Effective PresentationsLaajuus (2 cr)
Code: KE00CQ81
2 op
Teaching language
- English
Responsible person
- Mohammad Etedali
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- plan, prepare and execute a persuasive and engaging presentation
- use intonation and stress to amplify their message
- use various delivery techniques such as pacing, chunking and repetition
- design and use visual materials effectively in their presentation.
06.05.2024 - 17.10.2024
28.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 40
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Language studies LUT
- Olesia Kullberg
Scheduling groups
- Harjoitukset (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Practice
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- plan, prepare and execute a persuasive and engaging presentation
- use intonation and stress to amplify their message
- use various delivery techniques such as pacing, chunking and repetition
- design and use visual materials effectively in their presentation.
Implementation and methods of teaching
The aim of the course is to practice speaking and presenting. The focus is on preparing and giving speeches and professional presentations in English. To practice speaking, students prepare three speeches or presentations and give them individually or in pairs or small groups.
Timing and attendance
The first session is on Thursday 31 October 2024 at 14.15-16.00 in classroom 1565.
Other sessions:
12.12.2024 14.00 KE00CQ81-3004 Effective Presentations classroom 1367
05.12.2024 14.00 KE00CQ81-3004 Effective Presentations 1369
28.11.2024 14.00 KE00CQ81-3004 Effective Presentations 1565
21.11.2024 14.00 KE00CQ81-3004 Effective Presentations 1564
14.11.2024 14.00 KE00CQ81-3004 Effective Presentations 1565
07.11.2024 14.00 KE00CQ81-3004 Effective Presentations 1369
31.10.2024 14.00 KE00CQ81-3004 Effective Presentations 1565
Learning material and recommended literature
All course materials are provided via Moodle and at lessons.
This course provides students with practice in structuring a speech or presentation, delivery techniques, audience interaction, signposting, use of visual aids.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
Intermediate to upper-intermediate level skills in spoken English (e.g. CEFR B2, IELTS 6-6.5).
Assessment criteria
Grades are based on performance during assessed presentations.
Assessment scale
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
Student attended all sessions.
Student is able to prepare and deliver a coherent presentation.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
Student attended all sessions.
Student is able to prepare and deliver a professional and coherent presentation that is appropriate to the target audience.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
Student attended all sessions.
Student understands the various purposes behind presentations.
Student is able to consider audience interaction, body language and preparation of props and other materials in support of speech.
Student is able to prepare and fluently deliver a professional and coherent presentation that is appropriate to the target audience.
15.05.2023 - 01.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 22.10.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Lappeenranta Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Language studies LAB
- Language studies LUT
- Riitta Gröhn
Scheduling groups
- Luennot (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Luennot 1
Learning outcomes
Proficiency level: B2
Students are able to
- plan, prepare and execute a persuasive and engaging presentation
- use intonation and stress to amplify their message
- use various delivery techniques such as pacing, chunking and repetition
- design and use visual materials effectively in their presentation.
Implementation and methods of teaching
he aim of the course to practice speaking and presenting. The focus is on preparing and giving speeches and professional presentations in English. To practice speaking, students prepare three speeches or presentations and give them individually or in pairs or small groups.
Timing and attendance
The course runs from September 5 through October 23..
Learning material and recommended literature
All course materials are provided via Moodle and at lessons.
his course provides students with practice in structuring a speech or presentation, delivery techniques, audience interaction, signposting, use of visual aids.
This course provides students with practice in structuring a speech or presentation, delivery techniques, audience interaction, signposting, use of visual aids.
Additional information for students: previous knowledge etc.
Intermediate to upper-intermediate level skills in spoken English (e.g. CEFR B1/B2, IELTS 6-6.5).
Assessment criteria
Grades are based on performance during assessed presentations.
Assessment scale
Assessment criteria: level 1 (assessment scale 1–5)
Student attended all sessions.
Student is able to prepare and deliver a coherent presentation.
Assessment criteria: level 3 (assessment scale 1–5)
Student attended all sessions.
Student is able to prepare and deliver a coherent presentation.
Student is able to prepare and deliver a professional and coherent presentation that is appropriate to the target audience.
Assessment criteria: level 5 (assessment scale 1–5)
tudent attended all sessions.
Student is able to prepare and deliver a coherent presentation.
Student is able to prepare and deliver a professional and coherent presentation that is appropriate to the target audience.
Student understands the various purposes behind presentations.
Student is able to consider audience interaction, body language and preparation of props and other materials in support of speech.