Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Personalized Wellbeing Technology SolutionsLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: AH00CX23


5 op


  • englanti


The student is able to
- evaluate personalized wellbeing solutions in social and health services
- defend the applications of wellbeing technology in promotion of personalized wellbeing
- describe the use of wellbeing solution in social and health services and wellbeing
- analyze the suitability of wellbeing technology for care and wellbeing purposes


29.07.2023 - 27.08.2023


05.02.2024 - 28.03.2024


5 op


5 op




Hyvinvointi (LAB)



  • Englanti
  • Täydentävä osaaminen ja vapaavalintaiset opinnot, AMK
  • Hannele Tiittanen
  • Annamaija Id-Korhonen
    Täydentävä osaaminen (AMK) 2023-2024, Hyvinvointiyksikkö


The student is able to
- evaluate personalized wellbeing solutions in social and health services
- defend the applications of wellbeing technology in promotion of personalized wellbeing
- describe the use of wellbeing solution in social and health services and wellbeing
- analyze the suitability of wellbeing technology for care and wellbeing purposes

Toteutustapa ja opetusmenetelmät

Orientation meeting and instructions
Team learning
-Case studies and demos
-Video presentations of technologies
-Article writing

Ajoitus ja läsnäolo

Orientation meeting and instructions 5.2.2024 at 16.00
Obligatory guidance sessions 22.2. at 16-18 and 14.3. at 16-18.
Video submission 22.3.
Article submission 28.3.


Virtual campus


Remote and virtual environments and services
Utilization of digital platforms
Basics of artificial intelligence in wellbeing
VR solutions in wellness services
Sensor technology
Wearable technology, exoskeletons
Applications of robotics in wellbeing
Remote guidance
Accessibility and usability of welfare technology from the point of view of different user groups
The customer as a producer and user of information
Interpretation and utilization of monitoring data
Protection of physical and mental health from the risks of digital environments and technologies
Data protection and security related to wellness technology.


Accepted group assignment of article and video.



Hylätty (0)

Student has not attended to the group work. Assignment of article ad video not following the instructions, not accepted.

Arviointikriteerit: taso 1: (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

The student is able to
- evaluate few applications of the personalized wellbeing solutions from different perspectives in social and health care services and wellbeing.
- describe the applications of wellbeing technology in promotion of personalized wellbeing
- describe the use of wellbeing solutions in social and health services and wellbeing
- analyze the suitability of wellbeing technology for care and wellbeing purposes

Arviointikriteerit: taso 3 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

The student is able to
- evaluate some of the personalized wellbeing solutions from different perspectives in social and health care services and wellbeing.
- describe some applications of wellbeing technology in promotion of personalized wellbeing
- describe and give some examples of the use of wellbeing solutions in social and health services and wellbeing
- analyze the suitability of some wellbeing technology for care and wellbeing purposes

Arviointikriteerit: taso 5 (arviointiasteikko 1-5)

The student is able to
- evaluate multiple personalized wellbeing solutions from different perspectives in social and health care services and wellbeing.
- describe critically multiple applications of wellbeing technology in promotion of personalized wellbeing.
- describe and give multiple examples of the use of wellbeing solutions from different perspectives in social and health services and wellbeing.
- analyze critically the suitability of multiple wellbeing technology for care and wellbeing purposes.