Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Event Tourism (3 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: AL00CC07-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


01.07.2021 - 05.09.2021


09.11.2021 - 16.12.2021


3 op




Liiketoiminta (LAB)


Lahden kampus


  • Englanti


  • Matkailu- ja tapahtumaliiketoiminnan koulutus


  • Ilkka Lehtola


  • Luennot 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)


  • LLTIEX21K3
    Saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat K21, pitkät vaihdot, matkailu, Lahti
    Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) syksy 2021, Liiketoimintayksikkö
    Matkailu- ja tapahtumaliiketoiminnan koulutus 20S Lahti


  • Luennot 1


To know which meaning events have in the field of tourism. Student will understand impacts of event and how to plan event and what are the stakeholders needed to organisine an event.

Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät

Implementation of the course through combination of classroom teaching, on-line studies and independent distant learning. Lectures, case studies, exercises, exam/course assignment

Ajoitus ja läsnäolo


Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

To be published in the beginning of the course, available on moodle platform


Exam/course assignment when course will be completed. Re-exams during given re-exam dates


Content: Essence of events and different kind of events, connection between tourism and events. Events from the professional perspective - stages of event planning. Needs for event clients with customer experience (demand) and benefits offered by event (supply)

Lisätietoja opiskelijalle: mm. edeltävä osaaminen

Basics of Tourism


Accepted exercises, exam/course assignment with grading 5-0



Hylätty (0)

Failed exercises and exam/ course assignment

Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

Identifies the essence of events and recognizes different kind of events. Can name the basics from the connection between tourism and events. Has learned to observe events from the professional perspective and partly from event organizers point of view. Could recognize some of the needs of the event for clients (demand) and benefits offered by event (supply). Could describe some stages of the event planning on course assignment.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

Understands the essence of events and recognizes different kind of events. Can name the connection between tourism and events. Has systematic understanding capability to observe events from the professional perspective and from event organizers point of view. Could recognize the needs of the event for clients (demand) and benefits offered by event (supply). Could describe most of the stages of the event planning on course assignment.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

Could deeply describe the essence of events and knows different kind of events. Can name the connection between tourism and events and their importance and impacts to environment and stakeholders. Has systematic understanding capability to observe and analyze events success factors from the professional perspective and from event organizers point of view. Could recognize and specify needs of the event for clients (demand) and benefits offered by event (supply). Could completely and systematically specify the stages of the event planning on course assignment with realistic arguments. Implements studies systematically during given schedule.