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Evaluation of Professional Paramedic Skills II and ProjectsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: AH00CL47


5 op


The student is able to
- make a systematic assessment of the condition of a disabled patient
- distinguish between high- and low-risk injury mechanisms and understand their effects on the patient's condition and treatment planning
- select appropriate support, transfer and care equipment and methods and use them safely
- understand the roles of co-operation authorities and the basics of radio traffic in the most common first aid situations
- demonstrate mastery of the basic knowledge and skills required for basic care in emergency care and the ability to work safely outside the hospital


09.12.2023 - 25.05.2025


01.08.2024 - 24.05.2026

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic (2021, 2022, 2023)
  • Monika Mäisti
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 22S A Lappeenranta

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- make a systematic assessment of the condition of a disabled patient
- distinguish between high- and low-risk injury mechanisms and understand their effects on the patient's condition and treatment planning
- select appropriate support, transfer and care equipment and methods and use them safely
- understand the roles of co-operation authorities and the basics of radio traffic in the most common first aid situations
- demonstrate mastery of the basic knowledge and skills required for basic care in emergency care and the ability to work safely outside the hospital

Implementation and methods of teaching

The assessment of professional competence at the nursing level consists of a national theory test and a demonstration test in emergency care. The implementation includes independent preparation for the theory test and the demonstration.

All necessary information for the implementation of the Nursing Skills Assessment II can be found in a separate module based on the module: assessment of professional competence in emergency care. You must register for the Moodle course yourself.

Project-based studies can be a variety of project-based studies or project-based tasks proposed by the student (e.g. in cooperation with the working world).

Learning material and recommended literature

Teoksista / oppaista uusimmat painokset
• ENSIHOITO: Kuisma-Holmström-Nurmi-Porthan-Taskinen
• Oireista työdiagnoosiin
• EKG akuuttihoidossa: Juha Jormakka ja Jukka Kettunen
• Suuronnettomuusopas (terveysportti)
• Potilasturvallisuus: Helovuo-Kinnunen-Peltomaa-Pennanen

• Keskeiset käypähoito-suositukset (Duodecim)
• Elvytys
• Elvytys (vastasyntynyt)
• Aivovammat
• Aivoinfarkti ja TIA
• Epileptinen kohtaus (pitkittynyt; status epilepticus)
• Epilepsiat ja kuumekouristukset (lapset)
• Stabiili sepelvaltimotauti
• Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus
• Sydämen vajaatoiminta
• Palliatiivinen hoito ja saattohoito

Terveysportista on saatavilla e-kirjana mm. EKG (soveltuvin osin)
Ensihoito-opas (www-versio)
Ensihoito-osaamisen kehittäminen täydennyskoulutuksen avulla: Jari Säämänen (soveltuvin osin)
Perustason ensihoito (soveltuvin osin)
Hotus/Hoitosuositus: Lasten kaltoinkohtelun tunnistamisen tehokkaat menetelmät sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa:

Alternative completion methods

There are no optional delivery modes for the assessment of professional competence.

Project studies (3 credits) allow for optional modes of delivery.

Working life cooperation

Working life cooperation between potential projects.

Exam retakes

The possibility of retaking the theory test on the days of the national theory test.

If you have failed the national theory test after two retakes, you will be given extra tasks by your teacher.

Learning environment

Sign up to the Skills Assessment and Project Studies module, where you will find all the additional implementation information.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Prerequisite for the national theoretical examination in emergency care is the successful completion of previous studies:

Assessment criteria

Assessment of professional skills II (2 ECTS) consists of two parts:

1) A national theory examination in emergency care. The pass mark for the theory test is 70%.
2) A competency assessment test, which is assessed by an external emergency care expert.

Assessment scale: pass/fail.

Project studies (3 credits) will be assessed as pass/fail.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

Approved assessment Professional assessment II
-A pass mark in the national theory test requires 70% correct in the theory test.
-100% correct in the pharmaceuticals test
-Full assessment according to a separate grading scale (in Moodle).

The boundary conditions and assessment of the project studies will be agreed with the course teacher.


09.12.2023 - 25.05.2025


01.08.2024 - 24.05.2026

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic (2021, 2022, 2023)
  • Monika Mäisti
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic 22S A Lappeenranta

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- make a systematic assessment of the condition of a disabled patient
- distinguish between high- and low-risk injury mechanisms and understand their effects on the patient's condition and treatment planning
- select appropriate support, transfer and care equipment and methods and use them safely
- understand the roles of co-operation authorities and the basics of radio traffic in the most common first aid situations
- demonstrate mastery of the basic knowledge and skills required for basic care in emergency care and the ability to work safely outside the hospital

Implementation and methods of teaching

The assessment of professional competence at the nursing level consists of a national theory test and a demonstration test in emergency care. The implementation includes independent preparation for the theory test and the demonstration.

All necessary information for the implementation of the Nursing Skills Assessment II can be found in a separate module based on the module: assessment of professional competence in emergency care. You must register for the Moodle course yourself.

Project-based studies can be a variety of project-based studies or project-based tasks proposed by the student (e.g. in cooperation with the working world).

Learning material and recommended literature

Teoksista / oppaista uusimmat painokset
• ENSIHOITO: Kuisma-Holmström-Nurmi-Porthan-Taskinen
• Oireista työdiagnoosiin
• EKG akuuttihoidossa: Juha Jormakka ja Jukka Kettunen
• Suuronnettomuusopas (terveysportti)
• Potilasturvallisuus: Helovuo-Kinnunen-Peltomaa-Pennanen

• Keskeiset käypähoito-suositukset (Duodecim)
• Elvytys
• Elvytys (vastasyntynyt)
• Aivovammat
• Aivoinfarkti ja TIA
• Epileptinen kohtaus (pitkittynyt; status epilepticus)
• Epilepsiat ja kuumekouristukset (lapset)
• Stabiili sepelvaltimotauti
• Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus
• Sydämen vajaatoiminta
• Palliatiivinen hoito ja saattohoito

Terveysportista on saatavilla e-kirjana mm. EKG (soveltuvin osin)
Ensihoito-opas (www-versio)
Ensihoito-osaamisen kehittäminen täydennyskoulutuksen avulla: Jari Säämänen (soveltuvin osin)
Perustason ensihoito (soveltuvin osin)
Hotus/Hoitosuositus: Lasten kaltoinkohtelun tunnistamisen tehokkaat menetelmät sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa:

Alternative completion methods

There are no optional delivery modes for the assessment of professional competence.

Project studies (3 credits) allow for optional modes of delivery.

Working life cooperation

Working life cooperation between potential projects.

Exam retakes

The possibility of retaking the theory test on the days of the national theory test.

If you have failed the national theory test after two retakes, you will be given extra tasks by your teacher.

Learning environment

Sign up to the Skills Assessment and Project Studies module, where you will find all the additional implementation information.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Prerequisite for the national theoretical examination in emergency care is the successful completion of previous studies:

Assessment criteria

Assessment of professional skills II (2 ECTS) consists of two parts:

1) A national theory examination in emergency care. The pass mark for the theory test is 70%.
2) A competency assessment test, which is assessed by an external emergency care expert.

Assessment scale: pass/fail.

Project studies (3 credits) will be assessed as pass/fail.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

Approved assessment Professional assessment II
-A pass mark in the national theory test requires 70% correct in the theory test.
-100% correct in the pharmaceuticals test
-Full assessment according to a separate grading scale (in Moodle).

The boundary conditions and assessment of the project studies will be agreed with the course teacher.


09.12.2023 - 25.05.2025


08.01.2024 - 25.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic (2021, 2022, 2023)
  • Mikko Kaartinen
  • Monika Mäisti
  • Anssi Hapuli

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- make a systematic assessment of the condition of a disabled patient
- distinguish between high- and low-risk injury mechanisms and understand their effects on the patient's condition and treatment planning
- select appropriate support, transfer and care equipment and methods and use them safely
- understand the roles of co-operation authorities and the basics of radio traffic in the most common first aid situations
- demonstrate mastery of the basic knowledge and skills required for basic care in emergency care and the ability to work safely outside the hospital

Implementation and methods of teaching

The assessment of professional competence at the nursing level consists of a national theory test and a demonstration test in emergency care. The implementation includes independent preparation for the theory test and the demonstration.

All necessary information for the implementation of the Nursing Skills Assessment II can be found in a separate module based on the module: assessment of professional competence in emergency care. You must register for the Moodle course yourself.

Project-based studies can be a variety of project-based studies or project-based tasks proposed by the student (e.g. in cooperation with the working world).

Learning material and recommended literature

Teoksista / oppaista uusimmat painokset
• ENSIHOITO: Kuisma-Holmström-Nurmi-Porthan-Taskinen
• Oireista työdiagnoosiin
• EKG akuuttihoidossa: Juha Jormakka ja Jukka Kettunen
• Suuronnettomuusopas (terveysportti)
• Potilasturvallisuus: Helovuo-Kinnunen-Peltomaa-Pennanen

• Keskeiset käypähoito-suositukset (Duodecim)
• Elvytys
• Elvytys (vastasyntynyt)
• Aivovammat
• Aivoinfarkti ja TIA
• Epileptinen kohtaus (pitkittynyt; status epilepticus)
• Epilepsiat ja kuumekouristukset (lapset)
• Stabiili sepelvaltimotauti
• Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus
• Sydämen vajaatoiminta
• Palliatiivinen hoito ja saattohoito

Terveysportista on saatavilla e-kirjana mm. EKG (soveltuvin osin)
Ensihoito-opas (www-versio)
Ensihoito-osaamisen kehittäminen täydennyskoulutuksen avulla: Jari Säämänen (soveltuvin osin)
Perustason ensihoito (soveltuvin osin)
Hotus/Hoitosuositus: Lasten kaltoinkohtelun tunnistamisen tehokkaat menetelmät sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa:

Alternative completion methods

There are no optional delivery modes for the assessment of professional competence.

Project studies (3 credits) allow for optional modes of delivery.

Working life cooperation

Working life cooperation between potential projects.

Exam retakes

The possibility of retaking the theory test on the days of the national theory test.

If you have failed the national theory test after two retakes, you will be given extra tasks by your teacher.

Learning environment

Sign up to the Skills Assessment and Project Studies module, where you will find all the additional implementation information.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Prerequisite for the national theoretical examination in emergency care is the successful completion of previous studies:

Assessment criteria

Assessment of professional skills II (2 ECTS) consists of two parts:

1) A national theory examination in emergency care. The pass mark for the theory test is 70%.
2) A competency assessment test, which is assessed by an external emergency care expert.

Assessment scale: pass/fail.

Project studies (3 credits) will be assessed as pass/fail.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

Approved assessment Professional assessment II
-A pass mark in the national theory test requires 70% correct in the theory test.
-100% correct in the pharmaceuticals test
-Full assessment according to a separate grading scale (in Moodle).

The boundary conditions and assessment of the project studies will be agreed with the course teacher.


09.12.2023 - 25.05.2025


08.01.2024 - 25.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)


Lappeenranta Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic (2021, 2022, 2023)
  • Mikko Kaartinen
  • Monika Mäisti
  • Anssi Hapuli

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- make a systematic assessment of the condition of a disabled patient
- distinguish between high- and low-risk injury mechanisms and understand their effects on the patient's condition and treatment planning
- select appropriate support, transfer and care equipment and methods and use them safely
- understand the roles of co-operation authorities and the basics of radio traffic in the most common first aid situations
- demonstrate mastery of the basic knowledge and skills required for basic care in emergency care and the ability to work safely outside the hospital

Implementation and methods of teaching

The assessment of professional competence at the nursing level consists of a national theory test and a demonstration test in emergency care. The implementation includes independent preparation for the theory test and the demonstration.

All necessary information for the implementation of the Nursing Skills Assessment II can be found in a separate module based on the module: assessment of professional competence in emergency care. You must register for the Moodle course yourself.

Project-based studies can be a variety of project-based studies or project-based tasks proposed by the student (e.g. in cooperation with the working world).

Learning material and recommended literature

Teoksista / oppaista uusimmat painokset
• ENSIHOITO: Kuisma-Holmström-Nurmi-Porthan-Taskinen
• Oireista työdiagnoosiin
• EKG akuuttihoidossa: Juha Jormakka ja Jukka Kettunen
• Suuronnettomuusopas (terveysportti)
• Potilasturvallisuus: Helovuo-Kinnunen-Peltomaa-Pennanen

• Keskeiset käypähoito-suositukset (Duodecim)
• Elvytys
• Elvytys (vastasyntynyt)
• Aivovammat
• Aivoinfarkti ja TIA
• Epileptinen kohtaus (pitkittynyt; status epilepticus)
• Epilepsiat ja kuumekouristukset (lapset)
• Stabiili sepelvaltimotauti
• Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus
• Sydämen vajaatoiminta
• Palliatiivinen hoito ja saattohoito

Terveysportista on saatavilla e-kirjana mm. EKG (soveltuvin osin)
Ensihoito-opas (www-versio)
Ensihoito-osaamisen kehittäminen täydennyskoulutuksen avulla: Jari Säämänen (soveltuvin osin)
Perustason ensihoito (soveltuvin osin)
Hotus/Hoitosuositus: Lasten kaltoinkohtelun tunnistamisen tehokkaat menetelmät sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa:

Alternative completion methods

There are no optional delivery modes for the assessment of professional competence.

Project studies (3 credits) allow for optional modes of delivery.

Working life cooperation

Working life cooperation between potential projects.

Exam retakes

The possibility of retaking the theory test on the days of the national theory test.

If you have failed the national theory test after two retakes, you will be given extra tasks by your teacher.

Learning environment

Sign up to the Skills Assessment and Project Studies module, where you will find all the additional implementation information.

Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.

Prerequisite for the national theoretical examination in emergency care is the successful completion of previous studies:

Assessment criteria

Assessment of professional skills II (2 ECTS) consists of two parts:

1) A national theory examination in emergency care. The pass mark for the theory test is 70%.
2) A competency assessment test, which is assessed by an external emergency care expert.

Assessment scale: pass/fail.

Project studies (3 credits) will be assessed as pass/fail.

Assessment scale


Assessment criteria: assessment scale failed/approved

Approved assessment Professional assessment II
-A pass mark in the national theory test requires 70% correct in the theory test.
-100% correct in the pharmaceuticals test
-Full assessment according to a separate grading scale (in Moodle).

The boundary conditions and assessment of the project studies will be agreed with the course teacher.