriate register. Content is vaguely effective and diverse. The text is not in keeping with style-specific conventions. The student constructs minimally understandable sentences. Grammatical irregularities occur often. Vocabulary is minimally appropriate to context.

Speaking in varied professional contexts: The student speaks in a style vaguely appropriate to the assignment. Student interacts minimally with participants. Performance meets few of the set expectations of given assignment. The student speaks in a vaguely consistent manner. Delivery is minimally structured. Linguistic performance is minimally accurate and appropriate to the context. Pauses are rather long and at times pronunciation hinders comprehension.

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

Writing in varied professional contexts: The student has met the assignment requirements adequately. Work displays somewhat consistent and appropriate register. Content is somewhat effective and diverse. The text has a reasonably logical structure. The text is rather cohesive. Minor mistakes occur in style. The student mostly constructs sentences well. Grammatical irregularities occur. Vocabulary is adequately professional and mostly appropriate to context.

Speaking in varied professional contexts: In most cases the student speaks in a style appropriate to the assignment. Student interacts with participants. Performance meets most set expectations of given assignment. The student speaks in a consistent manner. Delivery is structured. Linguistic performance is somewhat accurate and appropriate to the context, although short pauses and hesitations may occur.

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

Writing in varied professional contexts: The student has met the assignment requirements fully. Work displays consistent and appropriate register. Content is effective, diverse, and skillfully delivered. The text has a clear and logical structure. The text is cohesive, fluent, and versatile. The student uses varied structures although occasional grammatical irregularities may occur. Vocabulary is varied and professional and typically appropriate to context.

Speaking in varied professional contexts: The student speaks in a style appropriate to the assignment. Student interacts fluently and competently. Performance meets all set expectations of given assignments. The student speaks in a clear, concise, and consistent manner. Delivery is well-structured, intentional. Linguistic performance is accurate, appropriate to the context, and speech tempo is natural.


01.08.2024 - 30.09.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)

  • E-campus, Lahti
  • E-campus, Lappeenranta
Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Construction Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Sustainable Design Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
  • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Solutions Engineering
  • Complementary competence and optional courses, Bachelors
  • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Industrial Information Technology
  • Siru Kilpilampi
  • Susanna Lesch
  • Tarja Taurula
    Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Solutions Engineering 24SV Lahti
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business 24S Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business 24S Lahti
    Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Construction Technology 24S Lahti
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Sustainable Design Business 24S Lahti
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Industrial Information Technology 24S Lahti
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management 24S Lappeenranta

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- use diverce digital tools and learning environments
- evaluate own professional development

Implementation and methods of teaching

LAB@key (1 credit) is student’s digital introduction, which serves the purpose of getting you familiar with the procedures, digital tools and environments used in the University of Applied Sciences. LAB@key includes information about the digital tools and systems (user ID, e-mail, learning environments), course variety, as well as common knowledge about the progress of your studies and students’ wellbeing.

LAB@key (Bachelor´s Degree) includes seven parts:
1. Digital competence
2. Studying at the LAB UAS
3. Curriculum and planning your own studies
4. Course offerings
5. Ability to study - taking account of your own resources
6. Professional growth - identifying your own skills
7. Information Security training
And the final exam.

Exam retakes

The implementation is open from 1.8. to 30.9.2024. After that, the course can no longer be taken. The course is part of the orientation.

Learning environment

Student time use and work load

27 hours

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

The course is passed if the student gets all 50 questions of the final exam correct. Less than 50 points on the final exam means a failing grade. You can take the final exam as many times as you like.




12.08.2024 - 13.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

0 op


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Titta Sainio
  • Tiina Simola
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 23S Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 22S A Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 22S A Lappeenranta

Learning outcomes

The student can:
• The student can calculate the drug doses used in drug therapy
• Can calculate medical calculations flawlessly

Assessment scale





12.08.2024 - 13.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

0 op


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Titta Sainio
  • Tiina Simola
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 23S Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 22S A Lappeenranta
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 22S A Lappeenranta

Learning outcomes

The student can:
• The student can calculate the drug doses used in drug therapy
• Can calculate medical calculations flawlessly

Assessment scale



06.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


30.09.2024 - 22.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Titta Sainio
  • Nina Hietaranta
Scheduling groups
  • Info 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Luennot 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Seminaari 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Tentti 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Harjoitus R 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Harjoitus R 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta
Small groups
  • Info 1
  • Lecture 1
  • Seminar 1
  • Exam 1
  • Practice R 1
  • Practice R 2

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the scientific basis, values, ethical principles and guidelines of nursing
- identify different client groups in nursing
- describe the starting points and principles of customer guidance
- list data protection and security requirements and social legislation for social and health care
- explain the main principles of social and health documentation and plan the nursing process

Implementation and methods of teaching

Lectures, online workshops, independent studies

Learning material and recommended literature

Blomqvist M., Rummukainen T., Sainio T., Simola T. & Tyrisevä-Ryösö M. Hoitotyön perusosaaminen. 2022. Sanoma Pro Oy Digital book available with English translation program
Bunker Rosdahl, C. & Kowalski, M. T. (2017) Textbook of Basic Nursing 11th ed. Wolters Kluwer
Bastable, S. B. (2016) Essentials of Patient Education 2nd Ed. or newer (ebook available in library)
Weston, D., Burgess, A. & Roberts, S. (2017) Infection Prevention and Control at a Glance
Sandars, J. & Cook, G. (2007) ABC of Patient Safety, BMJ Books
Vincent, C. (2010) Patient Safety, Wiley & Sons (ebook available in library)
Waterson, P. (2018) Patient Safety Culture: Theory, Methods and Application (ebook available in library)
Alli, B. O. (2008 or newer) Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety, ILO

Other given material

Alternative completion methods

Students with Finnish/European practical nurse degree can prove their knowledge by RPL process in a form of exam. Separate enrollment for exam required.

Exam retakes

Resit exams in Exam facilities.

Learning environment

Contact learning at campus
Digital learning environment

Student time use and work load

1 ects equals 27 hours of work, altogether 5 ects = 135 hours


Principles of nursing, values, ethical principles and guidelines
Sustainable development
Different client groups in nursing
Principles of client education
The secrecy and non-disclosure requirements
Client with memory disease
The essential principles of nursing process and documentation

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

No prerequisites

Assessment criteria

The numeral course grade consists of exam grade and level of participation in lectures and seminars.
Participating in seminars is mandatory for approved course.
All assignments need to approved.

Assessment scale


Failed (0)

Exam failed and/or other parts of the course not approved (assignments and seminar participation).

Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student can name the principles, values and ethical guidelines of nursing
The student is able to recognize different client groups in nursing
The student is able to describe the principles of client education
The student can name the requirements of secrecy and disclosure
The student is able to describe the essential principles of nursing process and documentation

Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student
- can implement the principles, values and ethical guidelines of nursing
- is able to understand the meaning of different client groups in nursing
- is able to describe and implement the principles of client education
- can utilize the requirements of secrecy and disclosure
- is able to understand the essential principles of nursing process and documentation

Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)

The student
- can name, implement and assess the principles, values and ethical guidelines of nursing
- is able to assess the meaning different client groups in nursing
- is able to plan, implement and assess the principles of client education
- can interpret the requirements of secrecy and disclosure
- is able to manage the essential principles of nursing process and documentation


06.05.2024 - 17.11.2024


16.09.2024 - 01.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

10 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
  • Tiia Rask
  • Kati Nirkko
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse 24S Lappeenranta

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- explain the organization of the social and health service system and describe the client's position in the social and health service system
- describe the values and ethical principles in their field as well as the key regulations governing operations
- describe the principles of evidence-based information and action
- identify factors of well-being and functioning at an individual and community level

Implementation and methods of teaching

The course is completed entirely online, a total of 3 credits.
It is a completely independent online course that directly evaluates the returned tests/final exam.

Timing and attendance

The course is open: 16.9.2024 - 01.12.2024, online learning in Moodle

Learning material and recommended literature

The study material is announced in the course.

Alternative completion methods

Independent Online work.

Exam retakes

The course is open on 16.9. -01.12.2024.
Renewals in accordance with the instruction of the study course, during the opening hours of the study course.

Learning environment

Online working.

Student time use and work load

The course is 3 credits, and this means 81 hours of online learning for the student. The course has sections, each of which has its own tests. The student can progress one section at a time, once he has successfully completed the tests of the sections.

After all the sections, there is a final exam based on the content of the entire course, which must be completed successfully in order for the course to be approved.

The course requires the student to work independently: getting to know the materials in order to complete the tasks.


The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge about social and health care service systems. Student perceives the control system for social and health care and rehabilitation and is familiar to its key legal regulation and principles of function.

Learning outcomes of the course unit:
- explain the organization of the social and health service system and describe the client's position in the social and health service system
- describe the values and ethical principles in their field as well as the key regulations governing operations
- describe the principles of evidence-based information and action
- identify factors of well-being and functioning at an individual and community level

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

No previous studies are required.

Assessment criteria


Acceptance of the course requires independent information search, online study and
approved completion of the sections of the study course and the final exam.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

Passed / Failed